Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving ........oxoxooxoxoxox!

FTFO...(Freaking The F-ck Out) it's Thanks Giving fu-king day and the Turkey is frozen, can not find the dam corn bread mix, and my weed box is OMG (rat's) bone dry ass empty Da' 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)... Cool Holiday Wishes, Kicking off Thanksgiving T- Day…………

Happiness to all of (Crooked Ass America) on this Wild Yard Escape Turkey Jail Bird, Dirty Stuffing, Wild Rice, Mac-n-Three Cheese,

Notwithstanding the infamous (dripping deep fry greasy ass golden gravy) “Old Fashion Negro biscuits, with Pecan Honey Slave Pick Pie” Season J 

(Pig Feet) on “whole wheat toast” for dessert/breakfast as per you Negro Slave bad health request   Da”.

First and foremost to “Commander in Chief”,

 President “Barack Obama” ….

“Thee Cool Negro Brother” running all fu-king things  J

“Cool Holiday Blessing” being respectfully sent for you and your Entire Sweet family, as all ways (Smooches)…………xoxoxoox!

To include all of the USDA Military, especially the (U.S. Navy),

Plus sweetness for all “Retire Extremely Dangerous” (RED) American Personnel,

And all other off the grid, money making (American) fool killer Ass Bastards (FKAB),

 And your entire hostile Killer Ass Family (KAF)……As well As

(Obama) Washington D.C. Hard working Staff, And My very own Family…………

“Merry Christmas”

From this “Cmdr. Bluefin” IP address

Via your “Special Secrete Services (SSS)”, “FBI”,”CIA”,” NATO” ,” NSA”,  and the rest of you snoopy ass, “flat foot”, “Fu-king four eyes”, “sharp shooting D-Holes” reading this “Cmdr. Bluefin wire”,

By the way Where is the fu-king liquor, Wine and “USDA Ditch Weed”……………………..

And As for the Entire 212th Fu-ked up Crooked Ass “Tea Party Congress” ……..

Here is your Special “Cmdr. Bluefin” Expedited “Cool Brother “Christmas Wishes” from the Fu-king North Pole with Cheers……………..


“Cool Cracker Ass Santa” on Big Fu-king Break, puffing on Hawaiian Tall Ass Trees…. & (Poof) “OMG”   he is lost on a “Walk About” Drunk, High, licking on Mrs. Claus Cold Ass Cool Cup Tuna Smelling Ass Snatch J

“Smooches” & Really Cool Ass “Fu-k You” bunch of sorry Ass Bitches ….

Holding a broken dam monkey wrench on (America)…while fu-king off my (Negro)Sorry American Dream (SAD)…within this lame ass Dead Congress Control.

You Bunch of Snail Ass, Dog Flee Nut’s, Scank Ass, Goat buzzard Buck teeth, Freak Ass Loser Crackers,

Bleeding 24/7 (365) from ya hurting stretch out unholy Rectum, Sorry Smelly Stale Toad loser Ass Bitches………..

Ya sorry “212th Lame Congress Asses” need to be on a special fu-king fast UPS delivery dial tone for a “flat line” as in meaning (DOA) to the nearest “overseas dessert morgue”.

 Please Note” Cool Cracker Ass Santa” got something special for you all…

A Middle Fu-king Finger being sent to the “Holy Lord” on your Sorry Lame Behalf to do something bad to your fu-ked Up Asses,

And a nice lump of “China Deep Dark Pocket of Coal” within your “Crooked Ass Christmas Stocking”,

With a special “Cmdr. Bluefin” Notice………………………………..

“Your Crooked Ass 212th Congress Services” is no longer fu-king forever required” ……………………………………………………..

“Ya” Bunch of Dizzy Bloke Bleeding Brown Hole Ass “Bitches”

And to the rest of the “Spinning World”,

 Lick Me Hard on “Christmas Day”,

So Sweet, Nasty,-N-Good………………….xoxoxoox!

Wild Bitch’

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bonjour to you (America)

Happy “Cmdr. Bluefin” Birth Day Wishes from you all, are So Special Welcome and Received with “Sugar Sweetness”, J & (Thanks)

As he Hanging on a Washington D.C. “Cathedral Wall” like a “valuable piece” of working … “Art” Go’s out to “Commander in Chief” Barack Obama…. Cool as always” 


Screw sitting back for another low down Congress Slow Motion Deadline Machine”,

Move on to the “New Day Light” starting T-Minus 15 Seconds of “Viral Time” right now processing into the “Internet World” ….

Where you can seek to live free, even where your home can satisfying presently be… as you pay your dam taxes    Da’.

A Very Sweet Special Sexy “U.S. Navy” Mail Call Shout out, to

 Hollywood “Kaley Cuoco” This Girl is So, so sexy (Yummy) J

Bye for now, (Louis Charles Hamilton II) dashing off in “Calvin Klein” kicking off the Weeklong B-Day non-stop Party,

 Keep on having a Happy Cool November..!