Tuesday, October 1, 2013

“Fu-k Congress And You” Red Neck Goat Breath Fu-king Camel Booger Eating Ass “Boehner” ......

And Kiss my “Negro Black Broke Extra Crazy XXX Super Stupid Ninja Navy Black Ass .......“Bitch”

Your USDA Government made me out to be... Join The “USDA America Ninja Navy”

Kill for the United States of America Profit.....Da”

  Where is my Da Fu-king USDA Government Cheese Now You Gut Less Crooked “Bitch”.....?

 And you and them Fucking Loser “Crackers Congress” cannot even fu-king Handle issues out of them “Dead Fucking Presidents USDA Funds” to Support your own “American People”  “WOW” OMG......................

 But always talking crap as if yours so fu-king special around the dam “entire rolling slowly “world”... ....All the Way past fu-king “Mars”.....

As if you’re always feeling like “Golden God”.

You “fu-king” lame “Turtle Nut”.... “Bitch”...... you know exactly who the fu-k (I) am....

 Take a picture of this “middle finger” up to the Lord looking down on your corrupted undercover loser “Boehner” Ass....

And your “motherfu-king Sorry Ass” still stuck on “Stupid Slavery” of the “Negros American People” with the rest.......

*See LOUIS CHARLES HAMILTON, II, and Negro African American, suing on behalf of all other African American (Negroes) Americans in and for the United States of America Vs.


Appeal 12-40403

If you think this “Chicken Thief Nig-er” is fu-king so black ass always stealing fu-king slow......

I been studying you and the rest of them crooked red neck “ass holes” since “Birth”... Da”

 Picture Photo Repeat Upload in my “Attic Shelf”...............

Boy We Negro always must stay under your 1 % control no matter what....

So you kill the 2014 election system with a “Virus” call a Government Stupid “Shut Down”...

FYI: Drunks in the “dam ditch” can read you crackers”, ya always doing the throw back “Slavery S.H.I.T” we on the bottom of the American Food Chain.... Da”

You’re Not Even “Mature” To Protect the Burn up American Government Parks...........Sloooooooow J

Neither a dam thing change nor will it ever will unless...

You Bastards shut the fu-k up” smell your own stinky ass crap stain greasy greedy under wear, as you Die begging for “forgiveness” for your sins...

And let the multi-cultural new young youth of the American melting pot take over this “cheap crooked broke always disappointment sinking fast USDA American Country”.

For the provision of a “Good Life”.

Check this out prick “Boehner”, when I did recover for like the 14th dam “American” time in Life...... holding on to The “New Negro America Dream”...

While in the U.S. Navy out on the “Deep Ocean” wishing the “Sun Would Never Set”.... and well on to the present very fu-king ugly day..

Praying for real that I ......“Cmdr. Bluefin” .....

Have my “American People” back” .....

Throughout the “Strength blessing of American Congress” regardless how they from the past Fu-ked completely over my “Negro People” .......


You’re Still The Same Crooks as “Always”.... And I Love you so much to say.....

“Lick These Negro American Motherfu-king Nut’s’ ......as you hang on to your rich “Red Neck Cracker American wallets”... you Ho’s....J


I swear before “My Cool Smooth God”... “If” President Barack Obama.....

“Commander in American Fu-king Chief” ........said on the “Red Bat Phone”...............

Hey “Cmdr. Bluefin” ......Kick His “Boehner” Sorry Speaker of the House “Red Neck Ass”... Soft to sleep “ASAP”.... I Know Nothing............

I drop down on your “punk prick cracker crying ass” from about 12,000 feet’ of “America Air Space”...

Dead on your “rich country club red neck, super elite stupid golf club”...

On the 8th hole as I watch you from “above” on my “Digital Cricket” Cell Phone Smart Search Triple Play GPS Tracking System”....with a frozen “chicken leg” super duck tape with Sheet Rock Nails & tie down good in my “left hand”

And lay you “Smooth the Fuck Out” with “real pain”......

All the fu-king way to the “18 hole “

Then I put you on my “knee” and spank your “smelly sorry ass” ....you “ugly” always crying “bitch”......................................

Then (OMG) Here it go’s the “rubber hose” with the Negro “Colt 45 40 oz.” Wash out “deep up in your “dusty retarded stale Cracker Ass”.......

I Drop You like Fu-king USDA American Crack sizzling on a “glass pipe”.

Now look what you “done” made a fool out of everyone”....

You are not hurting for one fu-king thin “crooked silver dime”.....

 As you or any one of you “Crooked Fu-king Slow Congress Confederates” may think you may suffer ....as you robe the “American People”

“You The Speaker of the House” never did really care......

 Who you think your fooling...... I personally watch your creepy “Speaker of the House” loser up to date loser events...

To the point (I) kept exact tap’s on the fact yours a “Double Rouge Crooked Cracker Tea Party Congress Agent”

Exactly where you are standing this Fu-ked up day in American History...!

Playing like you’re lost from the control of the “Tea Party” when all alone... you’re all as one ....doing nothing but issue out what you think is real confusion to the American Wondering slow as they lay here in the Ditch......

In fu-king up in handing out the simple Government Always Poor People Cheese”....

Blame your own sorry crooked loser “Speaker of the House Loser Ass”, and then let it roll down hill to the rest of them “Lab Rats”........”Letting down everybody” you’re responsible to protect us all......

You knew them Loser MotherFu-kers in Congress wanting to tank (America) ASAP”.....In your secrete star wars satellite meeting......and Fu-king Smile.....

You “Prick Bastard” as you hold on to what you think is a small victory.... with them “Sorry Bitches” bleeding on the inside of their “Sorry Soul”

 And what did you do “Boehner”, is really in all facts Join them losers “Crooked Congress Crackers”...... putting American on the side walk begging for a “soup kitchen”

Now you want innocent comfort from the media as you have your Loser wife suck off your “sorry crooked ass cock”...

Just do this as your reading to the end...Look in the “Stiff Drink” in your crooked hand.... hit the “Tea Party Congress Special Delivery Cocaine”,

And think about how it is way too late in your dumb life time to clean your Fu-king “Dirty House” of going nowhere ever....

With them Hard Liners Republican Sugar Toad Smelling Sweat Shop Sorry loser Asses,

It should be printed on your “Crooked Tomb Stone”........

“You and Yours” a bunch of “Fu-king Dead Turkey Gut’s Squid Toe Jam Eating Crooked Crow Congress Bastards”...................

“You Sorry Red Neck “Boehner” A-Hole...........

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