Friday, June 28, 2013

Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Today there is no retrieved from the Universal Sun Highest Touches into one Soul".

Our Current Archaeological Standing is at the ruined "Pyramid of Djedefre" in a blistering Hot Noon Day, "Irene Adler", "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" and My self Doctor Watson", venture off in the direction for the entrance corridor to the Pyramid, while Sherlock Holmes" headed off with a Joke to find buried hidden treasure at the grave site near the "Mortuary Temple" with the further belief a secret room or chamber can be access from behind a seal door inside the Grave of "King Khufu" oldest grandchild .

As we made our way into the shaft "Lord Hollingberry proven to be a engineer in regards to the masonry and its ventilation system, which seem to gain my interest in the dark Pyramid Shafts, while I kept on the look out for hidden booby death trap's of rock's falling in n on us, or being stuck in a room with no door, out and no food, or supplies being lost for thousands of years in a secret passageway designed to catch robbers who tried to break in to rob the place.

We have arrived in a dungeon's lowest level, and to find our way back "Irene Adler" is making marking alone the walls. I figure we are in an intricate winding maze of five pipe tunnels and came to a "T" Intersection run to the left, "Surprising to find a small stone cliff to walk through to reach a cave directly to what appears to be a entrance to a "Tomb",

"I" move to the right to be careful to avoid a small swarm of black creatures known as "Zoros", that had quickly scurry out from a small hole in the block wall. Unfortunately it seem we are having difficult to pass forward due to the narrow ledges ", and ended up on a dead end balcony seemingly without purpose, upon which we did a return to the room above with the ultimate goal is to reach the stairs at the very top of the next room will be a less nuisance detrimental to our mobility

Keeping my thoughts that above ground "Sherlock Holmes" and his party of "Nomads" are on the far side of the Valley looking for a entrance to the deep burial chamber to end our expedition, I notice "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" has been making make shifts maps in order to provide us a simple small peace of mind as we advance some 2.5 tons of average weight per block further within the "Pyramid of Djedefre"

Oddly enough alone our passage "Iren Adler" has been occupy her self with lucky finding of Archaeological Artifacts in this most striking "Monumental Architecture structure in Egypy".

"Ultimate no "Wicked Games" had worked up until I recalled the moment we enter into a area of "Quarry stone", in which at the bottom had been built a single large sloping ramp that went up to a "Plateau" built inside this massive Pyramid, at this point with views in all four directions that lead to discovery of tunnels in which doing a quick calculation "I" estimated we travel the entire llength of two and half football fields with "Fabulous Landscaping", filled with Ancient writing plaster about,

"Upon my enter into a small doorway a large stone door fell in place, at that moment "I" felt time would never last, nothing to do but keep going further as "I" noticed right away structures that looked like storerooms, with a large Pit" Beautifully cut deep and narrow , and just wide enough to hold my body alone this rows of stone block walls to such a depth that my ears started popping! "The walls were very smooth to the touch and seemed to have been worked.

"I" saw two more "Vertical Shafts" as "I" went further on at this point realizing "I" was trap in this extraordinary place, with even more questions buzzing about fast round my head, with nothing more "Important" that the "Dead Stone Mentions Discovery of my Dead Future..!

To Be Continue By Louis Charles Hamilton II

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chapter 9 of My Sherlock Holmes New Book :)

Bonjour to The Internet, Commander in Chief, Guy Richie, Robert Downey Jr., And Judd Law

Chapter 9 is on the Desk being kicked around a bit for the Dead Mummy Lives in the "Pyramid of Djedifre",

 Time for "Doctor Watson" to get a few freaky goose bump's crawling up and down on his pale ass skin and be shaken up a little bit,,,,

So to all of my Fans, Family and Friends please try and remember in the Super Hot Dry Ass Dessert

"Ya" extra country slow ass better have plenty of water to drink,   Da"   :)

I Makes My Dedication of Chapter 9 for my Sweetly Sexy Special and Inspired "Love Interest"

 "Tamara Ivey"    :)

She has stolen my "Heart" and Makes me Feel So Brand New,

"My So Sexy German Spy"   :)

With Loves to "Her" and all of you whom is Reading......xoxoxox

Enjoy Chapter 9

Louis Charles Hamilton II

Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Navy)      xoxoxxox