Saturday, September 21, 2013

Moo-ha-ha-ha “Cmdr. Bluefin” Halloween Special IV… It’s Bloody Soaking Awesome”…

“Lost Wandering Knights” of the round table, detailed once again to reporting on “MIA” United States Navy “Cmdr. Bluefin” and his never ending of the grid secrete mission now campout under the hostage conditions via The United States Government never ending Melt Down…

Again Exclusive, Live and Instant”, Questions, sharing his view, latest news, and updates businesses,” Somewhere “Only” we reporter knowing exist in the pathways of the “Internet”…

Pooh Bear: And if you have a minute “Cmdr. Bluefin”, we hate to trouble you from your damaged “Fairy Tale” …

Hi once again, and “Sir” how do you feel the U.S. Nation having healing it’s self from the last height and threat of a financial meltdown to now being in the same path of a looming Government “shut down”
Over the Issue of lifting the “debt ceiling” in order to not hurt the “Hundreds of Thousands of Americans”, if Congress fails to Act.

Cmdr. Bluefin: Real simple for all of you “Slow Lug Nuts”, who is unclear…?

If my USDA retarded slave negro “Social Security Check, Medicare entitlement, food stamps programs is in a state of being unpaid, left in government topsy-turvy cockeyed vulnerable limbo state,
And missing in fu-king action from my direct deposit poor man bank account for a small deformed period of time,

With delays to my “VAMC Brain Sick Prescription” benefits; according to once again all of you crooked, unscrupulous, corrupt, snaky “Yellow teeth” twisted “Yuck Mouth” ugly Red Neck Bastards in Congress…  

Then you Ho’s can keep your eyes on the big bruise of my “Kaleidoscopic Dying Dreams”..!

“Your all Insane”, if for one second you think it’s time for the “Old Commander” to pack it in and let you “Congress Monsters of Men”, Dead Heart Sinuous out of shape, bent pack of counterfeit,
Impure Dirt Bag Mongrel’s throw it all away, while legitimate Millions must suffer from a unskilled greedy closure of the U.S. Government Businesses

Well Cool…  J

We Thee People of America,

Like Wolves in the Dark, running wild in the wind, from my own shadow melting alone & together “move that” the Entire U.S. American Government system… stay forever fu-king closed….     Da’

Ya (Stupid Extra Slow Bastards)

            And (Only) the Power of the “Executive Branch” began taking shape, formed with the entire U.S. Military Group..!

            Leaving “Super Chunk Crooked Congress” Dumb Ass Holes Forever and a Day out of a Dam Job… (ha, ha)

            Then let’s see who really understand “what’s really going on  J

            A New Mountain of U.S. American Laws will be crafted and adore by the finally “Free at Last”

We Thee People of the United States of America!

Cambodia: Just so I am not slow in mistaking you “Cmdr. Bluefin”, your saying the entire (U.S.A.) according to your legal determination” will now be operated under full Military Marshall Laws by the now acting “Commander in Chief” of the Executive Office, “President Barack Obama”..?

Cmdr. Bluefin: “Dam Skippy” Sushi Breath”…

            Too many nights I lie awake, staring at the concrete highway overpass ceiling, searching for a peace of mind for the “Entire American People” as a whole, and knowing truthfully the “claws of the very crooked complexity of Congress, is forever set to be running around in endless circles…

            It is my common relevance that it was a money scam from the very introduction of “Slavery for the full benefits of the ruling one percent controlling white class… note nothing has change and now I encouraged you all to fall awake now..!

            Under the current correct vision of “President Obama” he can now rule with a Military Love Strong Hold Government and Beach (ASAP) all of the dumb “crooked Red Neck “GOP Fossils” clean out of control forever for the safety of not just the partial few super rich class,
But also to include the always affected poor status of the entire U.S. Nation…

            We don’t need to understand our mistake, there are miracles that we having already let pass us by, while being in a so call beautiful life living here in America,

Congress shall always keep it (USA) working as Bleak, Broke and Complicated, full of poison of never change.

Popciti: So what would you recommend “Cmdr. Bluefin”, be the first official act of the current “Commander in Chief” “President Barack Obama” under his New Military Marshall law control of the (USA)..?

Cmdr. Bluefin: Round up, hunt down, and catch each and every last acting alive “GOP” Congressmen and put them under a fine tooth comb, hostile evil eyeball survey trial as to why under their
 “Neglect and full control” that they should not be executed to meet there greedy golden God!

            While then in his second official act, having a “Cool Ass Time” buying back at least 100 years of American Life, with hoisting a relentlessly week long Live until we die happy Entire Nation get naked “crab-n-shrimp” 40 oz. Dirt Weed Pool Party J

Reflect: who’s the next contestant for your always playing spin the bottle on the “Evil Warlord Dictator in my hip pocket “Death Game” Cmdr. Bluefin”..?

Cmdr. Bluefin: with the UN Experts now having fully confirmed that “Chemical Weapons” were in fact used in Syria!

            Syrian President Bashar Assad $ his Regime has clear for NATO, my “Zombie Team” to take up battlefield Innovation formation plans made “affordable” by President Bashard Assad own hands delivers of crooked chemical signature of dead events for a well needed old fashion (BBCAGB)

“Big Black Cocks American Gang Bang” mission to completely “Pluck” Crooked Assad sorry stale Ass from power and settle him down in prison garb for a date before the “World Court” or ICJ (International Court of Justice)
In the Hague, Netherlands …to see actually how well his weak sorry neck can hold out to a “Cool Old Fashion Oil Rope Hanging”.  J

Jupitormag: what’s been up with you and the American Judicial Court System lately, still working the process severs to death “Cmdr. Bluefin”..?

Cmdr. Bluefin: Although the American Corrupted Judicial System does not sit well with my swollen hemorrhoid and understanding…
            Coz too many of them Judges are so lame ass sorry with their “blind lady Justice” knowing they are fully protected under “Absolute Immunity” and can actually steal the ground beneath your feet’s…

            Nothing More Cool for me “Like watching” a “Crooked Cold Sore” falling apart “Green leaking puss” on the witness stand…

Actually I still have a “open case” pending before the Jefferson County Texas 58th District Court, Soon to be falling before the USDA “Hanging Judge”.

            I always knew the score and soon the Defendant’s crooked story of “Civil Corruption” has to come to an end…

Mouse_rr: Commander Bluefin “Sir” …What is your “Cue Break” time from reality, meaning what’s your feeling that is “Hot” in the most unusual Media circle this year to your findings..?

Cmdr. Bluefin: I been Killing time waiting for the fall season for the “Real Husbands of Hollywood 2” to kick off on October 15th,

So I can see the Cool Hollywood Stars coming all out, fully unglued, Extra Buck Wild”

On Legendary “Toilet Crap Starting Trouble Man” The Infamous retarded “Kevin Hart” with his always bringing the wild confusion, from years of being left behind  

Or underneath the “short school bus” while still having extreme “Sunset Blvd. and Vine “Hooker Ho Crabs Blue Balls “

With his good “Cold Chicken Skin-n-Grease Pale Mayo” Sandwich eating slow “Mother Fu-king Ass ”......xoxoox!