Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"U.S. District Court" Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al


The Representative from “The United States of America Navy Ninja” Louis Charles Hamilton II a/k/a “Cmdr. Bluefin” has the Floor. J

To: My Favorite “Commander in Chief” United States President (Barack Obama)  J

To: House Speaker “John Boehner”  F-U_C-K Y=O=U ha, ha  J

To: Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al (RICO) Suave dude your sloooow crooked attorney ass in so much real “XXX USDA Federal trouble”, J

First and Foremost “Mr. President” Namely “Barack Obama” J

Hello Mr. President  J, Sorry “Sir” me been so fu-king dizzy ass busy with the Sherlock Holmes “Legal acquisition” into the half bake (RICO) Suave case,

As you be so happy to know and learn your favorite “Real in the Ditches Negro” me myself and (I) and my Extra Special Agency

 “Bluefin Inc.” secretly “once again” uncover herein alone at this present “time frame” factually in excess $127,339.31

 Monetary scam of (2) U.S. Federal Housing Grant of your “Dam” Fu-king Government Money, .ha ha  J

It seems to logically appears to “Doctor Watson” and (I) the official “Negro Sherlock Holmes Mystery writer” in the Live on going Federal and State Civil Court Action a/k/a “The Case of:

“The Dead Man who Paid Taxes”

That the namely Scank Thong Rat Puss Face (Attorney at Law) herein Been quite extra busy himself Conducting a Hostile (RICO) Takeover of the “Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” Loan No. 5866 File No. 1219-2355082 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”)

Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

 Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)


Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA

Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year:

 2007 to obtain on May 28th 2010 in excess of $54,839.31 U.S. Dollars “Construction Grant” …….”

To include that the “gifted crooked” Scank Thong Rat Puss Face (Attorney at Law) Been Conducting a (RICO) Double Dip Hostile Takeover once again of an additional $72,500.00 U.S Dollars from namely wait for it J

None other than “Yep”

“Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” Loan No. 2727 File No. 1219-2102152 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)

Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year: 2007

As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit herein (Q) Namely “Mechanic’s Lien Contract” SWMJ Construction Inc., 525 N. Sam Houston Pkwy East, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77060

For Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein total (RICO) combine “pattern and practice” “scheme of things” against thee’

 “United States of America” in monetary excess gain of $127,339.31 U.S. Dollars in unpaid “Principal and Interest” with a date of Maturity being well into December 2015

And “United States of America” Extra Sloooooooow Crooked Asses wondering why they always the F-u-c-k Broke, ha ha J

Already done told them “Crooked Cracker Congress Bitches” how to plug this endless racket against Storm disaster corrupted scheme hole up after my tour during hurricane “Katrina”

  But No …never ….listen to the Mess up “Crazy Cajun Negro”…….OK

Wait for it Mr. President (Obama) Sir, ha ha

It gets so much better as (I) go, J

Seem the sum of $127,339.31 U.S. Dollars is just the tip of the “Iceberg” from the Titanic’s collision at 11:40pm on Sunday 14 of April while travelling at over 20 knots (about 23 miles per hour)

With an additional (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things that has accumulated gradually past acquisitions of hidden (RICO) monetary earnings cars, possessions, and mutable properties estimates in excess of
$980,000.00 U.S. dollars from the time frame of 1997-2015 for the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein

And to include but not limited to this Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving

Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Navy Ninja) herein alone in excess $127,339.31 monetary scam against said (2) U.S. Federal Community Housing Grants as none other than the actual Construction Contractor.

But that not what lie f-u-c-king “hidden” under water ripping Thee’ “United States of America” starboards Side Compartment(s) wide open causing massive money leaking and sinking the “American Ship”

It’s none other than “Yep” Mr. Scank Thong Rat Puss Face (Attorney at Law) herein gradually (RICO) acquisitions, and hidden assets, cars, crack kilo possessions, stolen sheep, snakes skin oil, lizard skins belts, Bath Tub Meth labs ha ha J and mutable properties estimates in excess of $1,900,000.00 U.S. Hidden Tax Free Dollars  ha, ha J

And there still is so much more “pirate loot” out there hidden in the Texas State Sand…..xoxooxox

And (I) have not even filed a dam f-u-c-king U.S. Federal Court discovery request yet, ha ha  J

Now you know for 100% sure (I) always got ya back Mr. President (Obama) Sir…xoxoxox

We actually got many years of History, together ha ha check the “Sloooow Internet” … O ….my bad …check the “American Internet” services …..Seems …..“North Korea” ….now looking into busted up old “oatmeal cartons” for Asian P-o-r-n ha, ha J

So how ya wanting me “Commander in Chief” (Obama) Sir to handle this S-H-I-T

“First and foremost” being namely Crooked Red Neck Congress funded in this little financial (RICO) Sauvé Enterprise USDA lottery windfall foolishness of an $127,339.31 monetary acquisition scam against (2) U.S. Federal Community Housing Grants little “Indiscretion” ha, ha J

Just Wait for it soon hitting your scanner ……you will be tripping again via the United States Federal Courthouse,

I figure around 5:00pm on the 12th of Feb everything going to be going (RICO) Buzzzzzzzing at the USDA Federal Courthouse in Beaumont Texas, once my (MIA) $127,339.31 monetary acquisition

Care package arrival is completed …here is your “interactive” tracking No. 9505 5110 8386 5040 5147 12

Take care & Happy Sugar Sweet Valentine’s Day to you and your Sweet family (Smooches) catch ya Later……………………xoxoox!

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says Senate Democrats should "get off their ass" and pass a bill to fund the Homeland Security Department…

Well John Boehner here my Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Answer to “that”

……”F-U_C-K”…… “Y=O=U” ….ha, ha  J let me help ya slooow assess out a bit….here is $127,339.31 USA missing “Homeland Security Department budget funds……..

Ya “Dumb Cry Baby Bitch” ha, ha,

 And I might be able to squeeze for your “crooked cracker speaker ass” another $980,000.00 U.S. dollars,

Plus another $1,900,000.00 U.S. Hidden Tax Free Dollars

 For a Grand Homeland Security Department missing budget funding total in excess of $3,007,339.31 U.S. Dollars

“How” ya “House Speaker Sloooow Red Neck Ass” wanting it …in “Pig Knuckles” & F-u-c-king “Dimes”, ha ha  J


To: Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 you bastard first you come to court help cover up all the facts then tell the court you was never actually even physically present,

then go on a Housing grant shopping (RICO) spree @ 2 counts no less for a grand total of $127,339.31 in USA missing “Homeland Security Department” budget funds…….. 
You just wait until (I) send the USMS “United States Marshall Services” after you……… seem me and them too, thee’ “United States Marshall Services” having history too, I rode once on “Con Air” way cool too,J

 Just visiting, and other stuff a tad bit over your "crooked rouge attorney at law head" but just you wait…. 

Got something extra special cooking on my “Cajun grill” just for you,

As I told your slooow ass, the second you step across “Texas State Line” into United States of America Jurisdiction

I took three Oath’s to defend (America)  J first at 17 years old

 1. Oath for the U.S. Navy

1. Oath again for them Secret High Gold-n-Brass 4 eyes Bastards @ the Pentagon

And (1) extra special you would never understand within the United States of America Oath For actually secretly my special USDA let “Cmdr. Bluefin” off his “Crazy VAMC Check Chain” handler via Thee’ among others namely

Homeland Security Department” missing budget funding being total in excess of $127,339.31 U.S. Dollars you been pilferages ha, ha  J

Well must dash off, “Scank Thong Attorney at Law

Super long sweet day ….xoxoxooxx

FYI: (I) am in addition sending two more extra special delivery(s) packages to the USDA Federal Courthouse beside all of the exhibit(s) I just unloaded two days ago to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you being collectively with your retain clients in (RICO) Major-Trouble, with a criminal collateral damages….xoxoxooox!

“However” at this present time frame you should study extra f-u-c-k-ing closely (18 U.S.C. § 1001: US Code - Section 1001)  there going to be a USDA government court room drama “pop quiz” on this in super good detail, ha ha  J

18 U.S.C. § 1001: US Code - Section 1001:

Statements or entries generally:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States,

Knowingly and willfully - (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

        (2) Makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

       (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; 

In connection with your fraudulent (RICO) Suave legal device, tactic’s, instruments and documentations to fraudulent obtain in excess of $127,339.31 scam

Being knowingly and willfully conspire, direct, leadership, and collaborated as such against (2) United States Federal Housing Grant.

Cmdr. Bluefin, (USN) going off line……………………………dial tones  J

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