Thursday, July 25, 2013

Royal Baby "George Alexander Louis'. Smooches". Prince William And Kate....xoxooxox!

Bonjour to "The American Commander In Chief", "Barrack Obama", The Royal British Family", "Guy Richie", "Robert Downey Jr.", And Judd Law.......xoxoox!

(I) "Doctor Watson", Present "Sherlock Holmes" Adventure of "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" Notes will be reporting passing Respectfully through

"Sacred Mountain", Down upon "Holy Lake", Heading for The Regional Head-Quarters in the Town of 'Purang, China.

New Beginning forever established in "Grand Funk" Style, with "The British", "The Americans", And "The People Republic of China", country side "Monster Mayhem" definition of Gaming Military Experiences

At the Reserve Duty Accounts of "General Sherlock Holmes", and His Army.
"Complete", And "Whole Hearted", "Devotion's And Dedication" of Chapter 12 "Sherlock Holmes" story is in

"Honor of the "New Beginnings" of "The Royal Prince William And Kate" Born Baby "George Alexander Louis"  :)

"Smooches" and Hug's

Louis Charles Hamilton II

"Cmdr. Bluefin"

United States Navy

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