Friday, October 11, 2013

Sweet Soft Sexy Day Note to my "Dearest Finest Unknown".

Today is a very  sweet   day , I prayed for real friendship of a sexy white women in "Texas" and your just simple  out  of  thin air in"Sugar Sweet     Alice in Wonderland  is  here.........
And the funny part is I am very serious too .................Hello My Name is (Louis Charles Hamilton II), and you most likely found me on "Just Hook Up" where I posted my needing Sweet Sexy Fine White Female Pussy ad". (Right), ha ha......
Anyway   Just arrived Home in Sugar Land Today and was happy for a change because you sent me such a nice picture of your eyes that made me smile and stuck on stupid at the same time".
I am very real and live in Sugar Land Texas Too, Just got back home from a week of kicking it with my big brother shopping and  looking around on the  river walk  with  my day  Dream      that been getting very real in my mind .... Which is I am tired of being lonely in Texas..... I have nothing but sweet thought for you as (I) Thank Jesus for a simple prayer".... and he answer with you, so take this to mean a lot if you wish, because I am surprise to find sexy you at my "Internet Door ....
 I am very much the person you would be surprised to see all over the place in what I do , and it only happens in movies for the slow...but with me nothing is slow except being back home in (Texas) where I moved from Hawaii as now I am ready to settle down and search for a "New Love Interest"......
I am not trying to creep you out or make you wonder, only saying that I like your "approach upon me" and I need to know in your mind what made you pick me"..?
I have study your two pictures very close and your very sexy body made me smile to know that out there Is a sexy white fine women I would suck her pussy until I taste her cum.....xooxox
So to not be rude or a ass", (Thanks) for giving me this time to make a sweet sexy  note to you ,
 I been out of the loop for a while with fine white girls since I moved back to Texas...and really have not tried hard enough here in Texas to find my sexy friend, as I feel black men do not stand a chance in mix dating with Pretty white girls as your self" the Dirty South of Texas
I lived almost all over the entire fucking world and nothing I say can help you see the  softness in my eyes for the loving feeling I have for (all) "white females" but maybe I am curse to crave your body and be alone"
I been waiting on the "fall season" before the winter comes to be honest with my self and search for someone likes "pretty sweet you"
I been getting a lot of mail from girls everywhere whom are not being real and want to play on their infected computer with me as they  send me tons of emails,&  naked pictures and beg for broke money", or ask me to go on their "web cam dating site" which suck to me as I try to avoid this sorry crap".
I have so much in life to offer, but will only share with the "pure at heart".
And I only date White Fine Females (Only)..that what I want and is very much use too....its a very sick sexy thing I hate... because no other race of fine females will do it for me..... if you can understand me (Darling).......
So to read your mind at this moment in time, I pray your real and at least women enough to share real emails with me as I am truly alone"....and share in smiling with hopes of more of your very fine pictures  :)
So many "crazy bitches" seem to think that because they found me on a "dating site" with naked picture of my big lonely dick.... I am easy for their" head games" but to be truthful it has made it easy for me ....
because I do not search for Love or do I cry for Love"...I just wake up each day, take in a cool breath of "Living on Earth Air" and read my boat load of e-mails as I smile through out all of the "bull crap" letters
And  I reach to the same conclusion each day as I stay truthful to sexy  me self   & Think".... for I know somewhere out there  in "Home Sweet Home" Texas she is out there waiting for me".
I was married (Once) but she killed her self in Utah because her parents would not accept my being a Negro and I lost my unborn child and two natural daughters and my pretty sexy wife".So I have learn since then forgive, move on... and just pray for her to be out their praying for a real (Negro) man that would bleed for her Love".....
Thanks for your Sweet Sexy Note and Picture...your way wrong for catching me off guard and answer the Lord Prayers has given me the chance to think more hard about being Home in (Texas) and what I must do to make it Home again for me"........
With Sweet Loves for your "Dearest Unknown Sexy Self"

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