Thursday, May 25, 2023

Cmdrbluefin USNavy Hamilton vs Trump 2023 International Criminal Court Honorable Justice fraud 2009 World Bank market crashed by Trump Organization Moneylaundering off shore wealth russia

#yourmajesty👑 @princecharles_wales 😋💋💋💋 As you see this drama 🙄 I already explained that to your mother 👩 Queen Elizabeth II and pointed out that on or about the dates of 2008 and 2009 United States of America 🇺🇸 never existed before 🤯 February 7th 2013 and they where cheating the whole world 🌎 in this market crisis selfinflicted because factsfirst in 2009 Obama was underseige 🤯🔥🔥🔥 and I told him that he the first slave president of the Confederate whitesupremacists government and he still did not figure it out because of mitch McConnell corruption concealing two government looting the federal reserves banking system founded in 1913 🤯 now in 2023 Kevinmccarthy fixing to crashing down the federal reserves banking system with Trump trumpjudges in this scheme of looting for a few dogs 🐕 and rip off the poor over and over again... Defendant Chief Justice John Robert Supreme Court is directly involving this fraud scheme through fifthcircuitcourtofappeals concealing my court filing involving the Royalfamily children Prince Harry and Prince William 🤴 therefore issued of a affidavit of probable cause and arrest warrant being prepared as you sleeping 😴 stuck on pain 💊 pills and starbucks coffee ☕ and we have no life or citizenship because white man lying 🤯🔥🔥 do not care 🤯🤯 publish this fraud scheme world wide since to be exactly the Book of Souls Britain Royal Navy attempting freedom of said Negro slaves never set free from this date 📅 in 1776 through out February 6th 2013 ...🤯🔥🔥 this is why it is very  illegal to read 📚 white supremacy books that never meant anything but confusing to control all races of people of color 🤯 and they infiltration the holy catholic church school 🏫 with the corruption with prejudice against Pope Francis 😱 with prejudice while physical kidnapping the immigrants Asian Muslims Hispanics under false oath to USA 🇺🇸 that never joined USA 🇺🇸 untilfebruary7th2013 but the school books world 🌎 wide has this complete back in 1865 ... wow as Defendant Chief Justice John Robert Supreme Court 👏 happy content 👏 👍 concealing humantrafficking conspicery against the entire Negro slaves population targeting their money