Thursday, May 26, 2011

Texas Medical Board my Cmdr. Bluefin Rectum...............

Texas Medical Board my Cmdr. Bluefin “rectum”…….
The Texas Medical Board is the state agency mandated to regulate the practice of medicine by M.D.'s and D.O.'s in Texas. It consists of 12 physician members and seven public members appointed for a six-year term by the “Governor” and confirmed by the Senate. The full Board is required to meet at least four times a year, but customarily convenes five times a year. Typical Board business includes interviewing licensure candidates, considering disciplinary matters and adopting substantive and procedural rules. Additionally, Board committees address a variety of important issues.
So the question is this you “Crooked Bastards”
When do you really get off your Nut sacks/scrotums and do actually protect the Public Interest or just how much monies have the “St. Joseph Medical Center” and “Houston Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” (Lawson M.D.) supply to you bastards too, to fuck off my family and the United States”.
What you think I was A/k/a “Derlict” as described by “Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq., Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al, and going to leave you “Ass stains” too running on the loses… when my Life stuck on hold in “Houston Texas”, and I can not move “out” until some body actually get off their collective  “Nut sacks/scrotums”
Or do you need the “Texas Medical Board” watch who primary mission is to monitor performance of the Texas Medical Board and assure that it fulfills the mission assigned it by the Texas Legislature: Protect the health of Texans from Crooked Ass multi –identification  Doctors…. like Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. here in Houston Texas.
Who like really writing “Medical Prescriptions” for no just moral cause, then completely manufacturing fake-n-bogus medical patient records, with manufacturing fake-n-bogus Medical prescriptions, with further manufacturing fake-n-bogus transmitted diseases records involving (HIV) and (STD), manufacturing fictitious Mental Patient records and prescription for no just cause but Person Issues…against said board rules-n-regulations
 Or do the “Texas Medical Board Watch”, need me (Cmdr. Bluefin) Louis Charles Hamilton II…to launch a “shity extra deep legal  Federal probe” into their collective Asses too…… in regards to:
 Louis Charles Hamilton II
                             Plaintiff                       Complaint
Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson, M.D., a/k/a Rex Okusaga a/k/a Prince Benjamin Magnus-Lawson of Lagos Nigeria, Africa
St. Joseph Medical Center, et al
D. Bret Edwards
Johanna Ann Magnus-Lawson
Jane and John Doe
Collectively Defendant(s)
“Cmdr. Bluefin” “Fresh out of Jail” from “Houston Texas “ and I am “extra piss off”… So, All of you “bitch ass cardboard fake good covering up bastards….. “Need to get to “Collective Work”……………….”So Dam Crooked” and sloooooooooooooooow”.

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