Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 15th 2015 "Bluejack National Golf Club" 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 "Texas Property Code Section 53.252", 53.052 and "Demand Letter"

Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, namely “De Chavez Construction” on June 9th 2015 at the 4:00pm hour with the ”The Saw Cutter” team, and with notice of some representative of the “General Contractor” (Tom), @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316
My Chief Crew, (Domingo), and labor (Spooky) all being qualified craftsmen and labors, reach a point and logical understanding that the 7 inch required depth was super unattainable and
Representative of the General Contractor (Tom) pointed after measuring our cut and seeing we reach well beyond 7 inches and still have not hit dirt as it is required by the “engineer staff” that the concrete road demolishing each 20x10 section at a count of 6 and one entire road panel must be completely saw off to the end and at full depth regardless if it well over 9 -10 and half inches in depth until we hit “dirt”…

“De Chavez Construction” Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein at that precise second in time, waited till all discussions was reach, calculations and simply, referred the matter as follows,

 “Keep cutting” with the same “saw blade depth” at 7 and ½ plus already well beyond depth regardless of the agreed contract by Specifically,

Porter International Construction, L.L.C. for cutting such a task at hand, secondly per agreement, they “Porter International Construction, L.L.C.” just phone already me they will compensation and understanding we are continual working…

“De Chavez Construction” Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein stated to General Contractor (Tom) @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316

We are sending a “driver” back to Houston Texas 1 plus our drive both ways, and get that big 12 plus inch “Cutting Blade” bring it back super fast and change the Concrete blade on the concrete saw and return to the first original cut, and start over, because then the saw should quicker as their already a major fault which representative of the General Contractor (Tom) @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316,

After hearing this became “very happy” and return to his big green nice clean truck… drove me and my crew down the road to another location around the bend about 800 yards away which required to be “saw cut” in addition and removed and replaced which was not under contract,

As well as the needed 300 ft. of “soft cutting” need to be also done straight down the middle to create a “control joint” as required per blueprints plans and after Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, “De Chavez Construction” listen to

General Contractor (Tom) @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 made his final plans be well known and Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, namely “De Chavez Construction” agreed to all with General Contractor (Tom) @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 which was also be known that (GC)

“General Contractor” was already withholding all monetary fund’s of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C.” in light of such a HUGE CONCRET mess as legally, correctly, and make no mistake about it a

 “New Sherlock Holmes” Cmdr. Bluefin” live Mystery Story with such elementary detailing, like “Doctor Watson” never foreseen before all quite eyebrow raising true…!

General Contractor (Tom) @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 at this point in time simply departed while as we were all being watch by his staff throughout the 9:20pm hour at the task at hand until escorted off the property…

Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, namely “De Chavez Construction” on June 9th 2015, reach an agreement with Porter International Construction, L.L.C. as follows:

1.     $5500.00 for the labor only, and Porter International Construction, L.L.C. will provide their big “Backhoe” for the breaking out of the old cut out concrete and for hauling away from the main road, over to a area where other concrete tear out had been haul too.

2.     “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” will deposited $2000.00 same day, supply all concrete, “However” at the start of the Job, Porter International Construction, L.L.C only came up with $500.00 cash, and agreed after we left property we will get, $1500.00 same day

3.      However, “Smith Jr.” of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” refused to pay, and stated he will kick ass before he ever pay for work we just done, and telling (me) and (Doming) that the concrete is at the required 7 inches depth and we are confused, and don’t know what we are talking about and not entitled to be compensated, and at this point

4.     Porter International Construction, L.L.C (Smith Jr.) hand over blueprint to a foundation job, for a “New Home” at the location of “Sydnor Street” and “Gillespie Street” in Houston Texas and wanting “De Chavez Construction” on June 10th 2015, to commence also to finished this project (asap) on June 10th 2015 which was formed but needing to be poured and finished as this was underway also and need super fast attention of “De Chavez Construction” (Copy of New Plans of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C”  on file herein)b

5.     To include but not limited to Porter International Construction, L.L.C  trying to scam “De Chavez Construction” to doing 20x10 (200) extra sq. ft. of concrete demolition work and replacement that he “Porter International Construction, L.L.C”  left out of the contract and claim it was covered under same contract and wanting this done also under the same contract, in the 1:00 am hour

6.     While refusal to even pay the agreed $1500.00 same day deposit at which after this time a fight almost started with “Smith Jr.” and (Domingo), but “Smith Jr.” after doing a lot of “Big Extra Big Size Man Barking” because of his large size Man Frame and Body Weight realized that little (Domingo), fixing to tear him off a “funky meat hook ugly phase” even if he is a little small (Mexican) J to which I stop the “next phase” from being very, very (Omg) real ugly, and stated simply, we want our money, you “Porter International Construction, L.L.C “ a. talk work, we work, b. Porter International Construction, L.L.C  you talk money, we are here now to be paid, and you want more work with these plans c. you (now)Porter International Construction, L.L.C  talking big man fight, he (Domingo)ready to fight, what is your Porter International Construction, L.L.C  problem…?

7.     Porter International Construction, L.L.C “Smith Jr.” now agreed to give “De Chavez Construction” in the 1:00 am hour after all that “physically happen” throughout the day and “no supper being had” while stuck out @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 nothing in sight but “dark trees” as described in paragraph (2) above

8.     Porter International Construction, L.L.C “Smith Jr.” will come to the job sight with now $2000.00 cash and “De Chavez Construction” will continue to return to work in the 8:00 am hour and finished the contract, the extra $500 was to cover our extra work in cutting and tear out of concrete and he will pay extra also for 300 ft. of soft cutting as this being needed too.

9.     “However” in the morning hour “Vernon Smith” namely  CEO of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” phone Specifically, Mr. Louis Charles Hamilton II, namely wishing to speak with he assumed the actual physical “De Chavez Construction” being as he assumed that (I) am (Mexican) on June 10th 2015, stating a different kind of hostile story, that “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” will not be paying $500 that was to cover our extra work as required for the extra cutting and tear out due to “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” on fault

10.             And “De Chavez Construction” will only get $1000.00 deposit after being on the job site and need to return to work asap, and nothing else will be paid out until “De Chavez Construction” meet all final inspections of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C”

11.             To include but not limited to “De Chavez Construction” get nothing if  on June 10th 2015 “De Chavez Construction” and his crew do not return to work and break out all of that “substandard concrete that’s been highlighted in orange paint… next phase is ready for form up and set conditions for ready to be pour concrete road @ Bluejack National Golf Club 4430 South Farm to Market 1486, Montgomery, Texas, 77316 in two days and why is “De Chavez Construction” and staff bullying his son “Smith Jr.” of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” 

12.            And as further boldly stated: why do (me) “Vernon Smith” (CEO) of “Porter International Construction, L.L.C” 20165 Old Houston Rd. Porter, Texas, 77365 “recognized your Voice” ………  “De Chavez Construction” ……………….(OK) “Hold the phone “Batman”  J

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