Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cmdr. Bluefin Halloween IV, “The Scank Ass Beheading Mummy Lives on my Street” …………….”

Assumed to change the outcome of ones on handicapped destiny’, while a Multi-Task “Bluefin” carpet bagger of a private sort capacity being held in deep secret no less… (Always) MIA and

 “Outcast” to a grim trail of endless searching, while as of late coming to a “logical conclusion”,

The Smartest Coolest “Commander in American Chief” Military Mind always being mistook for the likes of a “Greasy Chicken” “lame nuts”, “mettle – minded”,

“Dark Ass Mark Ho Stain” on the “Oval Carpet”,

A Major Pure waste of “Negro Flesh”, notwithstanding from my point of view “Doctor Watson” J

A Quite Elementary perfectly nice place for one to enjoy a very “cozy rest”.

No one is permitted to possibly be knowing that The “Dark Man in Charge”

Has been “quite selfish” in “deploying” quite some “keen”, “bold”, and “massive essential”, Killer “Marital Arts” whole sale “Isis slaughters” of his very own nature Death Trap Type Stuff

All being a very “Old School Prankster” acting So “Buck Wild” With “Gruesome Adventure”

With the most importance speed of “Military Cleverness” to deserve well upon from his American Countrymen “Much Gratitude”….  J

 And all others Countrymen falling “unsafe global” from such “among other things”  firm “brutal beheading” being bestowed to affect rash, mental and sound madness in the minds of the “Entire World”

As always wrongfully assumed “Mr. President”.

These “ISIS Pirate’s” is feeling well safe beyond meeting Their Very own End…

Let Me detail a quick’, “Cmdr. Bluefin” United States Navy Ninja…………”

Death and Destruction “Halloween” 18 hole facts “Playing Card’,

The “British Parliament”, overwhelmingly voted to join U.S. air strikes.

And really at this rate “U.S. Navy Ninja’s” are already deployed and having been “deeply locked down” in on your “Isis stronger holds targets in Syria” as the Missiles just continue to come a flying” in from nowhere (OK).

Notwithstanding the “Full NATO” Dismantlement of fu-ked Up “Isis” Asses in Iraq” being “lay to rest” dusty about “Lifeless Wonderment” in the Sand as (I) speak.”

A good deal of “blood waste” will spray about for an “Eternity” by the cruse your lost ungodly “Isis duty” place upon your very own “Sorry Lives”… 

“No Chance Forgiveness Ever“.

Let it Rain “USDA Tomahawk Cruise Missiles”

All over Fu-king Syria Air Space…..“Until Christmas Eve”. Ha, ha…  Midnight”

Santa Now Himself saying no rest for the “Wicked”

“You Dizzy Ass Bastards”

Just Like “Pakistan” Housed Many “Terrorist Groups” “Wrongfully Long enough...”

Where ya think (America) found “Osama Bin Laden…”

“Abu Musab aL-Zarqawi” was terminated too,

As you all “Isis” Loser will enjoy a nasty leaking hole in ya head too”

And it will be done by the “Heart of The Globe” for you have no place in this “Earth Air Space”. Acting like “Ungodly Killer Bitches”

Now if (I) Was (America) acting “Commander in Chief”, right about now……

(I) be picking up the old “Bat Phone”,

On this Very Nice “Sunny Saturday” saying to myself …..

That Dam Fu-king Crazy Ass “Cmdr. Bluefin”  J  Always fu-king with me…”

With his Very Silly Messy Ass Da”

 Now I am “Commander in Chief” compelling...”

To order up to the “Oval Office” me “Two grill cheese sandwiches” with “Very Fresh tomatoes”,

Some “Ginger Snap Cookies”

And a “Big, Big, Glass of “Very Extra Cold Milk” or else you stupid Mothefu-king Cook….will be “pimp slap”  J

Then (I) start me a (Obama) Blowing up Smooth fu-king so much S.H.I.T. in Syria

In a Big Smoke Puff Storm of a campaigned Causing Many Major Flat Line from “High Tech Explosive” leveling…………………………”

(Any) and all assumed within “Syria” Air space Fu-king Strong Holds of terrorist target “Huts”,

 “Landscaping”, “Cars”, “Food Store”, “Whore House”, “Dogs”, “Goats”, “Cats”, “Camels” and any and all “Isis Men” running about of every “grimy type” fleeing

For 24 hrs. None stop “Precise Missile Video Hit’s”

From all of NATO, British…. & U.S. Naval Assets  J

And I let a few Ooops’……”

 (I) Am So Very (Obama) “Presidential Fu-king Sorry”, for Flying Missile being assumed “major malfunction” explosive “accidents”……

 Dead on target at “Syria” loser asses, assets too, J

For so many years of their many stupid contribution also into the “lame Terrorist” Bull Crap Mess too  J

And Yes “Indeed” Release …..

“The United States Navy Ninja ……”Snipers”

 On this “Cmdr. Bluefin”…..

 Happy 2014 Halloween Prowl…. ha, ha, J

(Smooches) to ya “Commander in Chief “Barack Obama”

 *Sticky Note to American President*

On This “Sunday Morning Global News”

 (I) Cmdr. Bluefin” United States Navy “Ninja”

Respectfully requesting and expecting to see something really like “Holy OMG” Cool Fu-king Halloween Damages from 

“Global News reports” of Look at that “Size” of That “Fu-king Hole” in the ground in “Syria Air Space”

Smooth the Fu-ked Blown up (OK)…

“Bunch of Dizzy “Jack Asses” Ha, Ha,

Just Like you “Commander in Chief” (Obama) did for me in Libyans Air Space after “Gaddafi”

And His Presidential Target Compound “April of 2011 Per My Coolest Cmdr. Bluefin special Blog request you go After His Slooow Extra Sorry Dead Ass” too on my “Wire”, ha ha J

P.S.  Boo”

And Fu-king Happy Halloween (America) you Sloooooow “Crooked Ass Bastards”  

Cmdr. Bluefin “Going off Line”……………..(Dial Tones)…”  J



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