Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry Chapter 12

"The First Official Native Chinese Cavalry Unit", was formed some two miles away with guns, and crossbows encountered at almost twenty thousand men strong,

Well beyond the size of needed strength for our small forces, creating a efficient tactical superiority of "Nomads Attire" with "Galloping Marksmanship",...

"Bloody War", for Supremacy in a complex game of grand strategy as "War" surly will become more intense, ruthless and much more decisive.. From our hill top view point (I) could see in the back ground a Sea of "Infantry Men with Dagger-Axe, Swords

 and all dress in Armor walking in "Battle Field Formation", "Particularly" equipped in close formation at a "head Count" at least another Twenty Thousand", plus strong, with the complete catapults locked-In for well timed advancement in Military Strategy...!

To Avoid much for seen devastation and before the "Infantry heavy Chinese Military was unable to react", Sherlock Holmes focused on creating a now relax move for China Empire and The Ruling Chinese Dynasties

To profited greatly from "World Trade" from the West", Further the Victorious Chinese Armies need not fire a single shot upon which myself (Doctor Watson),

"Sherlock Holmes", Irene Adler", Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry", and The American Professor Hosting approached the dominating Chinese Army with the Respectful request of meeting their "Imperial Commander"

From that standing point on Sherlock Holmes first finding on the origins and evolution of "War" and "Politics" was simple "Bribe the Key person to be come in a position of trust to be fully and forever influence with the views as set before to persuade all parties concern having favor for procure common purpose,

 "While" Sherlock Holmes", secrete assume the role of grand strategy to Co-ordinate the resources of a band of Nations, and various services to extend across many years or even multiple generations,...

 Thus Now Holmes, thinking on the level of now a Corporation Nation in Business with China'.
Accompanied the now Central Reserve Elite Army from one frontier to another with relative ease for four days travel, being removed of any weapon device for our protection as if we even stood a single chance against the legions of "Barbarians...

 (I) will note upon our seven day of this frontiers road effects with a superior numbers of forces we were now accompanied by a group of beautiful, wholesome, extraordinary females War Goddess Figures

With the leader of the group whom pronunciations statement of British meaning, words, and phrase were quite fulfill with the Liverpool street version, Indented to make

 "Sherlock Holmes" feel quite at home as we were given a tour during our route to meet what appear to be the "King" of making definite responsibilities for our significance expecting of different results, .....

Regardless my now medical feeling towards "General Sherlock Holmes" appear to be suffering derangement of the mind, lunacy, and most certainly at this stage having trouble in distinguish "fantasy from reality", due to Psychosis, and at the Present time frame noted

(I) must give my self "Doctor Watson" a occurring specific disorder form of low Intelligence for conducting myself sometimes twice a day to the Intensely Involved over and over Cock Brain Adventures of "Sherlock Holmes". 

To Be Continue By Louis Charles Hamilton II

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