Thursday, May 26, 2011

16.2 Million Dollars Settlement offer to Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. & The Hole in the Wall Gang

Louis Charles Hamilton II Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)

Official settlement offer to:
Harry C. Arthur Esq.
A Houston Personal Injury Attorney
1305 Prairie Street Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77002
Advertisement states:

Co- Defendant(s)
Law offices of Harry C. Arthur
1305 Prairie Street Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77002

Harry C. Arthur (Owner) (Personal Injury Attorney) suite 200
Larry G. Justin (Case Manger) suite 200
Ralph M. Wear (Case Manger) suite 200
Humberto R. Trejo (Criminal Attorney) suite 200
Sonia Behrana (Attorney) suite 200
Pat Vargas Grady (Attorney) suite 200

Co- Defendant(s)
Marine Building, L.L.C. et al
1305 Prairie Street Houston, Texas 77002
Harry C. Arthur (Owner) suite 200
1. AA Quick Bond suite 100
2. Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101
3. Lacey’s Deli
4. Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102
5. Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103
6. Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200
7. The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300
8. The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300
9. Mark Thering (Attorney) suite 300
10. Darrel Jordon ( Criminal Attorney)
11. Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300
12. Marquerite Hudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
13. Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300
14. F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
15. Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
16. Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300

Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby file this “legal written offer” with all of the above Defendant(s) to settle this civil action at this time as follows:

The Plaintiff seeks a sum fair in the amount of $25,000.00 (Twenty Five Thousand Dollars), from each of the following Co-Defendant(s) listed as (“Tenants”) in the Amend Complaint on or before November 8th 2010 FROM EACH

With 10% deducted from said ($25,000.00) amount and made payable to (Christ Church Cathedral) for the behalf of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II. (charity & tax issues) and if your slow that’s ($2,500.00) dollars from each said Tenants listed at the Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas as described in the complaint on file in the Federal Court in Houston Texas. WITH PROOF of (Christ) being paid said ($2,500.00) dollars from each Co-Defendant:
AA Quick Bond suite 100 ($25,000.00)
Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101 ($25,000.00)
Lacey’s Deli ($25,000.00)
Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102 ($25,000.00)
Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103 ($25,000.00)
Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200 ($25,000.00)
The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300 ($25,000.00)
The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Mark Thering (Attorney) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Darrel Jordon (Criminal Attorney) ($25,000.00)
Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Marquerite Hudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300 ($25,000.00)
Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300 ($25,000.00)

You all can keep your “sorry lame ass” apology”, if you not out of this action by the 8th day of November 2010 on my Birthday then you can “double that price” and if not “Happy by that” well just get ready to share in a “$16.2 Million Dollar’s” “No Hold’s Brawl Civil Federal Fight of a once in a Life Time” .

The Plaintiff seeks a sum fair in the amount of $50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Dollars), from each of the following Co-Defendant(s) listed as (Law Offices Of Harry C. Arthur et al) in the Amend Complaint on or before November 8th 2010 FROM EACH with 10% deducted from said ($50,000.00) amount and made payable to (Christ Church Cathedral) for the behalf of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II. (charity & tax issues) and if your slow that’s ($5000.00) dollars from each said Co-Defendant listed at the “Law offices of Harry C. Arthur” in Houston Texas as described in the complaint on file in the Federal Court in Houston Texas. WITH PROOF of (Christ) being paid said ($5000.00) dollars from each Co-Defendant:
Co- Defendant(s) of
Law offices of Harry C. Arthur
Larry G. Justin (Case Manger) suite 200 ($50,000.00)
Ralph M. Wear (Case Manger) suite 200 ($50,000.00)
Humberto R. Trejo (Criminal Attorney) suite 200 ($50,000.00)
Sonia Behrana (Attorney) suite 200 ($50,000.00)
Pat Vargas Grady (Attorney) suite 200 ($50,000.00)

You to can keep your “sorry lame” apology”, if you not out of this action by the 8th day of November 2010 on my Birthday then you can “double that price” and if not “Happy by that “well just get ready to share in a “$16.2 Million Dollar’s” “No Hold’s Brawl Civil Federal Fight” of a once in a Life Time .

Defendant Commander in Chief”
Harry C. Arthur Esq. Houston Personal Injury Attorney you (Bastard) you need to have a minimum of $2.4 Million Dollars with 10% deducted from said ($2,400,000.00) amount and made payable to (Christ Church Cathedral) for the behalf of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Charity & tax issues) and if your stupid ass is really slow that’s ($240,000.00)

You to especially can keep your “sorry lame ass” apology” and if you are not out of this civil action by the 8th day of November 2010 on my “Birthday” then you can “double that price” and if not “Happy by that “well just get ready to share in a “$16.2 Million Dollar’s” “No Hold’s Brawl Civil Federal Fight” of a once in a Life Time.

Should a dispute arise regarding the enforcement of this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to his reasonable costs and attorney's fees.
1. If you do not wish to settle at this time then stay please around, I got something extra special plan for ya any and all who like to ride the “Crazy Train”
I will be filing a Motion to secure all records, files, banking documents, and frozen all combine Assets.
2. If you got any problems with this Settlement Offer then get ya a real and hopefully “adequate enough Attorney” and sue Harry C. Arthur Esq. sorry ass for your combine pains… …!
3. If you are so stupid enough to even have The Law Office Of Harry C. Arthur et al, represent you in this (RICO) “Wire and Mail fraud scheme of things matter as collective Defendant(s) and ya extra stupid slow ass did not hit the eject button (I got something plan for ya too)… !
4. The original of this settlement offer will be sent to each of you in the U.S. Mail on or before the 5th day of October 2010 will the “Documents, Records, & Asset Freeze Motion(s)”.
5. Any person who wishes to take the “exit plan” get your own Attorney and fill out the necessary legal paper work to file this agreement with the Court and with the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II.
6. Any person who wishes to stay ya Ass had better have a “Good Attorney”……

Compromise Agreement
This compromise and settlement agreement is made by and between Louis Charles Hamilton II, (who will be referred to as Plaintiff), whose address is P.O. Box 20126 Houston Texas 77225 and Defendant:
Harry C. Arthur Esq.
A Houston Personal Injury Attorney
1305 Prairie Street Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77002
Advertisement states:
Co- Defendant(s):
Law offices of Harry C. Arthur
1305 Prairie Street Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77002

Harry C. Arthur (Owner) (Personal Injury Attorney) suite 200
Larry G. Justin (Case Manger) suite 200
Ralph M. Wear (Case Manger) suite 200
Humberto R. Trejo (Criminal Attorney) suite 200
Sonia Behrana (Attorney) suite 200
Pat Vargas Grady (Attorney) suite 200
Co- Defendant(s):
Marine Building, L.L.C. et al
1305 Prairie Street Houston, Texas 77002
Harry C. Arthur (Owner) suite 200
AA Quick Bond suite 100
Mike Cox’s Bail SVC suite 101
Lacey’s Deli
Jonathan A. Gluckman (Attorney) suite 102
Wayne Heller (Criminal Attorney) suite 103
Law offices of Harry C. Arthur suit 200
The Ring Investigations Mark Thering suite 300
The Ring Investigations Kandy Villarreal suite 300
Mark Thering (Attorney) suite 300
Darrel Jordon ( Criminal Attorney)
Daniel Perez-Garcia (Criminal/Immigration Attorney) suite 300
Marquerite Hudig (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
Carl D. Haggard (Attorney Mediator) suite 300
F.M. (Poppy) Northcut (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
Sandra Martinez (Criminal Attorney) suite 300
Allen J. Guidry (Criminal Attorney) suit 300

The parties stipulate to the following:
1. Plaintiff asserts a claim against all defendant(s) based on (RICO) “Mail and Wire Fraud” and other Federal Civil Rights Violation as described in the Original and Amend Complaint.
2. An action based on this claim is now pending in the U.S. District Court of Houston Texas Division, Harris County, Texas case number H-10-2709, with plaintiff (Hamilton II) represented by Pro Se, and defendant(s) representation being unknown at this time frame
3. Defendant(s) denies any liability in connection with the alleged claim(s).
4. The parties wish to reach a full and final settlement of the action and all matters arising from the dispute described above.
Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth, the parties agree to the following:
a. Defendant will pay to plaintiff monies as outline above. [On execution of this agreement or as the case may be].
b. Plaintiff will execute a Request for Dismissal, dismissing the pending action with prejudice against all of the Defendant(s) whom having execution of this agreement “only”, and deliver this to the defendant(s) [on execution of this agreement or as the case may be].
c. Each party releases the other from all rights and claims that they may have against the other arising from the dispute described above.
d. This agreement is a compromise of a disputed matter and may not be construed as an admission of any party's liability.
e. This agreement was the result of a settlement having been prepared by Plaintiff party.
f. In the event any action is instituted to enforce the provisions of this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover attorney fees.
g. This agreement is intended to bind and benefit the parties, their heirs, agents, legal representatives, assigns, and successors in interest.
Dated _________
[Signature of Plaintiff]

Dated _________ ______________________________
[Signature of Plaintiff's Atty.]

Dated _________ ______________________________
[Signature of Defendant]

Dated _________ ______________________________
[Signature of Defendant's Atty.]

*Note: This offer expire on the 8th day of April 2011 from the undersign date;
Dated this ______ Day of _________________, 2010

By, ____________________________
Louis Charles Hamilton II
Pro Se Plaintiff
P.O. Box 20126
Houston Texas, 77225

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