Wednesday, October 3, 2012

To: President & Commander In Chief (Obama)..............xoxoxox

What’s up Presidential Brother…………xoxox

Your not the only one been dog ass busy, but at least you look better at getting the job done…

The Poll voting have you looking trim-n-good, which is a best thing for you next to “Robot Mitt” and his 47% fans….(Ha,ha)

Got a good tip for you to win at the debate on Oct 3rd

its called a slip “Mitt Romney‘s” a dirty 100% 16 oz. “Meth Drink” of Coffee

and watch him really take off, (ha, ha)

Bet he remember us 47% lazy good for nothing sucking off the Government Cheese-n-cash American Nigg=er’s then…..

And his lying lips be moving extra super fast…xoxox

his job at “Bain Capital is waiting…xoxox

See if you cant expedite his focus on his return trip to his CEO position.

So what’s been up, I been feeling very comfortable with your road to the white house

And thinking out loud, I am really ready for a “Grand Old Party” but this time with “Fire works“.,
and “Naked Stripper Chick’s“…

….and “barbecued chicken“, “cold slaw“, and lot’s of “marijuana” ….....dah…..

Must go, the Jail staff and guards are creeping my way

Keep up on the Poll Numbers, don’t for get the Budget, Entitlements, New Jobs, Foreign Policy, Immigration and especially remember us “thee” 47% of American voter’s

Luv ya……..Cmdr. Bluefin