Saturday, December 18, 2010

“Sherlock Holmes” Case of the: “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”

Sherlock Holmes”
Case of the: “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”
(Chapter 1)
On a most Dreadful of all afternoons of “high humidity” at an evening setting of afternoon tea during the summer of 1918, June 23rd
Holmes and myself had become accustom to engage in the “Trifle affairs” of entertainment among the lasts edition of the “English Press, when for the strangest of reasoning “Holmes” arrange for “Mrs. Hudson” to prepare a batch of sandwiches with cookies and a large pitcher of “Milk”,
I admit I was just working the delightful uncomforting tummy pains within the past 35 moments of “Delightful wild rice stuff Cornish Game Pheasant” with all of the other proper attire one would indulge in” and with “Harmony of Pleasures”.
When “Holmes announce “Watson” we have a Army of Arriving “Guest”, and they bring news of “Travel of Afar, which this well diligence and prompt Professionals are indeed requesting a handsome payment (9) pence silver for each”, for such good, enthuse, and I may say excitement in delivery of such News….
As I query this announcement into play, my natural reaction was to reply “Holmes” we have been together all of the afternoon and no such postman, post such delivery of these developments,
Neither any such important news as this came about any messenger, and just when this information became of knowledge to you…
“Holmes” had quickly interrupted and replied 3 and ½ minutes ago, and as this quick time frame was stated to me’; I notice “Holmes”, moving quickly about packing for a “Voyage” of some sorts, And without so much of a glance “Holmes” dictated the “Particulars” which bring this indeed, amazement chain of “Worldly” events to print, with the “Occult”,
Unnatural hexing of superstition” and practices of Bizarre Voodoo Witchcraft”…. In a disguise to aid a long History of Criminal Misdeeds….
As “Holmes” finished his sentences of “Witchcraft” leaving me quite “very stung in my thoughts, tracks, and speech”, “Holmes” quickly insert that my “Professional Medical opinion is required with greatness of urgency,
Because the “Doctor” list here on his card one “Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.” whom we shall be paying a “special consultation” visit to, lives in “America” “Watson”
And is of having an Official title of sorts as a “Prince of a Tribe in Lagos Nigeria, Africa”, and
A Practices of “Professional Medicine” within the United States, his Doctor office is location in Houston Texas, bring about a long list of fictitious characters within himself, with “Head Hunter acting agents and confederates “Watson”….”leaving the naked eye to behold”.
And then there is “Professor James Majority” sending us a personal special invite “Live” in the “American Wire”, while the “Devil himself” is maintaining some distance here in some “raunchy habitual hole” deep in the “Dark of London England” under the “Character name of (Dortrupt) ….which this is indeed a lame blind “Watson”, but let it be what it may’.
But I feel “Watson” our summons of a “Brisk Ocean Voyage Travel should give us a well deserve breath of fresh open air and some slight sightseeing adventure along the way, if nothing the less, a little bore regret, and unavoidable dilly.
You see for “Watson” at 4 and ½ minutes ago, the painting on the “Wall near the window, started a slight tremble, and as the dash of each 20 second past, the lamp join in, with just a slight more tremble state, then the painting”.
And as you can hear now from the racing sound at 5 blocks now away “Watson” of a “Team of Horses” at full throttle in this direction of our “Baker Street” lodgings…..Carrying these lads in a pallor of their own Army, whom all are in my faithful employment,
And from the sounds at this very moment as they attempt to bring thunder to stop, theses lads are very quite rich, and happy in the deliver on the News which require at the bequest of “Professor James Majority” “Watson” we are require to engage in the disappearance to America”…. And for these Sandwiches, Cookies, is a well deserve Bonus…

By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr. Bluefin): To be continue…….

(Chapter 2)
Holmes and I finishing “packing what seem to be the “entire loot” of our joining establishment”, into several waiting sturdy “Hansoms, all but a “few chemical bottles”, and couple of old outdated news manuscripts,
Which we then departed for our long eventful journey to “Bourneufourt Harbor” through out the Country sides of England to Board “Agamemnon Ocean Vessel”,
As the ride endure “Holmes to my surprise became my amuse tour guide expert on “English Ocean Shipping Vessels” with the light recital into also “Ajax and “Achilles” of all three of Alfred Holt’s first shipping vessels;
The history of the Alfred Holt‘s Ocean Shipping Group begins as thus in 1865, when two brothers, Alfred and Philip Holt of Liverpool, set up the Ocean Steamship Company.
Its purpose was to provide a regular steamship cargo service from England to China, at first via the Cape of Good Hope.
At that time the steamship was not considered an economical long distance cargo carrier, but the Holt brothers planned to use a new type of steamer that they were convinced could compete effectively with sail on this route.
This was an ambitious project requiring a large investment. It involved building three ships, each of 2,280 tons, iron-hulled, and powered by a new type of compound steam engine designed by Alfred Holt, who was an engineer.
He and his brother were the sons of a wealthy Liverpool cotton broker, and they had already proven the potential of this type of ship in West Indian trade.
By selling the five ships they had owned in that trade they were able to put up almost half the capital needed for the new enterprise. The rest of the money came from other members of the family and their business friends in Liverpool.
The company was founded before the days of limited liability, so all the shareholders were taking a considerable risk. The two Holt brothers, then aged 37 and 36, took on the management of the ships.
Their gamble paid off. The ships performed well and the cargoes followed: in the early days the chief goods transported were cotton textiles, which went from England to China, and tea, which went from China back to England.
The Holts' ships became well known for their classical names (Agamemnon, Ajax, and Achilles were the first three) and their trademark blue funnels. Although the company was officially called the Ocean Steamship Co. it was much more often referred to as "Holts" or the "Blue Funnel Line."
For you see “Watson” not only will our “Travel to “America” be secure in the sounds of a fine on going ocean vessel transportation,
But we will be having Dinner Guest” with the “Captain Ronald Niel Stuart, whom has also secure us well fine “Statements Quarters” lodgings,
Captain Ronald Niel Stuart VC DSO RD RNR was highly decorated for his service in the Royal Navy during the first World War I.
In addition to his British decorations, he was honored with the French Croix de Guerre and the United States' Navy Cross while serving in the Royal Navy during the First Battle of the Atlantic.
Never such their be a more “Master at the Helm” with a fine “Steward Department for pleasant dining,
I am sure all of our creature comforts would be nothing less then adequate met at best or no more equal to our lodging at “Baker Street”, “Watson”.
But do take a bit of caution, there is a on going “War” and our passage through La Manche (English Channel) will prove to be our first stakes at High Sea Adventure to the United States “Watson”.

(Chapter 3)
As we near the English coat lines for “Bourneufourt Harbor” to board our passage trip “Sherlock Holmes” continue at his wit’s of a “timeline” of the on going “War” from start to the present day of June 23rd 1918
On 28 June 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian-Serb student and member of Young Bosnia, assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, Bosnia.
This began a period of diplomatic maneuvering between Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France and Britain called the July Crisis.
Wanting to end Serbian interference in Bosnia conclusively, Austria-Hungary delivered the July Ultimatum to Serbia, a series of ten demands which were intentionally unacceptable, made with the intention of deliberately initiating a war with Serbia.
When Serbia acceded to only eight of the ten demands levied against it in the ultimatum, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914. Strachan argues "Whether an equivocal and early response by Serbia would have made any difference to Austria-Hungary's behavior must be doubtful.
Franz Ferdinand was not the sort of personality who commanded popularity, and his demise did not cast the empire into deepest mourning".
The Russian Empire, unwilling to allow Austria–Hungary to eliminate its influence in the Balkans, and in support of its long time Serb protégés, ordered a partial mobilization one day later.
When the German Empire began to mobilize on 30 July 1914, France, sporting significant animosity over the German conquest of Alsace-Lorraine during the Franco-Prussian War, ordered French mobilization on 1 August. Germany declared war on Russia on the same day.
The United Kingdom declared war on Germany, on 4 August 1914, following an 'unsatisfactory reply' to the British ultimatum that Belgium must be kept neutral.

World War I (1914–1918)

Imperial, territorial, and economic rivalries led to the “Great War” between the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey) and the Allies (U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Montenegro, Portugal, Italy, and Japan). About 10 million combatants killed, 20 million wounded.
Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife assassinated in Sarajevo by Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip (June 28). Austria declares war on Serbia (July 28). Germany declares war on Russia (Aug. 1), on France (Aug. 3), invades Belgium (Aug. 4). Britain declares war on Germany (Aug. 4). Germans defeat Russians in Battle of Tannenberg on Eastern Front (Aug.). First Battle of the Marne (Sept.). German drive stopped 25 miles from Paris. By end of year, war on the Western Front is “positional” in the trenches.
German submarine blockade of Great Britain begins (Feb.). Dardanelles Campaign—British land in Turkey (April), withdraw from Gallipoli (Dec.–Jan. 1916). Germans use gas at second Battle of Ypres (April–May). Lusitania sunk by German submarine—1,198 lost, including 128 Americans (May 7). On Eastern Front, German and Austrian “great offensive” conquers all of Poland and Lithuania; Russians lose 1 million men (by Sept. 6). “Great Fall Offensive” by Allies results in little change from 1914 (Sept.–Oct.). Britain and France declare war on Bulgaria (Oct. 14).
Battle of Verdun—Germans and French each lose about 350,000 men (Feb.). Extended submarine warfare begins (March). British-German sea battle of Jutland (May); British lose more ships, but German fleet never ventures forth again. On Eastern Front, the Brusilov offensive demoralizes Russians, costs them 1 million men (June–Sept.). Battle of the Somme—British lose over 400,000; French, 200,000; Germans, about 450,000; all with no strategic results (July–Nov.). Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary (Aug. 27). Bucharest captured (Dec.).
U.S. declares war on Germany (April 6). Submarine warfare at peak (April). On Italian Front, Battle of Caporetto—Italians retreat, losing 600,000 prisoners and deserters (Oct.–Dec.). On Western Front, Battles of Arras, Champagne, Ypres (third battle), etc. First large British tank attack (Nov.). U.S. declares war on Austria-Hungary (Dec. 7). Armistice between new Russian Bolshevik government and Germans (Dec. 15).
Great offensive by Germans (March–June).
Americans' first important battle role at Château-Thierry—as they and French stop German advance (June).
And as you see “Watson” within a few more months of this “Trifle War Business”, all soon shall decease, but we must not be distracted at this present state,
English Parliament has also attached a brief task to our mission in making sure these “State Documents” reach the “America Naval Commanders” in their assistances to defeat the German-U Boat brigades,
With Professor James Majority spies waiting at the shipping docks to be assure we in fact departed,
In order that Professor James Majority is able to further mastermind a “Maritime hostile Sea style ambush” in the sinking of the “Agamemnon Ocean Vessel”, at some point and time in our journey “Watson”,
Which is why Captain Ronald Niel Stuart VC DSO RD RNR of the “Royal Navy” has been dispatch in a decoy position as acting “Merchant Captain” for the “Agamemnon” during this special voyage when in all actuality “Watson” this is a joint “Military procedure” with the “Americans” with us being the “lambs” to attracted the German U-Boat brigades into a chess position for a “counter attack”,
The “Agamemnon” ships manifest has already announced our departure time,
So the rest is just simple “Elementary timing “Watson”.
We will sneak aboard an English Submarine attached to “tugboat” uncheck as we are ready in position to leave in the English shipping channel
This is deadly serious - we're being hunted by a fleet of the German U-Boats and two warships armed to the teeth “Watson”.
After were secure our pretense of arriving on the shipping docks, secure our belongings and wait for the correct timing in the positioning of “The Agamemnon” in the shipping harbor with the tugboats in tow.
Moments as we were on board the English submarine and at approximately at 8,500 yards, one contact German U-boat came into visual.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Ship control, “Dive the submarine!
Ensign: Aye, sir. Diving now, diving now.
Sherlock Holmes: In a matter of minutes, we'd all but vanished - our last link to the world above “Watson” is our periscopes.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Stand clear I have the “Con”, sound “General Quarters!
We have two U-Boat coming in fast, one of them has rig for “depth charges” and were now in a scenario where we having to attack them both before they attacks us, both of them got the fast speed and the maneuverability to make our life very difficult,
So the game can change very quickly.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Lt. Moore, come to a heading of 368 degrees to port.
Lt. Moore: Yes Sir’ we are at a heading of 368 degrees to port “Cmdr. Bluefin” and both German U-Boats is now in our crosshairs.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: OK, Holmes, that's both of our targets. Have a look! “Helm Master” Make ready and flood torpedo tube “2 and 4” for a quick fire shot for the two German U-Boats, sound alarm for collusion.
Lt. Moore: Cmdr. Bluefin, final 2 Battle ship targets are set up and ready to shoot Sir, sounding alarm for collusion “Sir.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Fire two tubes! Fire four tubes! “Helm Master” current (2) torpedo update and (4) tube torpedo update;
Helm Master: Cmdr. Bluefin torpedo (2) and (4) running shallow and on “direct target” for both German U-Boat sir…and both U-Boats just now went into defensive evasive maneuvers “Sir;
In an attempt to trying to outrun the torpedo(s) “Sir”, and the German U-Boats are not only trying to outrun the torpedo “Sir” but also trying to confuse them by their maneuvers.
Sonar: Cmdr. Bluefin Torpedo! Torpedo! Torpedo! In the water Bearing at 240 relative.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Fire one tube! And fire 4 tubes! At heading 348 for the 2- German Battle Ships!
Dive Master comes to a depth of 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) we will be safe below,
Mr. Holmes and Doctor Watson this sub is ready to go to war at a moments notice - stocked with fuel, ammunition and food for potentially months on end and at 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) we can remain submerged for 6 months,
We will just “bird dog” The “Agamemnon” to a safety zone within the United States inter-coast water way and their Mr. Holmes and Doctor “Watson” you will be re-boarded with the “Agamemnon” for the “last leg of your voyage” to the Port of Houston Texas.
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr. Bluefin).

(Chapter 4)
The Deaf Pounding of a large, strong, and full bombardment from the ever “Sneaky” RAF (Royal Air Force) “surprise counter attack”, upon the approaching “German Battleships” with the (2) impound Torpedo’s in a “direct heading” for the Port side hull of the escaping U-Boats, cause a complete needed diverted attention from any further “Hostile threats” directed at “The Agamemnon”, and the HMS Abdülmecid, submerging by XO “Cmdr. Bluefin” orders to dive for a safety depth of 1,300 meters (4,265 feet),
Within the timing of the RAF attack, “Holmes and “my self” was at Gratitude of lost amazement(s) in the “premeditate design” in the well executed plans made at the hands of this “experiences submarine commander”
And the entire “HMS” “Naval” and “Air-force Services” eager compliances to sending off “Sherlock Holmes” and “my self” unto the ‘open sea’ with a surprise current telegraph listed on the “wire console” address to Mr. Holmes which ran as thus:
S. H.” “Thanks” for the expedited State return of the three missing pages of the Bruce-Partington Plans" by themselves could enable one of Britain’s enemies to build a “Bruce-Partington submarine”.
We all of England” forever in your brother Mycroft, Mr. Watson, and your pure unselfish pursuits “Mr. Sherlock Holmes debts,
Hope the send off was not a bit to on the stiff or sentimental side with a little tad on the much”
Please come to a ‘South Sea’ heading for ‘Azores Biscay’, for ‘Arquipelago Dos Acores’, to a due East heading to the ‘Bermuda Island’,
Then to a direct due Eastern steer for a 1 mile ride off “Cape Canaveral” Florida, “warm waters” South to pick up the ‘Gulf stream current’, into the “Straits of Florida”, from their into the Gulf of Mexico with a Southeast heading for “Galveston Island”;
Complete lodging is made at the “Hotel Galvez” on the Island” at daily rate of $2.00 American Dollars
Contact with “Lady Ann” Is located at 29°31'18" North, 98°30'60" West (29.521762, -98.516601) on July 14th 1918 3: pm.
(Good Luck) Mr. Holmes and have a safe “journey and return” to “Baker Street”, by the order of “Prime Minister “David Lloyd George” and “King George V.
Holmes asked for a directed route as require by the orders of “Prime Minister “David Lloyd George” and “King George V.
And to the full amazement to the entire crew on the bridge “Holmes went into a moment quick story for a life survival of the giant storm surge scoured Galveston Island on Sept. 8, 1900,
Sweeping an untold number of people out to sea. Most of them drowned, but some of them were already dead.
Had it not been struck by the killer hurricane, Galveston might have become the South’s New York City, an island metropolis of towering skyscrapers with its residential neighborhoods sprawling across the bay. Instead, the storm stunted Galveston’s growth.

One the up side of things, the destructive hurricane led to a new form of municipal government within the “Gulf Coast”, and brought about the construction of a massive seawall through out the area
And an equally-huge engineering project has started to raise the elevation of the entire city.
For you see “Watson” for the “future of subsequent hurricanes”, this “American instituted Engineering work” shall saved countless lives.
However we will become upon the American coastal in a impose blackout and Galveston’s “Mardi Gras” due to the outbreak of the War, the Coronation will be canceled.

(Chapter 5)
20 Man hours having past into our being safely well underway’, Holmes, Cmdr. Bluefin, and my self had begun to engage in the discussion of the real purpose of the needed urgencies to be attached to “America”.
Cmdr. Bluefin led the charts out and opens the mission ops with a brief History on Kaiser Wilhelm


Wilhelm was born on 27 January 1859 in Berlin to Prince Frederick William of Prussia (the future Frederick III) and his wife, Victoria, Princess Royal of England. He was the first grandchild of Victoria of the United Kingdom, placing him sixth in the British line of succession. More importantly, as the son of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Wilhelm was (from 1861) the second in the line of succession to Prussia, and also, after 1871, to the German Empire, which,
According to the constitution of the German Empire, was ruled by the Prussian King. As with most Victorian era royalty, he was related to many of Europe's royal families. He was the first cousin of George V and Maud of Wales.
Wilhelm with his father in 1862
A traumatic breech birth left him with a withered left arm due to Erb's palsy, which he tried with some success to conceal. In many photos he carries a pair of white gloves in his left hand to make the arm seem longer, or has his crippled arm on the hilt of a sword or holding a cane to give the effect of a useful limb being posed at a dignified angle.
Biographers including Miranda Carter have suggested that this disability affected his emotional development. Early years
Wilhelm, beginning at age 6 was tutored by the 39-year old teacher Georg Hinzpeter. He stated later that his instructor never uttered a word of praise for his efforts.[1] As a teenager he was educated at Kassel at the Friedrichsgymnasium and the University of Bonn, where he became a member of Corps Borussia Bonn. Wilhelm was possessed of a quick intelligence, but unfortunately this was often overshadowed by a cantankerous temper.
Wilhelm took an interest in the science and technology of the age, but although he liked to pose in conversation as a man of the world, he remained convinced that he belonged to a distinct order of mankind, designated for monarchy by the grace of God. Wilhelm was accused of megalomania as early as 1892, by the Portuguese man of letters Eça de Queiroz, then in 1894 by the German pacifist Ludwig Quidde.
William I (1861–1888)
   Wilhelm II
Wilhelm II (1888–1918)
Grandchildren include

As a scion of the Royal house of Hohenzollern, Wilhelm was also exposed from an early age to the military society of the Prussian aristocracy. This had a major impact on him and, in maturity; Wilhelm was seldom to be seen out of uniform. The hyper-masculine military culture of Prussia in this period did much to frame Wilhelm's political ideals as well as his personal relationships.
Crown Prince Frederick was viewed by his son with a deeply felt love and respect. His father's status as a hero of the wars of unification was largely responsible for the young Wilhelm's attitude, as in the circumstances in which he was raised; close emotional contact between father and son was not encouraged. Later, as he came into contact with the Crown Prince's political opponents, Wilhelm came to adopt more ambivalent feelings toward his father, given the perceived influence of Wilhelm's mother over a figure who should have been possessed of masculine independence and strength.
Wilhelm also idolized his grandfather, Wilhelm I, and he was instrumental in later attempts to foster a cult of the first German Emperor as "Wilhelm the Great".
In many ways, Wilhelm was a victim of his inheritance and of Otto von Bismarck's machinations. Both sides of his family had suffered from mental illness, and this may explain his emotional instability. The Emperor's parents, Frederick and Victoria, were great admirers of the Prince Consort of the United Kingdom, Victoria's father. They planned to rule as consorts, like Albert and Queen Victoria, and they planned to reform the fatal flaws in the executive branch that Bismarck had created for himself.
The office of Chancellor responsible to the Emperor would be replaced with a British-style cabinet, with ministers responsible to the Reichstag. Government policy would be based on the consensus of the cabinet. Frederick "described the Imperial Constitution as 'ingeniously contrived chaos.'
The Crown Prince and Princess shared the outlook of the Progressive Party, and Bismarck was haunted by the fear that should the old Emperor die--and he was now in his seventies--they would call on one of the Progressive leaders to become Chancellor. He sought to guard against such a turn by keeping the Crown Prince from a position of any influence and by using foul means as well as fair to make him unpopular.
When Wilhelm was in his early twenties, Bismarck tried to separate him from his liberal parents with some success. Bismarck planned to use the young prince as a weapon against his parents in order to retain his own political dominance. Wilhelm thus developed a dysfunctional relationship with his parents, but especially with his English mother.
In an outburst in April 1889, which the Empress Victoria conveyed in a letter to her mother, Queen Victoria, Wilhelm angrily implied that “an English doctor killed my father, and an English doctor crippled my arm – which is the fault of my mother” who allowed no German physicians to attend to herself or her immediate family.

Next to the throne

The German Emperor Wilhelm I died in Berlin on 9 March 1888, and Prince Wilhelm's father was proclaimed Emperor as Frederick III. He was already suffering from an incurable throat cancer and spent all 99 days of his reign fighting the disease before dying. On 15 June of that same year, his 29-year-old son succeeded him as German Emperor and King of Prussia.
Although in his youth he had been a great admirer of Otto von Bismarck, Wilhelm's characteristic impatience soon brought him into conflict with the "Iron Chancellor", the dominant figure in the foundation of his empire.
The new Emperor opposed Bismarck's careful foreign policy, preferring vigorous and rapid expansion to protect Germany's "place in the sun." Furthermore, the young Emperor had come to the throne with the determination that he was going to rule as well as reign, unlike his grandfather, who had largely been content to leave day-to-day administration to Bismarck.
Early conflicts between Wilhelm II and his chancellor soon poisoned the relationship between the two men. Bismarck believed that Wilhelm was a lightweight who could be dominated, and he showed scant respect for Wilhelm's policies in the late 1880s. The final split between monarch and statesman occurred soon after an attempt by Bismarck to implement a far-reaching anti-Socialist law in early 1890.

Break with Bismarck

Wilhelm II, circa 1890
It was during this time that Bismarck, after gaining an absolute majority in favor of his policies in the Reichstag, decided to make the anti-Socialist laws permanent. His Kartell, the majority of the amalgamated Conservative Party and the National Liberal Party, favored making the laws permanent, with one exception: the police power to expel Socialist agitators from their homes.
This power had been used excessively at times against political opponents, and the National Liberal Party was unwilling to make the expulsion clause permanent. Bismarck would not give his assent to a modified bill, so the Kartell split over this issue. The Conservatives would support the bill only in its entirety, and threatened to, and eventually did, veto the entire bill.
As the debate continued, Wilhelm became increasingly interested in social problems, especially the treatment of mine workers who went on strike in 1889. Following his policy of active participation in government, he routinely interrupted Bismarck in Council to make clear where he stood on social policy.
Bismarck sharply disagreed with Wilhelm's policy and worked to circumvent it. Even though Wilhelm supported the altered anti-Socialist bill, Bismarck pushed for his support to veto the bill in its entirety, but when Bismarck's arguments couldn't convince Wilhelm, he became excited and agitated until uncharacteristically he blurted out his motive for having the bill fail:
He wanted the Socialists to agitate until a violent clash occurred that could be used as a pretext to crush them. Wilhelm replied that he wasn't willing to open his reign with a bloody campaign against his subjects.
The next day, after realizing his blunder, Bismarck attempted to reach a compromise with Wilhelm by agreeing to his social policy towards industrial workers, and even suggested a European council to discuss working conditions, presided over by the German Emperor.

Wilhelm II, German Emperor
Despite this, a turn of events eventually led to his distance from Wilhelm. Bismarck, feeling pressured and unappreciated by the Emperor and undermined by ambitious advisors, refused to sign a proclamation regarding the protection of workers along with Wilhelm, as was required by the German Constitution, to protest Wilhelm's ever-increasing interference with Bismarck's previously unquestioned authority.
Bismarck also worked behind the scenes to break the Continental labor council Wilhelm held so dear. The final break came as Bismarck searched for a new parliamentary majority, with his Kartell voted from power due to the anti-Socialist bill fiasco.
The remaining powers in the Reichstag were the Catholic Centre Party and the Conservative Party. Bismarck wished to form a new bloc with the Centre Party, and invited Ludwig Windthorst, the party's parliamentary leader, to discuss an alliance. This would be Bismarck's last political maneuver. Wilhelm was furious to hear about Windthorst's visit.
In a parliamentary state, the head of government depends on the confidence of the parliamentary majority, and certainly has the right to form coalitions to ensure his policies a majority, but in Germany, the Chancellor depended on the confidence of the Emperor alone, and Wilhelm believed that the Emperor had the right to be informed before his minister's meeting.
After a heated argument in Bismarck's estate over Imperial authority, Wilhelm stormed out, both parting ways permanently.
Bismarck, forced for the first time into a situation he could not use to his advantage, wrote a blistering letter of resignation, decrying Wilhelm's interference in foreign and domestic policy, which was only published after Bismarck's death. When Bismarck realized that his dismissal was imminent:
All Bismarck’s resources were deployed; he even asked Emperor Frederick to use his influence at his son on his behalf. But the wizard had lost his magic; his spells were powerless because they were exerted on people who did not respect them, and he who had so signally disregarded Kant’s command to use people as ends in themselves had too small a stock of loyalty to draw on. As Lord Salisbury told Queen Victoria:
'The very qualities which Bismarck fostered in the Emperor in order to strengthen himself when the Emperor Frederick should come to the throne have been the qualities by which he has been overthrown.' The Empress, with what must have been a mixture of pity and triumph, told him that her influence with her son could not save him for he himself had destroyed it.
Although Bismarck had sponsored landmark social security legislation, by 1889–90 he had become disillusioned with the attitude of workers. In particular, he was opposed to wage increases, improving working conditions, and regulating labor relations.
Moreover the Kartell, the shifting political coalition that Bismarck had been able to forge since 1867, had lost a working majority in the Reichstag. Bismarck also attempted to sabotage the Labor Conference that the Kaiser was organizing.
In March 1890, the dismissal of Bismarck coincided with the Kaiser's opening of the Labor Conference in Berlin. Subsequently at the opening of the Reichstag on 6 May 1890, the Kaiser stated that the most pressing issue was the further enlargement of the bill concerning the protection of the laborer. In 1891, the Reichstag passed the Workers Protection Acts, which improved working conditions, protected women and children and regulated labor relations.
It has been alleged that Bismarck was organizing a military coup that would disband the striking miners, dissolve the Reichstag, repeal the universal suffrage law, introduce limited suffrage, reduce the Kaiser to a puppet, and establish a military dictatorship. The book that accompanied the BBC series Fall of Eagles — which covered the period 1848–1918 and traced the downfall of the Romanov, Habsburg and Hohenzollern dynasties — contains an interview in which Louis Ferdinand, a grandson of the Kaiser, says:
Had Bismarck stayed he would not have helped. He already wanted to abolish all the reforms that had been introduced. He was aspiring to establish a kind of shogunate and hoped to treat our family in the same way the Japanese shoguns treated the Japanese emperors isolated in Kyoto. My grandfather had no other choice but to dismiss him.
Bismarck resigned at Wilhelm II's insistence in 1890, at age 75, to be succeeded as Chancellor of Germany and Minister-President of Prussia by Leo von Caprivi, who in turn was replaced by Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst in 1894.
Monarchical styles ofGerman Emperor Wilhelm II, King of Prussia
Spoken style
Your Imperial and Royal Majesty
Alternative style
In appointing Caprivi and then Hohenlohe, Wilhelm was embarking upon what is known to history as "the New Course", in which he hoped to exert decisive influence in the government of the empire.
There is debate amongst historians as to the precise degree to which Wilhelm succeeded in implementing "personal rule" in this era, but what is clear is the very different dynamic which existed between the Crown and its chief political servant (the Chancellor) in the "Wilhelmine Era".
These chancellors were senior civil servants and not seasoned politician-statesmen like Bismarck. Wilhelm wanted to preclude the emergence of another Iron Chancellor, whom he ultimately detested as being "a boorish old killjoy" who had not permitted any minister to see the Emperor except in his presence, keeping a stranglehold on effective political power.
Upon his enforced retirement and until his dying day, Bismarck was to become a bitter critic of Wilhelm's policies, but without the support of the supreme arbiter of all political appointments (the Emperor) there was little chance of Bismarck exerting a decisive influence on policy.
Silver 5 mark coin of Wilhelm II.
Something which Bismarck was able to effect was the creation of the "Bismarck myth". This was a view—which some would argue was confirmed by subsequent events—that, with the dismissal of the Iron Chancellor, Wilhelm II effectively destroyed any chance Germany had of stable and effective government.
In this view, Wilhelm's "New Course" was characterized far more as the German ship of state going out of control, eventually leading through a series of crises to the carnage of the First and Second World Wars.

The strong chancellors

Following the dismissal of Hohenlohe in 1900, Wilhelm appointed the man whom he regarded as "his own Bismarck", Bernhard von Bülow.
Wilhelm's involvement in the domestic sphere was more limited in the early twentieth century than it had been in the first years of his reign. In part, this was due to the appointment of Bülow and Bethmann—arguably both men of greater force of character than Wilhelm's earlier chancellors—but also because of his increasing interest in foreign affairs.

Foreign affairs

China imperialism cartoon-while a Mandarin official helplessly looks on, China as a pie is about to be carved up by Victoria (British Empire), Wilhelm II (German Empire), Nicolas II (Russian Empire), Marianne (France), and a samurai (Japanese Empire)
Wilhelm II with Nicholas II of Russia in 1905, wearing the military uniforms of each other's nations
German foreign policy under Wilhelm II was faced with a number of significant problems. Perhaps the most apparent was that Wilhelm was an impatient man, subjective in his reactions and affected strongly by sentiment and impulse.
He was personally ill-equipped to steer German foreign policy along a rational course. It is now widely recognized that the various spectacular acts which Wilhelm undertook in the international sphere were often partially encouraged by the German foreign policy elite.
There were a number of key exceptions, such as the famous Kruger telegram of 1896 in which Wilhelm congratulated President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal Republic on the suppression of the Jameson Raid, thus alienating British public opinion.
After the murder of the German ambassador during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, a regiment of German troops was sent to China. In a speech of 27 July 1900, the Emperor exhorted these troops:
"Should you encounter the enemy, he will be defeated! No quarter will be given! Prisoners will not be taken! Whoever falls into your hands is forfeited. Just as a thousand years ago the Huns under their King Attila made a name for themselves, one that even today makes them seem mighty in history and legend, may the name German be affirmed by you in such a way in China that no Chinese will ever again dare to look cross-eyed at a German.
Though its full impact was not felt until many years later, when Entente and American propagandists took advantage from this careless public speech, this is another example of his unfortunate propensity for impolitic public utterances.
This weakness made him vulnerable to manipulation by interests within the German foreign policy elite, as subsequent events were to prove. Wilhelm had much disdain for his uncle, King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, who was much more popular as a sovereign in Europe.
One of the few times Wilhelm succeeded in personal "diplomacy" was when with he supported Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in marrying Sophie Chotek in 1900 against the wishes of Emperor Franz Joseph. Deeply in love, Franz Ferdinand refused to consider marrying anyone else.
Pope Leo XIII, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, and Wilhelm all made representations on Franz Ferdinand's behalf to the Emperor Franz Joseph, arguing that the disagreement between Franz Joseph and Franz Ferdinand was undermining the stability of the monarchy.
One "domestic" triumph for Wilhelm was when his daughter Victoria Louise married the Duke of Brunswick in 1913; this helped heal the rift between the House of Hanover and the House of Hohenzollern after the 1866 annexation of Hanover by Prussia. In 1914, Wilhelm's son Prince Adalbert of Prussia married a Princess of the Ducal House of Saxe-Meiningen. However the rifts between the House of Hohenzollern and the two leading Royal dynasties of Europe—the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and House of Romanov—would only get worse.

The Moroccan Crisis

In some cases, Wilhelm II's diplomatic "blunders" were often part of a wider reaching policy emanating from the German governing élite. One such action sparked the Moroccan Crisis of 1905, when Wilhelm was persuaded (largely against his wishes) to make a spectacular visit to Tangier, in Morocco.
Wilhelm's presence was seen as an assertion of German interests in Morocco and in a speech he even made certain remarks in favor of Moroccan independence. This led to friction with France, which had expanding colonial interests in Morocco, and led to the Algeciras Conference, which served largely to further isolate Germany in Europe.
Britain and France's alliance fortified as a corollary, mainly due to the fact that Britain advocated France's endeavors to colonize Morocco, whereas Wilhelm supported Moroccan self-determination: and so, the German Emperor became even more resentful.

Daily Telegraph affair

Perhaps Wilhelm's most damaging personal blunder in the arena of foreign policy had a far greater impact in Germany than internationally. The Daily Telegraph Affair of 1908 stemmed from the publication of some of Wilhelm's opinions in edited form in the British daily newspaper of that name.
Wilhelm saw it as an opportunity to promote his views and ideas on Anglo-German friendship, but instead, due to his emotional outbursts during the course of the interview, Wilhelm ended up further alienating not only the British people, but also the French, Russians,
And Japanese all in one fell swoop by implying, inter alia, that the Germans cared nothing for the British; that the French and Russians had attempted to incite Germany to intervene in the Second Boer War; and that the German naval buildup was targeted against the Japanese, not Britain. (One memorable quote from the interview is "You English are mad, mad, mad as March hares.")
The effect in Germany was quite significant, with serious calls for his abdication being mentioned in the press. Quite understandably, Wilhelm kept a very low profile for many months after the Daily Telegraph fiasco, and later exacted his revenge by enforcing the resignation of Prince Bülow, who had abandoned the Emperor to public criticism by publicly accepting some responsibility for not having edited the transcript of the interview before its publication.
The Daily Telegraph crisis deeply wounded Wilhelm's previously unimpaired self-confidence, so much so that he soon suffered a severe bout of depression from which he never really recovered (photographs of Wilhelm in the post-1908 period show a man with far more haggard features and greying hair), and he lost much of the influence he had previously exercised in domestic and foreign policy.

Promoter of arts and science

Wilhelm II was an enthusiastic promoter of the arts and sciences, as well as public education and social welfare. He sponsored the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, for the promotion of scientific research; it was funded by wealthy private donors and the state and comprised a number of research institutes in both pure and applied sciences.
The However, the Prussian Academy of Sciences was unable to avoid the Kaiser's pressure and lost some of its autonomy when it was forced to incorporate new programs in engineering, and award new fellowships in engineering sciences as a gift from the Kaiser in 1900.
Wilhelm II supported the modernizers as they tried to reform the Prussian system of secondary education, which was rigidly traditional, elitist, politically authoritarian, and unchanged by the progress in the natural sciences.

Naval expansion

Nothing Wilhelm II did in the international arena was of more influence than his decision to pursue a policy of massive naval construction. A powerful navy was Wilhelm's pet project. He had inherited, from his mother, a love of the British Royal Navy, which was at that time the world's largest. He once confided to his uncle, Edward VII, that his dream was to have a "fleet of my own some day".
Wilhelm's frustration over his fleet's poor showing at the Fleet Review at his grandmother Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations, combined with his inability to exert German influence in South Africa following the dispatch of the Kruger telegram, led to Wilhelm taking definitive steps toward the construction of a fleet to rival that of his British cousins.
Wilhelm was fortunate to be able to call on the services of the dynamic naval officer Alfred von Tirpitz, whom he appointed to the head of the Imperial Naval Office in 1897.
The new admiral had conceived of what came to be known as the "Risk Theory" or the Tirpitz Plan, by which Germany could force Britain to accede to German demands in the international arena through the threat posed by a powerful battlefleet concentrated in the North Sea. Tirpitz enjoyed Wilhelm's full support in his advocacy of successive naval bills of 1897 and 1900, by which the German navy was built up to contend with that of the United Kingdom.
Naval expansion under the Fleet Acts eventually led to severe financial strains in Germany by 1914, as by 1906 Wilhelm had committed his navy to construction of the much larger, more expensive dreadnought type of battleship.
In 1889 Wilhelm II reorganized top level control of the navy by creating a Navy Cabinet (Marine-Kabinett) equivalent to the German Imperial Military Cabinet which had previously functioned in the same capacity for both the army and navy.
The Head of the navy cabinet was responsible for promotions, appointments, administration and issuing orders to naval forces. Captain Gustav von Senden-Bibran was appointed as its first head and remained so until 1906. The existing Imperial admiralty was abolished and its responsibilities divided between two organizations.
A new position (equivalent to the supreme commander of the army) was created, chief of the high command of the admiralty (Oberkommando der Marine), being responsible for ship deployments, strategy and tactics. Vice Admiral Max von der Goltz was appointed in 1889 and remained in post until 1895. Construction and maintenance of ships and obtaining supplies was the responsibility of the State Secretary of the Imperial Navy Office (Reichsmarineamt), responsible to the Chancellor and advising the Reichstag on naval matters.
The first appointee was Rear Admiral Eduard Heusner, followed shortly by Rear Admiral Friedrich von Hollmann from 1890 to 1897. Each of these three heads of department reported separately to Wilhelm II.
In addition to the expansion of the fleet the Kiel Canal was opened in 1895 enabling faster movements between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

World War I

A composite image of Wilhelm II with German generals

The Sarajevo crisis

Wilhelm was a friend of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Este, and he was deeply shocked by his assassination on 28 June 1914. Wilhelm offered to support Austria-Hungary in crushing the Black Hand, the secret organization that had plotted the killing, and even sanctioned the use of force by Austria against the perceived source of the movement—Serbia (this is often called "the blank cheque").
He wanted to remain in Berlin until the crisis was resolved, but his courtiers persuaded him instead to go on his annual cruise of the North Sea on 6 July 1914. It was perhaps realized that Wilhelm's presence would be more of a hindrance to those elements in the government who wished to use the crisis to increase German prestige, even at the risk of general war—something of which Wilhelm, for all his bluster, was extremely apprehensive.
Wilhelm made erratic attempts to stay on top of the crisis via telegram, and when the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum was delivered to Serbia, he hurried back to Berlin. He reached Berlin on 28 July, read a copy of the Serbian reply, and wrote on it:
A brilliant solution—and in barely 48 hours! This is more than could have been expected. A great moral victory for Vienna; but with it every pretext for war falls to the ground, and [the Ambassador] Giesl had better have stayed quietly at Belgrade. On this document, I should never have given orders for mobilization.
Unknown to the Emperor, Austro-Hungarian ministers and generals had already convinced the 84-year-old Francis Joseph I of Austria to sign a declaration of war against Serbia. As a direct consequence, Russia began a general mobilization to attack Austria in defense of Serbia.
July 1914
Emperor Wilhelm in conversation with the victor of Liège, General Otto von Emmich; in the background the generals Hans von Plessen (middle) and Moriz von Lyncker (right).

On the night of 30 July, when handed a document stating that Russia would not cancel its mobilization, Wilhelm wrote a lengthy commentary containing the startling observations:
"For I no longer have any doubt that England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves—knowing that our treaty obligations compel us to support Austria—to use the Austro-Serb conflict as a pretext for waging a war of annihilation against us ...
Our dilemma over keeping faith with the old and honorable Emperor has been exploited to create a situation which gives England the excuse she has been seeking to annihilate us with a spurious appearance of justice on the pretext that she is helping France and maintaining the well-known Balance of Power in Europe, i.e. playing off all European States for her own benefit against us."
When it became clear that the United Kingdom would enter the war if Germany attacked France through neutral Belgium, the panic-stricken Wilhelm attempted to redirect the main attack against Russia. When Helmuth von Moltke (the younger) told him that this was impossible,
Wilhelm said: "Your uncle would have given me a different answer!" Wilhelm is also reported to have said: "To think that George and Nicky should have played me false! If my grandmother had been alive, she would never have allowed it."
Though he had ambitions for the German Empire to be a world power, it was never Wilhelm's intention to conjure a large-scale conflict to achieve such ends. As soon as his better judgment dictated that a world war was imminent, he made strenuous efforts to preserve the peace—such as The Willy-Nicky Correspondence mentioned earlier, and his optimistic interpretation of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum that Austro-Hungarian troops should go no further than Belgrade, thus limiting the conflict. But by then it was far too late, for the eager military officials of Germany and the German Foreign Office were successful in persuading him to sign the mobilization order and initiate the Schlieffen Plan that envisioned the occupation of Paris within 40 days.
The contemporary British reference to the First World War as "the Kaiser's War" in the same way that the Second was "Hitler's War" is not wholly accurate in its suggestion that Wilhelm was deliberately responsible for unleashing the conflict. "He may not have been 'the father of war' but he was certainly its godfather' (A. Woodcock-Clarke)
His own love of the culture and trappings of militarism and push to endorse the German military establishment and industry (most notably the Krupp corporation), which were the key support which enabled his dynasty to rule helped push his empire into an armaments race with competing European powers.
Similarly, though on signing the mobilization order, Wilhelm is reported as having said, "You will regret this, gentlemen." He had encouraged Austria to pursue a hard line with Serbia, was an enthusiastic supporter of the subsequent German actions during the war, and reveled in the title of "Supreme War Lord" and "Allerhöchste" (All-highest).
Germany's war aims were published with his consent on 9 September 1914, and stiffened his enemies' resolve to avoid a compromise peace, whatever the costs.


Hindenburg, Wilhelm II, and Ludendorff in January 1917
The role of ultimate arbiter of wartime national affairs proved too heavy a burden for Wilhelm. Even the advice of his closest aides such as Moriz von Lyncker was not adequate. As the war progressed, his influence receded and inevitably his lack of ability in military matters led to an ever-increasing reliance upon his generals,
So much that after 1916 the Empire had effectively become a military dictatorship under the control of Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff.
Increasingly cut off from reality and the political decision-making process, Wilhelm vacillated between defeatism and dreams of victory, depending upon the fortunes of his armies. He remained a useful figurehead, and he toured the lines and munitions plants, awarded medals and gave encouraging speeches.
In December 1916, the Germans attempted to negotiate peace with the Allies, declaring themselves the victors. The negotiations were mediated by the United States, but the Allies rejected the offer.
A German poster from January 1917 quotes a speech by Kaiser Wilhelm II lambasting the Allies for their decision.
Nevertheless, Wilhelm still retained the ultimate authority in matters of political appointment, and it was only after his consent had been gained that major changes to the high command could be effected. Wilhelm was in favor of the dismissal of Helmuth von Moltke the Younger in September 1914 and his replacement by Erich von Falkenhayn. Similarly, Wilhelm was instrumental in the policy of inactivity adopted by the High Seas Fleet after the Battle of Jutland in 1916.
Likewise, it was largely owing to his sense of having been pushed into the shadows that Wilhelm attempted to take a leading role in the crisis of 1918. In the end, he realized the necessity of capitulation and insisted that the German nation should not bleed to death for a dying cause.
Upon hearing that his cousin George V had changed the name of the British royal house to Windsor, Wilhelm remarked that he planned to see Shakespeare's play The Merry Wives of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Bolshevik Revolution
Following the 1917 February Revolution in Russia which saw the overthrow of Great War adversary Emperor Nicholas II, Wilhelm arranged for the exiled Russian Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin to return home from Switzerland via Germany, Sweden and Finland. Wilhelm hoped that Lenin would create political unrest back in Russia, which would help to end the war on the Eastern front,
Allowing Germany to concentrate on defeating the Western allies.
The Swiss communist Fritz Platten managed to negotiate with the German government for Lenin and his company to travel through Germany by rail, on the so-called "sealed train".
Lenin arrived in Petrograd on 16 April 1917, and seized power seven months later in the October Revolution. Wilhelm's strategy paid off when Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918, withdrawing from the war and ceding Finland.
Prince Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. and his medical practices are current and reside in the United States,
His main Confederate base of operation is through St. Joseph Medical Center in Houston Texas “which the Doctor through this base together are able to commit to smuggle “Union Army medicines” and “supplies” to “War Lords” operations back in “Lagos Nigeria Africa” through a hidden warlord compound of operations for higher wages,
The St. Joseph Medical hospital operations for many years in collusion with this Doctor Lawson M.D.; Include phony fictitious medical services records for billing the North Union Army federal funds for bogus medical treatment on free southern slaves which never occurred,
And all of the revenue from this medical scheme is then smuggle to off shore banking account out of the United States under the disguise of a “War”
To include “Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.” is the “chief suspected in owning an underground laboratory in “Lagos Nigeria, Africa” where he further his “illegal operations” which at current engaging in (DNA) research injections into “cryogenic cloning” of “Kaiser Wilhelm II” (DNA) into the body of female slaves “embryos” and then through the “smuggle slaves trade drug the female slaves with “Mental meds” among other strong drugs then they are
Transported to “America’ with “blood Diamonds, and “Voodoo Witch Poisons and mixtures for the Prince Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. Voodoo Practices
With his loot of money in a laundry scheme of things in “properties abroad”
To include “British” special BM-6 ops reports that (Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.) has been passing “strategic U.S. targeting information” on secrete locations on “American” weapons manufactories, fuel depots, Naval Ship yards, to a contact in London England, code name (Dortrupt) via the German Military Command,
With the actual “Prince Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. of Lagos Nigeria” having a “Pirate Ship” racketeering enterprise operating in back and forth in a cove near “Dakar” Africa through out the travel sea lanes of “Cape Verde Basin”,
With his A/k/a “Pirate” name being that of “Rex Okusaga”, while the Doctor is of ownership of a suppose reform “Slave Plantation” in a “swap groves” in Sugar Land, (Sweet Water Estate) Richmond Texas where his American Head Quarters is Located.
With a “Clan of Pirates” and “cut throats” “buccaneers”, and “head hunters operatives” from Lagos Nigeria Africa in disguise and operating a “Jim Crow” scheme of thing against the South development in concert, collusion with the (KKK) klu Klux Klan and former “Slave Plantation owners” and die hard “Southern Confederate Army”.

(Chapter 6)
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Briefing continuing with the order of coffee, and food being sent to the bridge, “Holmes” remarks of to much excitement, and fast pace speed over the past 32 hrs. For the “Commander to press on and continue with the full details;
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Lady Ann” is the former wife of “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. her location will only be known at 29°31'18" North, 98°30'60" West (29.521762, -98.516601) on July 14th 1918 3: at pm.
For she is in hiding for safety reason and with the aid of Pinkerton Private Enforcement forces she fled the Plantation in (Sweetwater Estate) Richmond Texas,
With a large amount of “legal documents” showing the “Price Doctor” in collusion with “St. Joseph Medical Center” in Houston Texas operating under numerous fake names and Identities,
Lady Ann” has actual copies of all of these “bogus medical records” hidden and detain at “St Joseph Medical Center”,
To include copies of several fake prescriptions records for the “Prince Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D.” to received (STD) medicines for his treatment of “sexually transmitted diseases” “GONORRHEA AND CHLAMYDIA” (STD) in his “Pirate name of Rex Okusaga” with the “Doctor using Lady Ann” actual date of birth in covering an additional disguise in other actual bogus medical records at medical pharmacy, with a long history of home problem involving the maid having t be rush to the “Hospital” for drug over dosage”, and the Son of this Doctor arrested in his scheme of in home “drug peddler” of sorts,
With the St. Joseph Medical hospital in Houston Texas medical records showing the covering scheme to include the cover up of the “Prince Doctor” for possible being in the possession of (HIV), with other bogus records being hidden between a shame for profit against the Union Army, with also
Fake “Mental Prescription Records” the “Prince Doctor” was forcing “Lady Ann” to undergo, with copies of a legal depositions, letters, showing “American and British” Merchant maps and plotting charts showing detail British and American ships sunk by the German submarines with a toll of over 500 hundred Merchant vessels and over 2,400,000 tons of shipping had been sunk, with inland target “American and British” targets being sighted
And lots of other secret contents from the Plantation home safe, to include making copies of a ledger for eight Pirate ships, four of which is located on the “African Ocean Slave Trans route, to America;
And the last four locations in the “Caribbean Sea” two moored in the area of the “Puerto Rico Trench” Inlands and the last two the personal feet of the “Doctor Prince its location are at the tip of “Cuba” right upon the entry point into the Yucatan Channel
Which “Lady Ann” documents can proves to be more then enough evidence for a probable cause warrant in the least being issued and the “Prince Doctor” being detain and question into all of theses other discrepancies before he flees back to his main base of operation and Palace in Lagos Nigeria Africa;
Lady Ann” recently filed divorce proceeding in Fort Bend County Courthouse, Texas when the “Prince Doctor” accused her of “extramarital affairs”
When the direct matter of the case is the “Prince Doctor was engaging in his “Voodoo Witch Practices and Services” preformed at a secret Plantation located on the bayous of “New Orleans L.A. where he sells his African illegal Imports, Witch Concoctions, mixtures, and snake oils,
At some point the “Prince Doctor” contracted (STD) at a bayou “Cathouse” calling of sorts, and during the proceeding of “Lady Ann” divorce her “legal solicitor”,
One “Mr. Carl Parker Esq. (A Former Senator for the State of Texas) Professional handling of “Lady Ann” Legal Affairs involving the circumstances that the “Prince Doctor” was then force “under Oath” to make several damaging revelations in regards to, among other things,
The Prince Doctor bogus patients medical records and with involvement of “Sexually Transmitted disease (STD),
To include the “Direct Examination into
Lady Ann” being of an “American Citizenship” and force to adhere to the “Price Doctor” practices of an actual in the “flesh Voodoo Witch Doctor Specialist” of some sorts of “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. whom his official Voodoo Witch office of this occult sorts location is in Lagos Nigeria Africa with,
Every single evidence in support, it was all done against the will of “Lady Ann” with the whole sick sorted messy details that “Mr. Holmes” will soon witness personal, in the delivery of the “Legal Chest” by “Lady Ann” herself,
For she requested you to meet her in person “Mr. Holmes” for several reasoning, which also the “American and British Government”,
Wishes your expedited services as well for many reasoning of one (Dortrupt) this contact being in London England, with a host of other Pirates, confederates, accomplice, partner in crimes, associate and double agents operating through out the World and base primary in Lagos Nigeria, Africa and the United States, Texas Area.
For you see Doctor Watson, and Mr. Holmes “Lady Ann” has three brothers, One a retired “Master Naval Chief, Mr. Earnest L. Hamilton Jr. living in San Antoine Texas”,
And a younger brother Mr. J.P. Hamilton current in the U.S. American Army medical tech, his location is at a Antarctica substation at this time”,
And then their is “what the “Naval Admiral” is heard in “direct quote” of saying “Sir Holmes”
That the other brother is very much of familiarity, like that “British Freak Sherlock Holmes”.
Lady Ann” was quite able to approximately “eight and half weeks ago” get an “encrypt message” to Submarine Commander “L.C. Hamilton II.”
Who would be the “third brother” Mr. Holmes, who having also went AWOL “eight and half weeks ago” with among other things, one “United States Naval War submarine”, “fully loaded with torpedoes”, and other “special missiles weapons”, and a entire full crew, after that encrypt message was received,
And at that point his location was in the Bay of Bengal, Ganges Cone, Kolkata (Calcutta),
The “Commander” immediately went off the grid’ and proceeded with a direct heading through the “Mediterranean Sea” where “ Commander Hamilton II” left a nice easy trail of “three” sunken “German submarines” and “six” sunken “German U-Boats” in a direct heading”
For (Krio: Sa Lone), officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, at that time the “Commander” anchor off the cost, then he and members of his crew went ashore commando style, “loot and kill” most of “Rex Okusaga” Pirate crew, then sunk the Pirate ship name the “Lazy I” at its mooring at the Port Dock, the “Commander” then
Sent a last final transmission message on the wire direct to “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor ……“Hell Hath No Fury” for the “Man who Fuck With my baby Sister”,…….
Where “Commander Hamilton II” proceeded next to the costal area of Dakar, Africa
Where our “Intelligence” reports that recent action of “four” “German U-Boats” and “two” “German submarines” being sunken by an unidentified target,
With “two” other “German submarines” being completely disable and all of their “torpedoes being off load” unto the “Commanders Sub” and one crew member a “Master Dive Officer” name of “Nadia Glitch” (Female) from the submarine manifest being now in accompany of this unidentified Sub “Mr. Holmes”
And the “two” disable submarine(s) was located by “two” “British Battle Ship” with a floating message attachment to the United States directed to “Commander and Chief “just what you always want……. Merry Christmas”….”Love Santa Claus”…..
Which we believe this was done by the “Commander Hamilton II” Submarine” “Sir Holmes”,
But we are certain” and sure that upon arrival on the “Slave Coast” that the “Commander” has now rigged his “extra torpedoes” with some “special explosive chemical compound of sorts”
And at that point fire only “one” torpedoes shot” and sunk the “Prince Doctor” “Lazy II” Pirate ship at its anchor mooring,
Killing every one onboard near the Port of Dakar Africa, with such destructive force it was felt far away of quarter a mile away, shattering inland store shop windows.
Our last “Intelligence reports” comes from a “American submarine” in the area, the sonar officer stated he heard distinct sounds of a party of sorts, music, giggles, lot’s of different (Female) giggles as “Commander Hamilton II” finish complete firing an off unload of more then “eight torpedo strike” in the “Harbor of Lagos Nigeria” Africa sinking everything floating in the Harbor “Mr. Watson and Mr. Holmes”.
The “Commander” is able to obtain fuel, food, munitions, and seems also “female entertainment” of sorts.
The Lloyds of London” made matters worst by posting on the “Military Wire” a $10,000.00 booty claim on all sunken “German War Vessels” and German Submarines and U-Boats, at which “Commander Hamilton II” has a collection now appear in excess of $190,000 in American Dollars.
The “American Pentagon Officials” at this time “Mr. Holmes” request of your assistances in the return of their “Naval Submarine” being brought back intact,
With “Commander Hamilton II” being place in chains and quickly delivery un-harm to “Pearl Harbor Fleet Command” with a full lists of questions being prodded into the “New Torpedoes” the “Commander” having crisply develop along his tirade and quite piss off AWOL under way,
And that the “Prince Doctor” being giving your full Private consultation attention into all of these other matters as I have just described
With Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. left of being the recipient of just well deserved desserts of your own making “Mr. Holmes”, and the England double spy contact (Dortrupt) being found.
With that this briefing is concluded, any question or suggestion Mr. Watson and Mr. Holmes.
Holmes: “Just to state the verifications” of my summons in that you’re seeking my “unofficial Direction” and assistances in the “seizure and capture” of a “Mad Man” is this to be correct XO Cmdr. Bluefin
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: ‘Yes Sir’ “Mr. Holmes” this is correct in every manner I have presented the “Prince Doctor and his entire confederate army must be stop at all cost if we maintain any dignity left in this “Bloody War”.
Holmes: “You silly twit of a buffoon”, I was making direct reference to “Cmdr. Hamilton II” in these matters, “It seems my “Dark Shadow” of an “American Counter Partner” is ahead of my so call expert wit by as my calculations $190,000.00 Dollars American, Plus
With a unknown large amount of computation in revenue just simply lying about the bottom of the “Harbor” in Lagos Nigeria Africa,
And the “Commander” is on a direct heading for more “Loot” if we do not get this “cross leg broke horse” of a “floating contraption of a submarine” into the “game fast”,
Before “Commander Hamilton II” has completely clear out the “Lloyds of London Vault” before I my expert self, having made any proper sort of an attempt to deposited at least one claims checks.
Holmes pick up the “Squawk Box”: Attention all hands the “XO Cmdr Bluefin” is relives of his duties,
I have the “Con”…..Lt. Moore come to a heading of “42 degrees by 53 degrees north” to “10 degrees by 25 degrees west”,
All torpedoes tubes fully loaded and on stand by, and the rest of you “lazy Blokes” are on full alert, set Generals Quarters. That is all.”
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 7)
June 24th 1918, 0938: hrs.
Sherlock Holmes” having giving directions, and left the bridge in control of “Lt. Moore” and remove himself, with XO Commander Bluefin and my self (Watson) in toll to the aft torpedo room with the explicated instructions that
The Smoking Lamp in completely out on this Submarine”...
No Smoking” under any reasoning what so ever”, “no cooking”, “no ironing” or any thing which require “heat or electrical current”, the crew is entitled to standing watch at a duty station, asleep or playing cribbage games only’ until further orders…
Once we all were within the “Aft torpedo room and lock tight inside “Holmes” requested assistance in disassembling a torpedo with the require form of respect, care, and patience with the new experiment in developing a more workable explosive model with extra speed.
As “Holmes” move about the “long tube” like a Doctor in surgery, once again I found myself missing apart of my roommate many abilities”, I never new such seamanship existence with other knowledgably traits in Naval Warfare”,
Moreover I never knew if “Holmes could actually swim, less move about this vessel underneath the ocean with ease, which I should surmise from the excitement in opening the weapon Holmes facial expression showing “Captain Holmes” May having something extra explosive and special in mind.
Holmes: “Cmdr. Bluefin” And “Watson” it has been among many of my other studies that I find Torpedoes to be quite a fancy fish of a gadget, if you permit me to say . In order to give a continuous account of the torpedo's development we will go back to Roman days and note the use of fireships to destroy enemy fleets. The use of drifting weapons of destruction, powered by the ocean currents, is not so very far removed from destructive weapons powered by other means as in the present understanding of the name “torpedo”.
The next stage in the sophistication of sea weapons appears in 1585 when the Italian Zambelli destroyed a bridge by means of a drifting boat loaded with explosives which were detonated by a clockwork delay fuse.
We next find David Bushnell on the scene again with his submarine,
This remarkable one manpower vessel actually once sank a ship. The operation of the boat is quite obvious from the diagram. The operator used both hands and feet to control the forward and vertical motion by means of screws as well as operating a foot pump and rudder.
The "torpedo" was a charge of explosive fixed to a ship's hull by means of the woodscrew illustrated and ignited by delayed action fuse.
The operator then cranked himself furiously away from tile area before the "torpedo" exploded. The best documented attack by a Bushnell boat was made against the flagship of the British fleet sent to quell the unruly colonists towards the latter end of the eighteenth century. The submarine was successfully positioned under the ship but the woodscrew failed to penetrate the copper sheathing recently introduced onto the hulls of British warships.
Robert Fulton, another American, developed Bushnell's submarine into a more workable version named Nautilus. With this boat he sank several ships during demonstrations but was not very successful in selling his submarine to the American Navy.
Working successively with the French against the British, with the British against the French and finally with the Americans against all comers, he appears to have been a brilliant inventor and an opportunist.
A much glamorized account of Fulton's machinations at the end of the eighteenth century appeared on B.B.C. television in the 1960's as a children's adventure series. Fulton must however be credited with the development of the submarine and its weapon, the mine, to a point where it could be used in wartime.
Soon after Fulton's work the name "Torpedo" became applied to a new class of weapons and the development of the mine continued on its own separate path. This new weapon was the Spar Torpedo Boat.
Many forms of Spar Torpedo were used, particularly during the American Civil War. Nearly all types were basically the same and consisted of a steam launch having an explosive charge mounted at the end of a long pole projecting ahead of the boat.
The launch carried a small crew one of whom viewed the external world through a steel conning tower. The launch approached an enemy ship under cover of darkness and placed the explosive charge against the ship's side and detonated it electrically.
The spar torpedo was quite successful and one of the most successful types was the "David "boat operated by the Southern States in the American Civil War. These carried a 60 lb charge on the end of a 25 ft long pole and the explosion was set off 6 ft below the waterline. A crew of eight was used and the boat ran awash. Indeed, it was fitted with hydroplanes for brief dives but these were often fatal.
Although spar torpedoes were extensively used by the Americans, French, Russians and Chinese, the British considered them "unsporting" and were late introducing them.
British Torpedoes Enter Service
In the autumn of 1869 Royal Navy representatives visited Fiume and reported favorably on the weapons being tested. As a result Whitehead was invited to England to demonstrate the ability of his weapons.
He brought two types of torpedo with him, a 16 in. by 14 ft. carrying 67 lbs. of wet gun-cotton and a second weapon of 14 in. diameter and a little less than 14 ft. in length. This latter weapon carried a warhead of dynamite weighing 18 lbs.
The weapons were fired either from the surface or from a submerged tube built by Whitehead into Oberon. Over 100 firings were made during September and October of 1870, the average weapon performance being seven knots to a range of 600 yards.
As a grand finale a wooden coal hulk was moored off Cockleshell Hard and surrounded with protective nets. A 16 in. weapon with its warhead charged by Professor F. A. Abel was fired from a range of 134 yards. The weapon, determined to demonstrate its potency, went around the net and blew a hole measuring 20 ft. by 10 ft. in the old corvette and it sank at once. Faced with such conclusive evidence of the weapon's capability the Royal Navy ordered a batch of Whitehead torpedoes which were received in 1870.
It was most appropriate therefore that one century later a new torpedo trials ship should have been launched with the name E.T.V. Whitehead.
Two types of weapon were received from Whitehead's works at Fiume; these being 14 in. and 16 in. diameter. In 1871 the Admiralty bought the manufacturing rights for £15,000 and production was started at the Royal Laboratories, Woolwich the following year. This sum of money seems very small for such an important weapon especially when only a decade later a certain Mr. Brennan was paid nearly 10 times as much for the rights of an inferior type of torpedo.
The example of the Royal Navy was quickly followed by the French, Germans and Chinese and soon Whitehead was exporting his torpedoes around the world. Several countries started building their own pirated copies of the Whitehead but these were notably unsuccessful. The stringent specifications laid down by foreign navies caused Whitehead to give consideration to the improvement of performance.
He appears to have regarded the weapon as primarily for use in harbors against moored ships. Under these circumstances a speed of only seven knots is acceptable and the main areas for improvements lie with the accuracy of steering and the reliable operation of the impact fuse. However, the Germans specified a weapon performance of 16 knots to 550 yards.
Whitehead carried out various improvements including the replacement of the twin cylinder Vee engine by a three-cylinder engine built by Peter Brother-hood, Ltd., of Peterborough. Thus by 1875 a 14 in. weapon was produced having a performance of 18 knots to a range of 550 yards.
In 1872 Whitehead bought the firm and re-named it Silurifico Whitehead. A remarkable feature of this story is the instant success of the novel weapon. The very first experimental torpedo worked well and was being mass produced for export within four years. An envious record for any new product!
With the introduction of the new engine and contrarotating propellers (this latter by a foreman mechanic at Woolwich) no significant improvements were then made until the introduction of the gyroscope for azimuthal steering in 1895.
The extended fins thereafter were not needed because of the lack of roll forces.
This latter feature distinguished Fiume weapons from the Woolwich types which carried the surfaces ahead of the screws. The latter practice persists (unfortunately) to the present time.
Weapons of various types were produced during the first few decades of the life of the automobile torpedo. In particular, many obscure types of unorthodox propulsion were produced in the United States, as we shall see.
The Whitehead type did not however undergo significant charge although many new Mark numbers were introduced. It can be seen that the improvements in performance were steady and unspectacular.
The Germans, in addition to ordering Whitehead torpedoes in 1873, began building their own on the Whitehead principle. The firm of L. Schwartzkopf-later the Berliner Maschinenbau A.G.-began making excellent torpedoes in phosphor-bronze. The firm was soon exporting weapons to Russia, Japan and Spain.
In 1885 Britain ordered 50 of these weapons because the output at home and at Fiume could not satisfy the demand. These weapons cost £450 each which was £120 more than the corresponding Fiume type (the 14 in. Mk. II).
The output at Whitehead's works was continually increasing and Table 1 shows a sample of his products.
TABLE 1 Extract from the Whitehead Catalogue 1892
Dia (in)
Length ft. in.
Wt (lbs)
18 9.5
18 9.5
14 6
14 6
12 3
12 3
11 0
11 0
In addition to the standard weapons many special types were produced to the specifications of foreign navies. In fact no less than 17 different types of weapon were produced at Fiume in 1884 and Table 2 shows the countries to which weapons had been exported up to 1881.
TABLE 2 Sales of Whitehead torpedoes up to 1881

16 in
15 in
14 in












The 14 in. by 11 ft. weapon was built originally to the specification of the Russians who wanted a minimum speed output of 20 knots. This was achieved and all Whitehead weapons exceeded this speed from this time.
The speed improvements were made by increasing the inlet pressure to the engine (with consequent improvements to engine details) and a corresponding increase in air vessel pressure. By 1882 the vessels were being built to withstand at least 1,500 p.s.i. and Britain led the world in the construction of bronze pressure vessels.
Figures for weapon range were not reliable up to this time because range was not an important parameter. Ranging at Fiume was carried out from an underwater tube aimed at a net 400 yards distant. The maximum running distance was only measured when requested by a customer.
After all, the chance of hitting a ship decreases rapidly with range because of the errors inherent in the weapon and the aiming process so that there was little point in firing a torpedo at a range greater than about 400 yards even if the weapon was capable of greater range. Thus the ranges tabulated at the end of Part 1 are nominal only but in many cases the maximum range is not very much greater than the quoted value.
At about this time the Italians built their own version of a Fiume torpedo but it ran at only 7 knots. Whitehead rebuilt it and it achieved 20 knots. As a result the Italians gave up building their own weapons and bought from Whitehead.
In external appearance the various weapons were very similar. The torpedoes were often built up with standard tail and nose sections but with different middle sections. These composite torpedoes each carried different mark numbers but were in fact very similar in performance. In 1883 a committee, set up to examine various aspects of torpedo design, carried out trials to test whether the nose shape had any effect on weapon speed.
The pointed nose was assumed to cleave the water best but the great hydrodynamicist Dr. Froude advised that blunt head should show no disadvantage in speed performance and would allow much larger warheads to be carried.
Comparative trials were carried out using the Mk W Fiume and R.L. Mk XI torpedoes each fitted with blunt and pointed noses. The tests showed that the blunt-nosed torpedoes had a full knot advantage over the pointed nosed version.
This meant that heavier warheads could be carried without loss of propulsive performance and the ultimate in blunt nose designs during this period appeared in 1909 with the American hemispherical heads
During the period covered above the United States had not taken advantage of the offers in 1869 and 1874 to manufacture Whitehead torpedoes under license and followed an independent and generally unsuccessful development programmer of her own. This, together with the extensive efforts in many countries to develop rivals to the supremacy of the Whitehead torpedo will be described later.
Last Cold Compressed Air Whitehead Weapons
Whitehead torpedoes were being manufactured at a considerable rate during the last 15 years of the 19th century. From Fiume the Silurifico Whitehead was sending hundreds of weapons around the world and many more were being manufactured under license in foreign countries or being simply pirated. A typical year's intake to the Royal Navy is listed on page 41 as an example of the activity around this period.
The German Schwartzkopf firms were manufacturing about 400 weapons annually which were sent to Spain, Italy, China and Britain
It was soon after the mid-1880s that torpedo performance began to improve. This was largely as a result of competition from improved gunnery. Indeed, in 1904 the battle of Tsushima was settled by gunfire at a range of 6,000 yards and no torpedo could at that time compete with such performance. The torpedo's saving grace was its ability to deliver with stealth an explosive charge to the most vulnerable part of a ship. Torpedo range was increased by the introduction of the l8in. Whitehead weapon in 1888 but not by a very great amount; the advantage being taken rather to increase the size of warhead.
Meanwhile at Woolwich torpedo performance improvements made the specially constructed canal too short and a new range was set up at Horsea Island in 1888 and 10 years later the Bincleaves range was set up near Weymouth. In 1890 Whitehead opened his factory at Weymouth which survived until recently under the ownership of Vickers, Armstrong Ltd.
In .1893 the Royal Navy decided to transfer the torpedo works at the Royal Laboratories to the Royal Gun Factory (thus weapons became known as R.G.F. types) and as a result the Weymouth works did not get the British orders that were expected.
Henceforth the Whitehead torpedoes produced at Weymouth were mostly sent for export to countries not able to manufacture their own. Similarly, Whitehead had opened a factory at St. Tropez at the same time as the Weymouth venture and this also exported to countries such as Brazil, Holland, Turkey and Greece. Some torpedoes from the Weymouth works did enter service with the Royal Navy especially during the 1914-18 war periods.
The last association of the works with the Royal Navy appears to have been in the early stages of the Mark 23 torpedo in the mid-1950s.
Whitehead always regarded his torpedoes as primarily for launching from underwater tubes. The Royal Navy however 'seems to have favored above-water firing devices. Under water tubes can be placed either in the bow where the ramming effectiveness of the ship is weakened (ramming was a most popular means of naval warfare in the 1 870s) or they can be placed across the ship for broadside shots.
In the latter position the torpedo experiences a strong twisting force as it emerges due to the water flow along the ship. A device for overcoming this effect was invented by Capt. A. K. Wilson, V.C. and consisted of a guide bar projecting from the ship along which the emerging weapon slid until free of the disturbing effect of the ship's motion. Another device ejected a tube with the torpedo for a distance of several feet such that the water flow forces were taken by the tube and not the weapon.
These devices were adopted by the British but were not generally popular. The first above water launching was made by sliding a l4in. Weapon off a mess table out through a porthole and, having thus proved the feasibility of the scheme, several methods were evolved for launching weapons from a ship's deck.
Most of the early methods consisted of a simple frame for holding the torpedo over the water and releasing it in approximately the right direction. Light torpedo boats used a frame which was lowered about 2ft. into the water for launching.
The tube working on the pea shooter principle was invented in about 1880. The weapons were ejected by compressed air but within a few years the propelling gas was generated by slow burning gunpowder in granular form. This remained the method of tube launch for many decades; indeed the present deck-mounted tubes work on exactly the same scheme but with different propelling cartridges.
The British method of discharging torpedoes from above the waterline was viewed with some concern by Whitehead. His son-in-law and partner, Count George Hoyo's, reported after a visit to Britain that "such delicate weapons are not meant to be fired like shot from a gun" but the weapons 'seemed to tolerate their rough treatment for in 1879 there were already 33 British warships fitted with launching equipment.
Introduction of the Gyroscope
In 1895 came the first significant improvement to the torpedo since its invention. Whitehead introduced the gyroscope for azimuth control using the type invented by an Austrian, Ludwig Obry. In this device a 1.75 lb. wheel some 3in. in diameter was held in gimbals with its axis along that of the torpedo.
The wheel was spun up to maximum speed 2,400 r.p.m. by means of a pretension spring. The wheel reached this speed before the weapon left the tube so that the torpedo followed the aimed-for track in the water irrespective of the impulsive forces acting on hitting the water. This greatly improved the overall accuracy of firing and with the new device fitted it was possible to fire to an accuracy of ~ thus enabling a beam-on target to be hit at a range of about 7,000 yards-except that torpedoes at that time had ranges not exceeding 1,000 yards.
This clearly provided a considerable impetus for torpedo designers to increase performance. The original Obry gyroscope wheel only contained a maximum of 20ft. - lbs. of energy. This had the effect of allowing the gyro to topple after an inconveniently short time of running. The toppling was induced by the fact that the gyroscope gimbals were required to directly operate a rudder servo control.
Whitehead soon introduced an intermediate servo however which greatly reduced the forces acting on the gimbals and the way was then opened up for long range weapons.
The version of the Obry gyroscope supplied to the United States was provided with an angling gear which enabled the weapon to change course after firing, thus giving greater flexibility in the firing procedure. This refinement was introduced into the Royal Navy in 1900.
The turn of the century saw a radical change in torpedo design with the introduction of the heated, or steam torpedo. This is therefore an opportune time to study the torpedo development of nations, such as the United States, who did not adopt the Whitehead compressed air method of propulsion.
Departures from Whitehead Principles
The Torpedo Test Station was set up in 1870 at Rhode Island, U.S.A. to work on spar torpedoes but in 1871 an automobile torpedo was built, Fig. g this was built on the supposed lines of the Whitehead weapons and indeed the propulsive performance was similar, i.e. 7 knots to a range of 300 yards.
The warhead was 70 to 90 lbs. of dynamite or guncotton. Here the similarity to the White-head torpedo ends for the American version refused to run a straight course. This is not surprising in view of the minimal control surface area provided. Another weapon was built in 1874 but this was no more successful.
The air vessel was made of bronze in the latter case because no American firm would undertake to make a steel vessel of sufficient strength. The British were masters of the forging and rolling art for pressure vessels at this time. The Japanese had many failures in this respect and eventually bought their pressure vessels from England.
Having failed to produce a working automobile torpedo and having turned down two offers of the Whitehead plans (one offer being quite unofficial from an ex-foreman from Woolwich-industrial sabotage at an early age!) the Torpedo Test Station set about building under the inventive eye of J. L. Lay, an officer in the U.S. Navy, a series of strange and generally unsuccessful weapons.
Most of the weapons floated and thus did not have the ability to vary the striking depth at the enemy ship. The Lay torpedoes floated with only a few inches of hull showing and were controlled by an operator by means of electrical impulses sent down a wire.
The power unit was a gas engine driven by compressed carbon dioxide and the steering impulses transmitted down the wire operated electromagnetic relays on the rudder. The position of the weapon was indicated by two flags or discs.
A later form used liquefied C02 as the power source with the liquid warmed in pipes external to the weapon. Still later we find the Lay-Haight weapon driven by gas generated by the action of sulphuric acid on lime. The later weapons had their propeller near the forward end of the hull partially recessed to avoid damage. It also avoided efficient propulsion!
These weapons were never really successful on account of their unreliability and vulnerability to gunfire. In a trial carried out off the British coast for the Royal Navy the Lay weapon heeled over badly so that the propeller was only half under the surface.
Two Lay torpedoes were sold to the Peruvian Government for use in the war against Chile. In 1879 a Lay weapon was fired from the Peruvian ironclad Huascar at a Chilean ship. Half-way to the target the weapon turned around and "hurtled" at 15 knots back at the mother ship despite the frantic knob twiddling of the operator.
The ship was saved by the heroic action of a ship's officer who swam out to intercept the weapon and deflect it. The relieved captain promptly took the two weapons to a local graveyard where they were buried only to be later exhumed by the Chilean rebels!
The vulnerability of these weapons was overcome in the 'Patrick ' and 'Wood-Haight' 'torpedoes by suspending them beneath unsinkable floats. These floats were either wood or thin copper sheet cylinders containing water-proofed cotton waste.
The floats could be shot again and again without sufficient buoyancy being lost to sink the weapon. The propulsion was by compressed carbon dioxide gas expanded through a gas engine-usually a three-cylinder Brotherhood type, similar to the version used extensively by Whitehead.
The electric torpedo made its appearance in about 1873 with the Ericsson which was propelled by sending power down a cable unreeled from the weapon (Ericsson was the builder of 'Novelty', one of the locomotives tested at the Rainhill competition in 1829 at which Stephenson's 'Rocket' was the winner.)
A direct development of the Ericsson torpedo was the Sims-Edison which was similarly powered down a trailing wire. A speed of 10 knots was attained using a Siemens motor drawing 30 amps at 600 volts.
Several versions of this weapon appeared, all carried under a large float and very similar in external appearance to the weapon and the last version built in 1889 carried a 4001b. Warhead to a range of over two miles.
Cmdr. Hamilton II somehow having stumble into adding more speed to the torpedo he was engaging in with a different type chemical mixture to increase the range over two miles and with a more deadly “Warhead”
Obvious this added weight upon impact cause a more volatile explosion. So I will just attempt to rework the primary function design and assemble as close as we can a more proper weapon in order to hope for the best until we can discovery the exacts configurations of the AWOL Commander designs…
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)
(Chapter 8)
June 24th 1918, 12:44 hrs.
The new apparatus of several minor contraptions of devices were installed to increase speed and accuracy at a range of about 15,000 yards with a wheel speed of 18,000 r.p.m...
This gave a new weapon performance of 38 knots to 1200 yards with a decreasing speed for a further 400 yards.
Holmes quickly made several adjustments to another torpedo in order to decrease destruction instead of the warhead having such a destructive force upon impact, which the game now was to find a “German Sub” force a surrender, off load its torpedo, have a inspection, then attempt a new missile reconfiguration while gaining extra arsenal for the ready engagement with any further hostile enemy targets.
After the second torpedo was finish, “Holmes” and my self retired for a brief rest while “XO Commander Bluefin” and two members of his crew made the new adjustments to the rest of the onboard torpedo, return the Submarine operation to normal condition as the Cook made preparations for supper for the “entire crew”.
The Captain Quarters” was vacant for the purpose of this mission for “Holmes and my self” lodging which very comfortable at the moment I felt asleep with the thought of all of the most events”,
Asking myself for once am I certain of being at a state officially over my head in this pursuit with “Holmes on issues of two Countries Diplomatic circumstances and well being.

June 27th 1918 0380 hrs
The location at this time seems a bit secret which “Holmes put us within 200 miles of “Cape Verde” a Pirate passing of sort’s, we return to the bridge to find the usable shipmates busy about doing the normal routine, with XO Commander Bluefin waiting for further instruction for his new appointed Captain Holmes” guide.
Holmes:"Only one important thing has happened in the last three days, and that is that nothing has happened.”
Commander Bluefin”: So what’s our next move “Mr. Holmes”.
Holmes: The Canaries Current is with us at this present moment, along the Atlantic ocean sea floor ahead at approximately 450 to 500 miles away lies “Bathymetrist Seamounts” a well form group of Ocean Mountains and as good of a place for us to look for enemies submarines,
My theory is simply the age of the Oceanic crust in this region of the “Earth” upon a seafloor less then 200 million years old, The use of sound to 'echo locate' underwater in the same way as bats use sound for aerial navigation seems to have been prompted by the Titanic disaster of 1912.
The world's first patent for an underwater echo ranging device was filed at the British Patent Office by English meteorologist Lewis Richardson a month after the sinking of the Titanic,[2] and a German physicist Alexander Behm obtained a patent for an echo sounder in 1913.
Canadian Reginald Fessenden, while working for the Submarine Signal Company in Boston, built an experimental system beginning in 1912, a system later tested in Boston Harbor, and finally in 1914 from the U.S. Revenue (now Coast Guard) Cutter Miami on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland Canada.
In that test, Fessenden demonstrated depth sounding, underwater communications (Morse Code) and echo ranging (detecting an iceberg at two miles (3 km) range). The so-called Fessenden oscillator, at ca. 500 Hz frequency, was unable to determine the bearing of the berg due to the 3 meter wavelength and the small dimension of the transducer's radiating face (less than 1 meter in diameter).
The ten Montreal-built British H class submarines launched in 1915 were equipped with a Fessenden oscillator.
Now during World War I the need to detect submarines prompted more research into the use of sound.
The British made early use of underwater hydrophones, while the French physicist Paul Langevin, working with a Russian immigrant electrical engineer, Constantin Chilowski, worked on the development of active sound devices for detecting submarines in 1915 using quartz.
Although piezoelectric and magnetostrictive transducers later superseded the electrostatic transducers they used, this work influenced future designs. Lightweight sound-sensitive plastic film and fiber optics have been used for hydrophones (acoustic-electric transducers for in-water use), while Terfenol-D and PMN (lead magnesium niobate) have been developed for projectors.
In 1916, under the British Board of Invention and Research, Canadian physicist Robert William Boyle took on the active sound detection project with A B Wood, producing a prototype for testing in mid 1917. This work, for the Anti-Submarine Division of the British Naval Staff, was undertaken in utmost secrecy, and used quartz piezoelectric crystals to produce the world's first practical underwater active sound detection apparatus.
To maintain secrecy no mention of sound experimentation or quartz was made - the word used to describe the early work ('supersonics') was changed to 'ASD'ics, and the quartz material to 'ASD'ivite: hence the British acronym ASDIC.
By my computations of all German Subs sunken at the start of this “War’ with their precise locations marked and maintain with its comparison to the Oceanic Crust,
I have discover a pattern plan that may apply in my reasoning of these “Submarines” looming about the area closet to the oldest crust formation, taverns, sub mountain regions, and deepest point near ocean fracture zones in order to confuse our sonar system.
Commander Hamilton II” submarine is headed from the African coasts this direction with a German fleet of Submarines and German U-Boats and their confederate allies all in tow wanting to inflict sever revenge,
The chance of our submarine being known in heading their direction in our own “chess hunt” will possibly provide the “New Torpedoes” a very opening stage in provide us with some knowledgeable worth.
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)

(Chapter 9)
June 27th 1918 14:20 hrs.
Approximately (13) hrs (20) min. having past electrical air of excitement has inch its way onto the bridge,
XO Commander Blue fin” has order all engine to 1/3 power, “Diver Master” take the Submarine down and set her gently on the Ocean floor,
Set all hands conditions rig for G.Q. and the entire crew G.Q. set for silent “until other wise order” by my “Commands”,
Sonar on “Full Alert” on all inbound bogy(s) with a definite signature report”,
Radio Control” send final message” of our present location, with further instruction for an escort to be provide for safety passage of the “Agamemnon” to a convoy heading to “America”,
Stand by for “Crypt Code” message to “Commander Hamilton II” Submarine (ASAP) upon my further orders;
Lt. Moore” standby at the torpedo fire upon my “Marks and Commands”
All torpedo rooms” Load and flood all torpedo tubes with the exception of the forward (4) “port tube” place torpedo with “Sir Holmes” marking “See Nelly” in (4) port tube.
Dive Master” on my “Mark” “blow all ballast air tanks” and take us to a 45 degree increase rise per 30 seconds…
All Hands brace and stand by for further instructions; until then, rig for silent is in force now”.
With the last ready for “War” instruction enforced by the experience XO on the bridge,
Jokingly “Commander Bluefin” turn to “Mr. Holmes” asking is their any other order(s) you require “Captain Holmes”
Holmes: I believe my belay last Commands are quite well sufficient and in quite perfect hands and to be quite frank to all on the bridge,
I my self would not know where to find the “Gun trigger device” on this “over grown espresso maker”…
Their after “Sherlock Holmes” stated the all to obvious in this area of “Submarine Warfare”
A slight group snicker of laughter’s grew and fill the bridge area, including my self joining in on the light chuckle at “Holmes” expense, whom adore the light moment himself with a braze of a smile and a slight soft story as we wait about “British Submarines”.
British submarines had an inauspicious start in World War One and their development in the years leading up to the war brought many problems. However, together with the natural design developments that occurred with certain technical developments, by 1918 the submarine represented a formidable weapon of war.
In 1900, submarines throughout the world were very crude machines – and those in the British Navy were no exception. However, in just eighteen years the development in them was such that the standard design of 1918 remained very similar to those used at the start of World War Two.
The British Submarine Service was a volunteer branch of the Royal Navy. Those who worked in the early submarines had to both effective and efficient workers and intelligent enough to use machinery that was complex for the time.
The Submarine Service was never short of volunteers and the Navy could afford to pick the very best after a thorough selection process. Those volunteers who made it past the selection process then faced a lengthy training programmed. Pre-1914, those who joined the Submarine Service saw themselves as an elite force within the Navy and this caused resentment amongst those who worked in surface ships.
On February 17th, 1864, the Union ship ‘Housatonic’ became the first ship to be sunk by a submarine. By using a spar torpedo, a Confederate submarine also succeeded in destroying itself. However, the principle had been set – that a ship could be sunk by an attack launched from below the water.
In 1868, Robert Whitehead perfected the self-propelled torpedo. His design remained relatively the same for a number of years though its dimensions increased as the new century dawned. The first Whitehead torpedo had a range of 700 feet, was driven off an engine powered by compressed air, had a speed of six knots and delivered an explosive head of 18 lbs. By 1914, the German U boats were equipped with torpedoes that had a variable range that depended on the speed the torpedo was set at for its target, a maximum speed of 45 knots and a 400 lbs warhead.
The first British submarine, pictured above, was launched on November 2nd 1902. 
The Admiralty used the American Holland design primarily as no obvious British design was available for their scrutiny. This was the result of the Admiralty not encouraging anybody in Britain to involve themselves in submarine design. The Holland design had a single hull and, though crude, proved to be solid base to work on. At the same time, the French were using double-hulled submarines that gave their submarines much greater buoyancy and stability.
Both petrol and electric engines, the former for surface use and the latter for when the submarine was submerged, powered the Holland design. However, the petrol engine was highly unreliable and prone to giving off sparks that were a constant source of danger in the cramped space of a submarine partly powered by petrol. 
Sir John Durston, the Royal Navy’s Engineer-in-Chief, would have nothing to do with the new vessels. His main complaint was that concentrated petrol fumes in a cramped space were a recipe for disaster.
He also believed that the Holland class submarines were unseaworthy, as they had no appreciable conning tower that would have boosted their stability. During peacetime, the Holland’s ran on the surface with their entrance/exit hatch open. As the cupola that formed the conning tower was not large there was a grave risk of seawater flooding into the submarine as even calm seawater lapped near to the rim of the hatch.
The Submarine Service’s first Captain – Roger Bacon, invented the submarine’s periscope. Sir Howard Grubb – a well-known Dublin optician, later improved it. The periscope was raised and lowered by the use of a ball and socket joint. This type of periscope remained practically the same throughout World War One – with modifications made to the lenses that gave improved visibility. The introduction of a proper conning tower meant that the periscope could be kept in an upright position where it could be raised and lowered by the use of compressed air. The inside of a Holland submarine was very cramped. The captain stood with his head in a windowed cupola and on each side of his head was a six-inch steering wheel – one for horizontal steering and the other for vertical steering. Using both wheels and giving orders out to the crew must have been demanding in times of calm – let alone when the captain was under pressure.
Later designs of the Holland moved the steering wheels elsewhere.
The smaller submarines like the Holland and its successor, the A-class submarine, were restricted to coastal duties because of their size. 
The A-class submarine still used petrol driven engine for surface movement but it was shielded from all electrical components to reduce the risk of fire. The A-class was larger than the Holland and its engine generated 500 hp and its batteries had twice the capacity of their predecessor. The A-class could run at 11.5 knots on the surface and 7 knots submerged.
The engine of the A-class was still a problem and the two most common defects were burnt out plugs and piping that became white hot when the engine was in use. As these pipes were liberally spread throughout the submarines, they were a constant problem. A5 was lost at sea – it was assumed that the explosion was caused by petrol being ignited by a spark. A1 was segregated once when it was in dock as the people there feared that it would explode. Despite these concerns, the A-class proved its value in 1904 when it successfully took part in the Royal Navy’s annual maneuvers.
The A-class developed into the B-class. Roger Bacon had wanted to put a small-calibre gun on the deck of the B-class but he did not receive support to do this from the First Sea Lord, Lord Walter Kerr. The First Sea Lord had never given his full support to the Submarine Service and he refused to give his permission for Bacon to do this. There has been speculation as to why Kerr was anti-submarines, especially as the “Daily Express” had as early as 1902, informed its readers about the submarines “tremendous possibilities in warfare.” Kerr was very much a surface fleet man.
It is possible that he saw the submarine as an underhand weapon that should not have been associated with the Royal Navy; it could simply be that submarines had yet to be tried and tested in war and that their designs were still relatively crude – hence his lack of enthusiasm.
The B-class was fitted with adjustable horizontal rudders at the bow end of the boat. These greatly assisted the submarines ability to dive. Stern horizontal rudders levelled off the submarine underwater. The sceptics believed that the B-class was too big to operate effectively. They were wrong as its increased size gave it a more regular depth line and it handled better than its smaller predecessors.
A larger boat could also have a larger engine that increased the boat’s radius of action. The D-class submarines could stay underwater for 12 hours. The larger boats could also carry a larger crew that did not get as exhausted on a long voyage as a shift system could be used.
The D-class was Britain’s first overseas submarine. A to C-class submarines had been restricted to coastal duties only. The D-class also had two other major improvements – a diesel engine rather than a petrol one and the ability to carry more torpedoes. The D-class had a saddle-tank hull which meant that its ballast tanks were on the outside of the submarine. This gave the submarine greater buoyancy and more space for the crew in side as ballast tanks in A to C-class submarines had been effectively part of the submarine’s actual hull. The D-class took only one minute to generate full power when the engine was started from cold – this greatly increased its diving speed.
The E-class submarines were very similar to the D-class but they were fitted with a twelve-pounder gun and had additional torpedo tubes. The E-class was the main submarine used by the Submarine Service in World War One and it saw action in the Atlantic, Baltic, Dardanelles and the North Sea. In all fifty-eight were built. Such was the success of the E-class design that the L-class that was used in World War Two was near enough a carbon-copy of the E-class only bigger in all dimensions.
More revolutionary designs occurred during the war itself. They were usually the result of the Admiralty’s fear that Germany was producing bigger, faster and more heavily armed submarines. The reservations that the Admiralty had pre-1914 were not obvious as the war progressed. In an amazing piece of forethought, the Admiralty gave its backing to the development of a hunter-submarine killer R-class submarine. This was faster underwater than on the surface. The fifteen knots that the R-class achieved underwater was not equaled until 1945. However, the R-class was launched towards the end of World War One and never had the chance to show what it was capable of doing in combat as there were so few U boats at sea – twelve in total from September to November 1918. The R-class was the only submarine designed by any nation from 1914 to 1918 with the sole purpose of anti-submarine work.
However, not everything the Admiralty pushed through was a success. The K and M-class submarines were, in the words of Admiral Sir Geoffrey Layton, a “balls-up”. In this case, the Admiralty tried to make a submarine do what it quite clearly was not capable of doing!
The M-class submarines were fitted with a 12 inches Mark XI gun. This was simply put onto a K-class submarine’s hull. The theory, fine on paper, was that the M-class submarine should semi-surface, fire its gun at a large target and dive quickly using the extra weight of the Mark XI gun at the front of the hull. Whereas a torpedo could be avoided by a ship, a shell would have been impossible to avoid. The gun was set to fire automatically and was controlled from the periscope. Therefore, the diving submarine did not have to wait for any firing crew to return inside. There was only one problem – to reload the gun, you had to surface and on the surface the M-class would have made a large and inviting target.
Several points were against the M-class. The submarines rarely had a stable enough platform to fire the gun accurately and a ship hit above the waterline had a much greater chance of survival than a ship holed below the waterline.
The Admiralty also experimented with launching small reconnaissance planes from submarines. They were encouraged when two Baby Sopwith floatplanes were launched from E-22. The M-class was targeted as plane carriers and mini hangers had to be built onto the submarines. Though the idea was proved in practice, the idea literally never got of the ground and it was dropped before the end of World War One.
During the war, Britain also purchased submarines from abroad. Italian and French submarines were bought but they could not cope with the conditions of the North Sea and were sold back to their makers at a considerable loss to the Britissssssh
Sonar: Sorry for the interruption “Mr. Holmes”
XO Commander Bluefin” I have 5 bogy(s) marked and all identified and heading in this direction at a range of 5800 yards,
Moving fast at current speed 45 knots, first bogy is identified as an “American Sub”.
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….

(Chapter 10)
June 27th 1918 15:40 hrs.
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” I have the USS Nevada (BB-36) bearing 140 degrees SE, range 5800 yards and closing fast;
Sonar: I have the German U-B65 topside bearing 128 degrees SE. range 14,600 yards, “rig for depth charges” and “closing fast” “Sir”;
Sonar: I Have the German Class U-20 “dead ahead” at a bearing 138 degrees SE, “Sir” range 22,400 yards, depth shallow at 1400 ft.
Sonar: I Have the German Class “Hindenburg Battleship Cruiser” all 4 screws at 28.4 knots, “Sir” range 37,500 yards, bearing 135 degrees SE. and tailing.
Sonar: I Have the German Class U-35 depth at 8700 ft. range 18,300 yards, “Sir” steady bearing a holding at 142 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: hold all positions! Radio sends a crypt message now in 3 minutes 20 seconds USS Nevada this is the “British Royal Navy Commander Bluefin” come to heading 164 degrees SE about for assistances aid in repel a boarders with the attack sub on your tail.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar what your range to the “USS Nevada” now!
Sonar: “Cmdr. Bluefin” the “USS Nevada” is now at a range of 5680 yards with the same heading of a mark 140 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Dive Master” prepares to “blow blast” to a 45 degree rise…!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Lt. Moore” all engines ahead at “2/3” power and “rig for collusion”, “sound battle station” alarm…!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Holmes and Watson” brace your self near the periscope..!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar range to the “USS Nevada”..!
Sonar: “Cmdr. Bluefin” the “USS Nevada” is now at 5300 yards with a heading mark now at 141 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Lt Moore” haves “Ensign” increase all engines to “full power”.
Sonar: “Cmdr. Bluefin” the German Class U-20 “Now at a bearing 136 degrees SE, range 20,100 yards, depth shallow and still at 1400 ft.; the German U-B65 topside bearing has change slight to now 127 degrees SE. range 12,200 yards, “Sir” and still steady closing fast”,
Sonar: “Cmdr. Bluefin” the “USS Nevada” is now at a range of 5200 yards with the same heading of a mark 140 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Lt. Moore” prepares to “fire 4 tube” on my mark…!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar what your range to the U-35 now!
Sonar: “Sir” I Have the U-35 depth at 8600 ft. range 13,200 yards, “Sir” steady bearing on same holding of 142 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar what your range to the “Hindenburg Battleship Cruiser” now!
Sonar: Sir the “Hindenburg Battleship Cruiser” has gain knots to 33.4 knots, “Sir” range closing fast for a strike at she is 28,300 yards away, bearing still holding on 135 degrees SE. “Sir” and I think they have detected us or curious on our movement but gaining fast “Commander Bluefin”.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Dive Mater” “blow blast now”
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Ensign” comes to heading 142 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Lt. Moore” “Fire 4 tube” Now….!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Ensign” come to heading 138 degrees SE” “Dive Master” hold level off at 35 degrees up rise”….! Steady steady, steady ……..”Lt. Moore” Fire 2 tubes Now…..!!!
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “All hands” brace for “sonic blast”. “Ensign” comes to heading 132 degrees; “Dive Master” comes to a level of 16,200 ft. “Lt. Moore” signal for all engines head “flank”
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar..! Reports on torpedo 2 ….time from target..!
Sonar: “Sir” 1: 37 seconds “Sir” and 4 torpedo is 42 seconds from impact “Commander”
XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Sonar…..”Range and speed” to the “Hindenburg Battleship Cruiser” …!
Sonar: all 4 screws “Sir” are now at 35 knots, even “Sir” range 15,500 yards, bearing 134 degrees SE.
XO Cmdr. Blue fin: “Lt. Moore” fire 1 tubes…”now”…fire 3 tubes….”now……
Sonar: “Commander”…”Sir”...4 fish tubes has just struck U-35 broadside…..”Implosion” ……and she is now “breaking up” and “sinking fast”………..!
Sonar: “Sir” 2 fish tubes has hit U-20 aft end screws…. she blowing blasts and coming up on a heading of 162 degrees SE…..”USS Nevada”….has blown blast and is topside “Sir”…….alarms sounding……
XO Commander: “Sonar” range to the U-B65…!
XO Commander: “Dive Master” Take us up to periscope depth at once”
Sonar: the U-B65 has fire a torpedo sir in the water…”…..XO Cmdr. Bluefin……The “USS Nevada” forward deck gun “Sir” has “opening up fire” on U-B65 and also blast inbound torpedo…….Torpedo Missiles in the Water…!......The “USS Nevada” has fire torpedo missiles at close range of 2000 yards at the “U-Boat” “Sir” and….she is moving to 45 degrees Port fast trying to avoid “Commander”…….”Holy Blast” she is “hit” and blown apart…!
XO Commander Bluefin: “Sonar” report on all “torpedo fishes” in the water for the “Hindenburg Battle Cruiser”
Sonar: the “Hindenburg Cruiser” “Sir has change fast heading to 141 and is firing guns in the water “Sir” both torpedo fishes still on target and 80 seconds from impact”.
XO Commander Bluefin “Lt Moore” come to heading 142…… 1 tubes…now…..fires 4 tubes…now………”Dive Master” take us topside fast……….”Ensign”….come to heading……..161 degrees SE….all engines 2/3 power…..sound repel alarms…… “security stations all personal”…….”Mr. Holmes” and “Doctor Watson” please place these side arms on……
Open Hatch………..
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….

(Chapter 11)
Once as a small youth I attend a celebration with along the “Thames” Summer Festivals” plus the outing surly promised that massive fireworks” should show a delightfully glaring glow in the Mid-evening sparkling night sky,
But heaven took my breath away within seconds as I took my turn out upon the submarine, to see in the distances near the horizons black clouds of destruction unfolding with secondary explosions about, all just ripping with booms of thunder and all
Happing in two different direction on the execution per “Commander Bluefin” orders to send such precise torpedoes from the USS Nevada BB-36 on going “strikes” destroy and wound UB65 and sending the “Hindenburg Battleship Cruiser” into massive clouds of fire balls as the second torpedo fishes strike with clapping pounding bombardments within seconds of the already explosions of the first two missiles hitting the massive German War Ship,
I became very queasy and my footing was very weak with the current movement of the oceans wakes, plus my nerves already rattled from the loud sounds of massive steel exploding with such thunderous scream of death” that surly my bless heart just jumping in a not so normal of a scared state to the point I was in slight shock of my own.
The “USS Nevada” its crew” and what to me seem logical the leader whose doing a lot of cussing and pointing were all on deck of the wounded “German Submarine” certain looting about,
Connecting fuel hoses, screaming orders, men’s and three females racing along putting booms and gadgets emplacement for off loading the catch of the day (Torpedoes);
And the “German Crew” includes the “Captain” being off loaded as well into life rafts at gun point…
The sooner we tie mooring upon the enemy “German sub’ other side; “Holmes to my amusement was first to board” and quickly disappear below deck with his pistol drawn,
Cmdr. Bluefin” nod to “Lt. Moore” whom also followed “Holmes”…below the German Sub” decking with his pistol drawn.
Cmdr. Bluefin” screaming out orders to all Sonar on both submarines to start searching for any vessels within this area… (ASAP).
Within 4 ½ minutes of “Holmes” departure below enemy decking he was quite radiated in his return with a irate of wording of such a “clever configuration of geniuses” with light weight and the RPM solutions just being precise to the point of a new and valuable enter changeable discovery and no less “Cmdr. Hamilton II, it the culprit of the magnificent weapon of destruction “May I have a wording with the “Cmdr. At this moment so we can be off in our own direction..!
Captain Sherlock Holmes” was escorted upon the “USS Nevada” at which he was join with Commander Bluefin”, Lt. Moore and my self
Commander Hamilton II, looking at the men before him in a funny expression especially directly at “Holmes”
Which introduction were followed..!
To which the first words from “Commander Hamilton II” reply to the summation of the situation was
As I Quoted by Commander Hamilton II:
Let me just get this straight..! you very obvious bored blokes having nothing better to do then just simply laying about hosting a Queen tea party at the bottom of the ocean floor,
As I have “German Dogs” and “Killers” on my very heels and tracks… you wounded one” and now your also entertain me further in this engaging and quite freaky “Introduction” of this “Stale English Cracker” “Here” to be the on in the flesh “Sherlock Holmes” whom obliviously from the Transylvania custom and the “Ghostly pale skin color this is to be a “Mona Lisa” original.
So my only question is just how really piss off the Old Admiral” is at this very moment to be sending in you Brits”, with your “National Treasure Trophy Holmes here…!
Within my listing to “Cmdr. Hamilton II” full casement of the current moments and his quick wording of attack in regards to the “Mona Lisa” original direct at “Sherlock Holmes,
And with the exception of his Negro pigmentation features of the “Cmdr. Hamilton II” obvious race origin
I would swear upon the Queens entire trove of jewels that this was indeed “Holmes” most foul mouth lost bastard brother of some sorts…
Which “Holmes” engages in a quick return into the factors of “Cmdr. Hamilton II. Having smartly discovery into the aluminum light weight mixture of combining The German Torpedo Aluminum wheel and its shell casing harness which is lighter by 100 lbs. and the casing of the “American Torpedoes warhead providing more explosive compound;
Still leaves the Commander tardy in one over look factor that upon his destructive path, in adversely Cmdr. Hamilton II. Neglect in not providing destruction to the Doctor compound and “Secrete Laboratory” in “Lagos Nigeria Africa… while engaging in this patter and practices of eliminating all of the good Doctor Earthly Possessions…which there is also two more over looked “Pirate ships not sunken and is loose on the ramp and simply lily about with no cause of direct harm….!
Such a blameful waste…! Of fine talent(s) ….
Well a little quick thinking and my special consultation, design, and organization are what this entire current situation is required to be in a complete product form.
Simply “Cmdr. Hamilton II”. You just simply have to go back and complete your mission with this “Pirate Crew of your on making”…. But please if it’s not to much dire trouble and bother would you this time give us “blokes” a little sample of Wilhelm (DNA) and all his laboratory diagrams, records, and notes before you provide a (IED) “improvise explosive devise” of your own making I am sure you have some special fancy for and finish your explosive pillage-n-plundering nature in dealing with your “Ex-Brother-Law” estate and holdings.
I shall arrange a “wire” for you to return the “American Sub” to England where you will have the run of my lodging and my maid Mrs. Hudson.
It quite appear “Commander” your needed their in “England” while I attend to “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. consultation needs within the United States,
I am having wording with your sister “Lady Ann” in a few days, but right now time is wasting, I require you to investigate a contact in England code name (“Dortrupt”) whom reply in defense of your ex brother in law and I assure you he is quite a catch for he is none other then “Professor James Moriarty”, colorful as he may be, but a catch all the same threw out “NATO”.
And just remember this “Cmdr. Hamilton II” before you’re off on your new mission
We shall effect a trade off, and I assure you on my homeland reputation for your behalf the entire world will know it was the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” who done it in the “Pallor” with the “Poison” and the “Ice Pick”
Sonar: I have two targets heading this direction “Sir’s approximately 36 minutes arrival time at current speed.
Cmdr. Hamilton II: “Watson” I bet Holmes here mumbles and quote precise figures in his sleep..!
Cmdr. Bluefin: hate to interrupt this brown –n-bake sale” girl scouts but we must be getting things moving…! And ….Fast…..!!!

To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….

(Chapter 12)
June 30th 1918 09:28 hrs.
We having already pass the under ocean island of “Cape Verde Islands” in a northern eastern heading for “Krylov Seamount” along the sub ocean terrain heading for the United States,
XO Cmdr. Bluefin having assigned additional “watch stations” including myself with doctoral orders for medical inspections of the crew for fitness of duties, and any other minor needs and pampering as it seems being applied,
Sherlock Holmes” current standing in the torpedo room retro fitting the 5 new fishes from the “German Submarine with the discovery of the new lighter components”
A re-fueling operation is secluded near “Krylov Seamount” with an “American battle warships providing escort the USS Texas BB-35, the USS Vermont BB-20, the USS New York BB-34 and a USS Sub-Tender to pick up the “New Prototype Torpedoes” to get them off loaded and rush to the Military tech team at the “Pentagon” and to spread the good fortune threw out all of NATO.
At which “Holmes” also having been assigned to the position of (OOD) “Officer of the Day” “mid-morning con duty stations with “Lt Moore”, giving extra rest for “Cmdr. Bluefin”
When I am not in any needed medical capacities, I am also standing watch manly nights with XO Cmdr. Bluefin” looking on the up alert for “enemy submarines” deep beneath snaking along crusted sub-terrain trails” with a steady holding position at current moment for trying to help keep sonar alert on avoiding all contacts heading in our direction;
My additional duties require filing notes and proper updates into the “Captain Log”.
Cmdr Hamilton II” took eight of the German Submarine torpedoes and all of the extra fuel, food, small arms, and all other needed supplies from the wounded “German Submarine” and was amazingly requested by another “German female officer” to join his crew which all of the “sudden group smiles” on the now sinking German sub deck surly answer the “Lovely German Quarter Master” special request,
The German submarine pump values were all open to flood the inside engine rooms compartments, and torpedo room compartments, and a (IED) improvise explosive devise was set in place on a 30 minutes for denotations as the “wreck sub sank slowly to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.
Last incoming cryptic intelligences report stating that the “Agamemnon” is in a U.S. Naval convoy task force heading for the United States along the “Hayes Fracture Zone” with the “American L-Class Submarine L-9 (SS-49) providing escort deep below.
Holmes” and “Cmdr. Hamilton II” had finish up a “Inspection of the “American Submarine” with a private moment on board the “USS Nevada BB-36” before our separate departures, which Holmes replies to me the Personal nature in this matter some days later as thus:
He the “Commander Hamilton II” never met the brother in-law and was “forever forbidding” to even attend any events, functions, or simple dinner events at the residency, not even one “Christmas Present” or “Holiday Greeting Card” was ever exchange”,
Their certainly was no grand function for a wedding with this Prince of Lagos Nigeria Africa, possible two family member were at the wedding which was a quick court house ceremony.
The Doctor kept strict tabs, watch, and orders on “Lady Ann” especially on her where about, which the family closeness and all other normal family activities and relationships grew strangely further away from “Lady Ann” presence by being in the marriage.
The whole situations remain as far as the “Commander Hamilton II” was concern as long as no know harm was cause or to behold to “Lady Ann” by the Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. then he shall have no physical harm being cause to him”
Lady Ann” and the Brother “Cmdr. Hamilton II” are the middle of the four children being which the mention of the two other brothers,
Cmdr. Hamilton II” sister “Lady Ann” did not bring this “dire peculiarly gross set of “fraudulent medical circumstances” and “queer practices of voodoo” and “witch craft”, with other obvious abuse in the marriage situations to the “oldest brother” the retired “Naval Master Chief” nor did “Lady Ann” making choosing in the “younger brother” whom appear “proper and cable” also” in aid of his sister,
But her precise choosing was of a close nature” with the Brother she grew too close in “trust” and also to insure that “Justice being served” poetic as possible” but so served…
Cmdr. Hamilton II” Father “Earnest Lee Hamilton Sr.” also having a “Naval back ground” but more of a “Worldly Merchant Seamanship” nature and in fact retired qualified “Second Mate” Super Tankers supplying materials on the high seas” which gives my reasoning for the “Cmdr. Hamilton II”
The second youngest son biological legacy and attitude in ease along his oceanic transit plight…
Hamilton Sr.” raised the family on “Pleasure Island”, in a sea port town of “Port Arthur”, Texas as was able to shield and provide an escape for his family from the current issues involving “Slavery and racial hate toward negro Americans during this time period,
Plus with his seaman reputation the area grew with merchant seaman wanting to live and raise their family within the port town thus bring welcome income to the local town merchants
And in fact “Cmdr. Hamilton II” stated because of his father outward worldly manners, respect within the community, plus being mostly on travel, the “Sherriff him self was place in personal charge and warn “if any thing should happen to “Hamilton Sr.” family while at sea he shall return from the “seven seas” and have a very personal visitation with the “Sherriff first,
Then the “Mayor” of the port town will be paid a personal visitation second… and with this was quite being seriously respected through out all of the town folks.
The natural “Grandmother” being also in her experience in life along the way a actual “Catholic Nun” whom did the primary raising and teaching of the children at early youth stages in a convent of her own making on the Island,
With the biological Mother working history being retired in the petro-chemical production involvement with volatile chemicals, and the other trait of learning and vast experiences of medical, sciences, hunting, boys-scouts of such came also from the closeness as described of the favorite “Aunt and Uncle” gives the rounding for “Cmdr. Hamilton II” being in the capacity of direct intent on discovery the new torpedo designs,
Apply this with the numerous ease of military executions as we have witness of current experience in “Naval Warfare”
Holmes” made the blight smirking references of all of “England” and “Professor James Moriarty” upon Commander Hamilton II” washing ashore in his present hostile state both shall soon be in a dire state of “International Incident”.
And the last of the conversation before our departure was a simple reply to the “Cmdr. Hamilton II” definite assortment of his sister is as “Innocent as a lamb” about as bright as Box of Hair”,
A Model type whom lives on her looks and “Vanity” but the men chase her down to share their gold mines and this seems to her to be her world and every thing, she have been sadly prey upon..!
And quite used by a “Prince of a Dog” for over 10 years with his “doctoral rich powers” and “promise of prestige” a fancy free pretty society by this “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.”
And right now “Watson” the “Lady Ann” standing with her brother as he describe it to be precise as a “25” day case of “diarrhea” compound with a mixture of a “30” day case of “sever diaper rash”, but “all of the hell that is his only sister “Watson” and “all heads must roll”…
He also taught me some new American Hand salute..! Stated it was proper usage in his neck of the woods”, what do you make of this “Watson…!
With that “Sherlock Holmes” protrude his long middle finger extended out very stiff-ward up with the rest of his fingers in a closure ball of some sorts with a up ward thrusting motion of his arm toward my direction which my only instinct and quick reply was “My Word”.
June 30th 1918 22:10 hrs
I having been just standing watch as we are following along the path of the “Kane Fracture Zone” on a heading for the water hole of “Nares Plain” XO Cmdr. Bluefin” just received a encrypted message that the Doctor “Pirate Ship” named “Nexus” was in a slip of small Islands near the under ocean “Sliver Plain” area location
With a “German Submarine” escorting them in a heading for “Cuba” to off load the “Slaves” in trade, with approximately 35 of the “German DNA injected female slaves” still remaining onboard for off loading in the “United States” intelligences reports further that the Pirate ship “Nexus” usually remains at port of call in “Cuba” for two weeks call
For the men to rest and it seem possible for our next mission to meet them up close and personal at their port of call resting station within four days …
The Americans have dispatch two submarines L-1 (SS-40) and L-11 (SS-51) with 4 officers and 32 enlisted men’s join us in a operation to over take the Pirate ship and its full crew, along with their strong hold hide out, to include the town center bank also being rob in the process, full details will be provide at a special Dark ops with the Americans.
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….

(Chapter 13)
July 3rd 1918 0840 hrs.
XO Cmdr. Bluefin having made a fast heading for “Acklins Island” to lay and wait, while the Americans Submarines L-11 (SS-51) and L-1 (SS-40) made post near “Mayaguana Island”, plans having been set for a “mid-dawn raid” of “Crooked Island” in the West Indies.
The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor “Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. a/k/a “Rex Okusaga” the Pirate third “Pirate Ship” the “Cummins” has left Port of call in “Montego Bay” Jamaica after fencing and laundry of stolen merchandise to deposit the new ill gotten currency at the Pirate Head-Quarters banking system on “Crooked Island which from their making passage for the tip of the Florida Straits through “Key west” into the Gulf of Mexico.
All final intelligence briefing having been set by “NATO Command” on board a “Merchant Fuel Ship”
The “Banking system” in the small town on “Crooked Island” has a long standing notice that it is open for business of men wishing to conceal their actual wealth and dirty low down activities,
Holmes, Cmdr. Bluefin, Lt. Moore, my self and three crew members have been giving the task of robbing the “Bank”.
The “Americans will execute upon the “Pirate Crew and all prisoners and the Pirate Ship “The Cummins” will be escorted back to England for a proper trial and hanging.
The Slaves women shall be return to their homeland with monetary compensation after the “Bank is taking for a looting.
I have been gathering about at my notes, looking over several factors in the confinement of the “Crew” under the “Ocean” for long periods of time, at which my medical curious nature was amaze at how the sea cast of characters make their every day life simple in a “IRON Cigar” beneath the ocean waves all ways going to the height of a danger zone.
The Cook for instances seem to be the referee in all disputes namely because the men seems to bring the arguments to the dinner table, which I notice less frictions simply the Cook will not serve unless grace and manners having been display.
Then the “Engine Crew” they all eat at their post, sleep at their post, and pretty much all their personal time is consume in the engine room “fixing something or another” which to my understanding fixing a part of the submarine will always be a good god blessing.
Then theirs is the odd fixed in this group being “Lt. Moore” always calm, has a large family, like to play jokes and the enlisted men seems to look to him for guidance’s instead of the XO Commander,
Which my obvious deduction the XO Commander is the executioner under all circumstances until in port.
Holmes” has been fixing him self fancy as a “Pirate” of his own making, and quite intent on making a bang of a job, as “Holmes” stated how often one gets to be a “Pirate” and rob a “Pirate Bank”.
To kill off approximately 6 hours times until we move closer for our departure “Sherlock Holmes” has been asking odd question to the men to test their Head-Master up bringing.
Age of the Earth: 4.6 billion years
Age of the Ocean: Almost 4.6 billion
Oldest rocks on land: 4 billion
First life in the Ocean: Cyanobacteria, 3.45 billion years ago
First life on land: Mosses and ferns, about 450 million years ago…
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….
July 4th 1918 04:30 hrs.
Crooked Island” at 4:30 hrs. In the morning on the early day in question is a sex sin filled, care free, haven hole for Pirates, Scoundrels, Slave Tradesmen’s, Whores in their Cathouses, Two Large Saloons, and One Main Gamble Hall, with a Central Bank located right in the middle between the two main gambling halls…
Holmes”, “Lt. Moore”, And myself (“Watson”) took up our soon to be raid duties over at the “Gambling hall” on the gaming tables with a display of “shiny rare gold coins” in a easy attempt to attracted a quite stinky, very extra greedy “one eye” Inn Keepers attentions…
Cmdr. Bluefin” and several of his men just simply ready in their milling about position at the Cathouse saloon directly across the dirt street putting up a “honest display of enjoyments” in their naughty flesh festivals of their own with the girls and liquor…
Sherlock Holmes” easy struck up a bit of luck in what I would swear was “devil hands” on the tables and ready to retire early with a 3 shiny gold coins being tip to the dealer himself alone,
Which upon his departure all gaming house warmth were fully extended to “Holmes” and his travel companions in lodging and any other pleasures in “any special needs of assistances” and “desires”,
To the point “directly “Holmes” inquiry was gestures into the safety of gold loot with lots of humors undertone of “Ill gotten” raids for gains”, plus the extra needed in a safe so secure for bedding and free from thieves like “Holmes” himself…
My Pirate part along with “Lt. Moore” acting part of the easy rough rouge looks consistence of me playing this simple minded goof spilling out lot’s of grunts, gurgles of laughs at any remarks “Holmes” conjure upon to,
No matter how mundane and pointless “Sherlock Holmes” broken pattern of speech in this dribble was producing…
At this bonding Pirate point we were introduce to the “Banking Management” with assurance of secure lodging for our combine loot… to which “Holmes order that my self go and fetch the other dirty men to hurry in making an early deposit and meet “Lt. Moore” and “Holmes” at the Bank Across the Street…
I had not been gone no more the five complete minutes to get the rest of the “fake Pirate gang” at which upon our return to the entry of the banking door to find one very large breaded man knock completely about his wits in a serious sleeping fashion with lots of blood pooling about from his head unto the floor…
Lt. Moore” having now his pistol drawn upon two other sentries whom they were now at this time frame being search, gag, and secured by “XO Cmdr. Bluefin and one deck men…
And to my shocking amazement “Pirate Holmes” now having the “Bank Manger” back of his head press extremely tightly into the large safe steel front door near the tumblers with what appear to be a “cut off version” of a “double barrel shot gun” protruding from the poor mans mouth …with the “Manger eyes” screaming wide open in fear, and his knees just a rattling about…
Holmes” shouting in his ear lightly “Dear Man” just breathes in and Breath out slowly before the fear shall all soon depart.
When the timing for me to dictate the next movement of events to print I was compounded to consider that in a comical way the “Safe cracking abilities” which Holmes Had posses and fully express in the retrieval of the large “Crooked Island” loot from the Island only bank left me in a experience of combine Dish-evil delights to share with my readers which went as follows:
At precise eight minutes upon our hostile acts in securing the Banking system, “Holmes continues with the “Manger in a manner so frightening in that it ran along the way into the inquiry of the History of the actual safe at present …
Holmes recited a short story into accounts with the gun barrel trigger cocked back and ready to shoot that in 1859 Charles Diebold, a German immigrant lock repairman, and Fred Bahmann started the "Diebold, Bahmann & Co." manufacturing safes.
 However “Watson”, Diebold and Bahman split up and Bahmann formed a new partnership with another immigrant, an Austrian newspaper editor this time, named Gustav Mosler.  Mosler had immigrated to the US in 1849.  He engaged in the manufacturing of "cigars" in New York and then Cincinnati until his funds were sufficient to open a lithography business in 1859.  
He also became a member of the firm od Diebold, Bahmann & Co, in 1859.  His energies in managerial and financial abilities were valuable assets to Diebold, Bahmann & Co.
The new company was the "Mosler, Bahmann & Co."  Gustav Mosler died in 1874.  In 1876 the son's of Gustav Mosler formed the Mosler Safe Company.  Fred Bahmann continuing the Mosler-Bahmann Co.
In 1888 the Mosler Safe Co., sued Mosler, Bahmann & Co., over an apparant pat'd infringement, and in 1892 both companies were still listed at present in 1918 as manufactures in Cincinnati, Oh.
In 1890 Mr. Julius Mosler died and the business has since been conducted entirely by Mr. Moses Mosler and Mr. William Mosler, both whom give constant personal attention to the business. When the other shop was built in Cincinnati for the burglar proof work.
For you shall see “Watson” that this particular safe was built in part in the United States and it’s a Centennial main design, and since Mosler safe having achieving its supremacy in the safe and vault business, it never has relinquished that position. 
Perhaps the most prominent of its recent achievements “Watson” has been the building of the vaults for the United States gold reserve at Fort Knox, Kentucky. . “At which “Holmes request the manger is this facts being correct... to receiving a protruding Gun barrel nodding yes response…
My curiously adventure now came to the now watching “Holmes at the actual safe cracking & opening of the “Huge safe doors”, with this I notice “Holmes quite tired in patience’s and running out of speech of sorts into the Mosler safe history…
Holmes” “just harshly as I ever witness his manners ask the “Banking Manger” with a slight extra rough tug of the gun barrel in the “Mangers mouth..
Will he do the honors or shall his brains be splatter about and wake up the “living dead”…
04:55 hrs and twenty five minutes having past in the hostile counter raid with a very final blow being struck and render in the explosive sounds of several rapid surprise gun battles quickly awaken Crooked Islands, with the Grandest of all Explosive display of quick inbound pounding bombardments
I having yet to estimate in gagging a perfect measurement to such sounds of destruction since my open “War Sea Travel”
At which “Holmes” made the grimmest of shaky remarks to me into that would be “My Dear Watson” the most regrettable and quite smattered residences of the Pirates Stronger men’s main Head quarters…
I should fear..!
The Pirate ship after fully being also secure was moved to “Mayaguana Island” for several British War Ships to conduct an escorts back to England, for all of the remaining prisoners to appear before a trial and proper King hanging,
The Slave women were free and a monetary disbursement was promptly made and discussion for their safe return home being also provided, Holmes and XO “Cmdr. Bluefin” retired to the Gambling Hall for several quick hands of “Black Jacks” with a few rounds of strong drinks being apply about at the now empty gambling tables…
To be continuing………
By: Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr Bluefin)….


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