Sunday, February 8, 2015


A.    Another “front company” located in Beaumont Texas. To include but not limited to J Can Company business operation and “Cars and Pieces” business operation (RICO) enterprise in State and Federal Tax Evasion.

B.      While J Can Company income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

C.     Assumed Name “Car and Pieces” in Beaumont Texas business operation from May 10th 1990 while actually engaging in (RICO) enterprise in “money laundering” in scrap metal materials” in connection with assumed name business J Can Company in Port Arthur Texas. As described in paragraph (C) above.

D.    While “Car and Pieces” income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

E.     Assumed Name Paragon Business Inc. being a unknown company of sorts, current in business operation since May 17th 2001 while Paragon Business Inc. income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

Which Pro Se Plaintiff being further set forth Declares, Affirm, and State further before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein continue to engage in among other things “obstruction of Justice” collaboration, racket, and

Plot in their collective (RICO) “defense” the direct refusal to produce among other things said 58th Judicial District “Court Order” for discovery of the “property deeds”, and all records involved in Hurricane “Rita,

 Humberto, and Ike, in connection with the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas as of this undersigned date in 2015.

And ruse, dodge, concealing, withholding, destroying, masking, obscuring all past, property deeds, banking records, contractor(s) construction insurances estimates and contract(s)  for (5)-(6) hurricane storm damages claims, homeowner private insurance records,

 FEMA records, (4)-(6) mutable private illegal business company records, Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs housing records, State Tax Records, Sales Tax records, (IRS) Tax Records any document relating to any discovery into the corrupted (RICO) enterprise endeavor fully

 “Chief Defendant” Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 with legal intent to bring Pro Se Plaintiff “Civil Suit” in Common Law A-180805 to a full collapse lost civil cause of action in a well plan, visionary clever skilled lawyer strategy scheme to “first and foremost” make the bogus (RICO) fraudulent “representation and presentation” as acting “attorney of record” for the legal behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively to the Pro Se Plaintiff,

While at the same time frame making the same bogus (RICO) fraudulent “representation and presentation” as being not the acting “attorney of record” before the Honorable 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

 To execute withholding all discovery as now being escalated as described of the Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving the Pro Plaintiff alone in excess $127,339.31 scam of (2) U.S. Federal Housing Grant.


Which Pro Se Plaintiff being further set forth Declares, Affirm, and State further before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein

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Flat out in refusal to except any “certified Mail” from this particular Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in the State Court action


 A-180805 on January 29, 2015 , 10:53 am as being described


    Tracking Number: 70092820000295595205


For a “Writ of Attachment”, Summary Judgment, Contempt of Court hearing being held on the 19th day of February 2015 before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas at 9:00 am hr.

Once Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein in 2015 again with such scuttle plans, to hide, melt, destroy, conceal, ruse, scheme, dodge, all records, or being a party thereof in this grand (RICO) scheme of things involving not only the Plaintiff but the entire “United States of America”

And “The State of Texas” in a half bake (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things that has accumulated gradually past acquisition of hidden (RICO) monetary earnings cars, possessions and properties estimates in excess of $980,000.00 U.S. dollars

 From the time frame of 1997-2015 and to include but not limited to the Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving the Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein alone in excess $127,339.31 monetary scam of (2) U.S. Federal Housing Grant.


Pro Se Plaintiff being respectful, before the “Honorable U.S. Justice”, and fully reincorporate all as stated in the original (TRO) for to freeze, all records and assets of the “Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299” and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein

With all supporting exhibit(s) on file with the U.S. Clerk in support thereof said (TRO) injunction and Motion to freeze records and assets and all supporting exhibit(s) now with the weight of

“Merit” attached herein fully in favor of granting Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein require protection of all discovery material(s) as already legally described herein the records of the U.S. Federal Civil Suit (RICO) action.

Wherefore respectfully, Pro Se Plaintiff moves before the Honorable U.S. Magistrate Judge to grant all such (TRO) asset, and document freeze in Justice, equity and relief.

Wherefore respectfully the Pro Se Plaintiff moves the cost of Court, Pro Se Plaintiff fees, and such other further relief as Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II may be entitled to in law or in equity.

Dated this ______ day of _______________, 2015


By, _______________________________

     Louis Charles Hamilton II

     Pro Se Plaintiff

      P.O. Box 17524

     Sugar Land Texas 77496



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