Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Smooches" "Laila"......Hi Darling :)

Love the pictures, and the surprise mail (Today)....
I shall send you more on me as stated that I am A "Navy Veteran", Past Skilled In Construction Building, Living in Sugar Land Texas,
Very Much home alone, with out a Love Interest in my Life at this Time in Texas,
And to be honest.... I get so many "Creepy Women" sending me sexy mail each day , but all so far end up being flaky as Dog crap'   Da    :)
Per Your Request here is a little on me
I moved home to (Texas) from "Pearl Harbor Hawaii" ...which is so very different for me ....that I find my self wishing I never left,
 Because this "present day" in the main land of "The United States" nothing seems real in my eyes, with the mostly gold digging women at all',
 Yet on the Cool Hawaii Island... So Many Nice Fine Fresh Women from every where you can think of their" whom are very much being real, always "Sugar Sexy Sweet" in "Always Fine Swim outfits",
And loves the Tropical Beaches, Sailing, laying out, volley ball, cooking out, surfing, clubbing, and real out door fun, and always hitting me up',
And not trying to play "Internet Games" for their "Web Cam" Scank Slut Whore Dating Services,  Da"
 As a example "last night" I get some attracted "half naked photo" sent to my cell in a text (Which) I do not even know how "she or he" got my number (anyway),
 The "Tricky F*cker" want me to "Hook Up" and meet up for "Starbuck Coffee", but first I have use my credit card to pay to see "Her" on a dumb web cam in order for her to feel safe in public.. vs. around tons of people in a coffee shop ...(OMG)..... 
Then tell me she is in a Motel near me, so I ask for the lame address to test her out ..... which she sent it to me ..
.But then further reply that the "Crack Hotel" she is staying in do not have a phone in the motel room at all, .we can not talk in person at all.....(OK).....
and her phone do not have (SKYPE) but she is on a computer that all of a sudden do not work on a "video chat" at all.....(OK)....
Now I am some very slow green buck teeth Nig*er being extra stupid Ass weak turd   :)
And here we go again another one on my "What The F*ck List" :)
So to be to the exact point..... your claim is 33 of age as stated  (Cool) hoping your mature , and very much a good "Hot looker" from your pictures :) ,
 but are you seriously  looking for me to be somewhere "New" in your Life..?
I Just keep thinking of The Movie Star "Meg Ryan" in the Movie "You Got Mail", and hoping on a "Star" that some day she is truly out there, Very Real & Wanting Me......xoxoxox! 
FYI: "All Men Can't Be Dogs  Da"
And All Women Can't Be Scank Slut's   (ha ha)

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