Monday, March 9, 2015

“Cmdr. Bluefin” United States Navy 2015 (Spring Break Report) (Double Up II)…………………” “The Hunt For Red October II”

To: “Commander in Chief”, (Obama) “Sweet Spring Breaking Cool Smiles…xoxoxox! Duce Up J

To: Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) A/k/a (RICO) Suave Specialist”…………..”

          “Lt. Moor”, have all hands “stand down” from “General Quarters”..!

Set Sea conditions 22 knots heading 4 days “R & R” @ “Pearl Harbor”

All hands hear this on the “USS Cochrane DDG (New Fitted) XD-21”……… “Lt. Moor”, Clear The Deck and Fully Load Forward “Double Missile Launcher”…!

And load forward Torpedoes tubes “1” and “2”… Any naval personal near or on the “Matchbox” ASROC missile deck “Stand Down and Stand clear” this is not a drill…

“Senior Chief Gunners Mates” fully load both 155 mm “forward guns”… and rear quadruple ABL Mark 43 Tomahawk missile launchers… and set on standby…

“Lt. Moor”, Open Channel 16 “hailing frequencies”

To Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) A/k/a (RICO) Suave Scank Thong Rat Puss Face Specialist”…………..”

Now Hear this “Cmdr. Bluefin” On the USS Cochrane DDG (New Fitted) XD-21

All legal weapons systems fully loaded, T-Minus 19 Days and counting, you have your settlement offer, your fully aware of first, second rounds of pending discovery request,

Major collateral damages will extremely occur… please stand …..By will be with you momentarily….. That is why my….. “Commander in Chief” President Ronald W. Reagan

Provide a special Encrypted U. S. Naval Warfare code ….plus make sure you give him three more extra days in the naval “brig”

“Cmdr. Bluefin” pay grade E-1 “F-u-c-king Crazy Cajun Pearl Harbor Negro

FYI: Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) A/k/a (RICO) Suave Specialist”…………..” the mail and wire fraud you simply conspire roguery  against works “both ways” especially if ya not such a  slooooooooow loser crooked “attorney at law” “that is all”…

To: “Commander in Chief”, (Obama) “Sweet Spring Breaking Cool Smiles…xoxoxox! Duce Up J

Cool Spring Break Time “Commander in Chief”, (Obama) & Family  J

(RICO) Suave Scank Thong Rat Puss Face “Attorney at Law Specialist”…………..”

 I just go to let him set adrift (DIW) dead in the water for (4) more days …..his port hull, fully 1/3 60 ft. crack wide open below the water line, taking on massive water, both engine rooms blow open, main bridge blow wide open,

He so attorney at law slooooooooow”.  A major USDA Test crash dummy Esq. and being so done…!

And this attorney at law lives for “oral arguments” a real fighter too J  J  J….

I’ll simply President Barack Obama

Ninja Naval (JAG) T-Bone his “crooked lawyer dead beach diaper breath ass” Before the “United States Magistrate Mean Old Judge”

But first and foremost before March 30th 2015 hearing I shall finished off unloading my request for Admission second round “pay load”, ha ha”…  J

Prick BITCH Attorney at Law about dizzy now, (TKO) daze, confused, babbling to him “crooked self” in his hot piss senior citizen diaper mad ass crying ha ha

 Saying why is the “Internet F-U-C-King” with me” J  ….ha ha….I being rat ass Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) “photo bomb” on the old invisible “Wire”….ha ha…….  J

Omg “Commander in Chief”, (Obama) when you see how I tie up his Scank Thong Rat Puss Face “Attorney at Law” (RICO) enterprise loser rat crooked ass  for a “final conclusion” and a lesion to you Mr. President Barack Obama, “Sir” and lame Ass Congress

On how to save “USDA Government Entire Crooked Cracker Cheese America” another 64.8 Billion U.S. Dollars from any further future (RICO) Fraud, Shams, schemes, plots, turns, twist, and skilled corruption against any and all Federally Declared Disaster Funding,

Department of Defense Appropriations via among other Congress Funded United States Department of Housing and Urban Development entitlements for homeowner assistance programs… protection by both the Shady Construction Company Contractor, Double Dipping Private Home Owner Insurances Companies, and Some Crafty Crooked Homeowners..!

Simply elementary “Doctor Watson”, introduce my “Federally Declared Disaster Funding plan” which (I) shall posting my full, Final, details, finding and puzzling query on May 1st 2015… Before Hurricane Season 2015

As to why this stupid American government monetary Federally Declared Disaster Funding “plug hole” still left wide the f-u-c-k open for “looting & plundering” J

Which I personally having monetary been bit three time by Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Humberto, and seen so many other fallen from such a scandal of a

 USDA “Cheeses Congress Cracker Blunder” whom actually Congress 4-eyes cracker red neck controlling asses are directly at fault… and “USDA Entire Crooked Cracker America” shall continual suffrage the same 64.8 Billion U.S. Dollars Federally Declared Disaster Funding losses again…  Dizzy BITCHES”, ha ha  J

“Commander in Chief”, (Obama) enjoy ya “Sweet Spring Breaking Fun ….xoxoxoox! (Smooches)

Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) Esq. “licks ya $50.00 “Crack Mix Meth Rocks” before lighting …. J

Enjoy ya “Casino Buffet Law Degree”, & F-U-C-K your Spring Break”…. At the “Nickel slots”……”Stupid Sloooow Loser Prick” we shall soon get to the part before the “Honorable Mean Old Magistrate Judge”

Where ya was breaking my heart on March 14th 2008 thievery with all of my Construction Company entire flock of “Building tools” loss wages in excess of $380,000 U.S. Dollars

 As it will be yesterday once more, as the many years gone by and rather quite sadly to me through 2015. And even some past not sunny days even made a grown man like me simply softly cry……..”

Have the (RICO) Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) Esq. big boy brass balls to pull up ya thug lawyer paints and be present in Court Counselor…

Bring ya some popcorn too as your surly continual onward in your superior conceited corrupted refusal to except a settlement offer…!

Take Last Notice: (RICO) Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) Esq. Scank Thong Rat Puss Face

90 official days after you been so legally personally process served in one setting Pro Se Plaintiff “first and second” round request for admission, interrogatories request for disclosure pursuant to Federal rules of Civil Procedure “discovery packet” as fully posted herein…your settlement offer deadline ends…!

“Lt. Moor”, Close Channel 16 “Hailing Frequencies”


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