Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Amend U.S. Civil Complaint Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al

In The United States District Court

For The Eastern Division of Texas

Beaumont Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II

         Pro Se Plaintiff


Antoine L. Freeman J. D.

(Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299


Joyce M. Guy

Edward McCray


                                                Amend Civil Complaint

                                                                 Jury Demand

            Comes Now The Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” Pro Se Plaintiff files “Amend Complaint” with the above Honorable U.S. District Court and for Just Cause, Pro Se Plaintiff herein will show before the “Honorable U.S. Court” all facts, circumstances, detailing “among other things”

“Past, present and future (RICO) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Acts and actions, to include but not limited to actual Fraud of a 58 Judicial District Civil Court in Jefferson County in Common Law,

 And direct “Obstruction of Justice” in connection thereof Civil Court Docket No. A-180805 being with criminal hostile intent committed against among others the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein “Will”, “Civil Rights”, “Peace” “Personal Property” and “Dignity”.

 “United States of America” Not a Party to this U.S. Civil Suit “However” at this present time frame  “United States of America” being past, present and future “time frame" being legally a unwilling connected party to all subject matter to which includes “United States of America” suffrage in “actual monetary losses” in excess of

$127,339.31 U.S. Dollars in connection with Hurricanes, “Rita”, “Humberto” and Ike” storm damages in connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

Profession as an “Independent Construction Contractor” And the property(s) located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas and 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas



Pro Se, Louis Charles Hamilton II, African American Male, U.S. Navy Veteran,

Pro Se Plaintiff , Louis Charles Hamilton II, African American Male,

Permanently Disable Veteran protected under:

(ADA) American with Disability Act;
And also minorities persons cover under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;

Domiciliary State of Texas, P.O. Box 17524 Sugar Land, Texas 77496


Defendant(s) Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299

Has “Two Legal Law Offices” in Port Arthur Texas, 3627 Professional Dr. Port Arthur Texas 77642 and 3723 Gulfway Dr. Port Arthur Texas 77642


Co-Defendant(s) Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray (Legally Married) has (5) business E and J Collectibles (409) 330-048 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas Information about E & J Collectibles is in the Used Merchandise Stores business and this category has 2 companies in Port Arthur Texas.

J Can Company 1807 East 7th Street Port Arthur Texas (Office) located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640,

G and G Service Company P.O. Box 515, 416 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas (Office) located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 and “Cars and Pieces” Located in Beaumont Texas (Office) also located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640

And Paragon Business Inc. (Lot 10 “block 18 Jef Chaison)



Jurisdiction is proper before the “Honorable U.S. Court” of The Eastern District of Texas in that (Pro Plaintiff) is always a resident of Jefferson County Texas, residing in Fort Bend County and all acts and actions described herein by all the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s)
(RICO) enterprise endeavor(s) described herein fully occurred within the Jurisdiction of Eastern District of Texas within the United States which occurred in Port Arthur Jefferson County Texas.

Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 is a (Active) “Attorney at Law” for the State of Texas as described above in paragraph (2)

Further said Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein was acting in his full capacities as an “License Attorney” on retainer for the legal behalf of one
(Co)-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” living at 448 DeQueen blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 in a Civil Action in The District Court 58th Judicial District of Jefferson County, Texas, Docket No. A-180805

When said Defendant herein in his fiduciary capacities as an “Attorney of Law” Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Texas Bar No. 24058299

Committed to “among many other things” (RICO) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”, with this racket and Fraud on the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas, while using also the legal skilled devices in almost 2 years of “Obstruction of Justice” in connection with

“Mail and Wire Fraud”, “Direct Fraud” on all official court records derive thereof and “Constructive Fraud” in connection with Jefferson County Texas 58th District Court Records, and

Direct Fraud acts, and actions and scheme of things involved in Jefferson County Public Records in Connection with (2) “Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” for Loans in excess of

$127,339.31 U.S. Dollars in connection with Hurricanes, “Rita”, “Humberto” and Ike” storm damages in connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.


To include Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) collectively in concert, and collaboration in violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire Fraud”,

Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy maintained such a enterprise from the years of 2007-2010 to execute such a (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things”, Notwithstanding

Aiding and abetting to commit to A Criminal Enterprise racket and monetary retain endeavor in “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Acts” in his Chief Defendant capacity as an acting
Attorney of Law in and for the State of Texas, against the rights, peace, dignity, and U.S. Code: Title 28:1343 Violations of Pro Se Plaintiff Civil Rights herein in “among other things”

 “Equal Protection of the law” in a civil suit in common law filed in Jefferson County Texas 58th Judicial District Court within The United States of America docket No A-180805. 

To include but not limited to Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively in
"Violations against  the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all (RICO) enterprise “criminal acts and actions”, as legally described fully herein.


Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively

 Being intertwine in a conspire complex mutable corrupted “scheme of things” for several years starting from 2007-2010 to include a rouge attorney engaging in a fraudulent obstruction of justice cover up “scheme of thing” for all past, present and future (RICO)racketeering past enterprises monetary gains

In a half bake (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things that has accumulated gradually past acquisition of hidden (RICO) monetary earnings cars, possessions and properties estimates in excess of $980,000.00 U.S. dollars

 From the time frame of 1997-2015 and to include but not limited to the Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving the

 Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein alone in excess $127,339.31 monetary scam of (2) U.S. Federal Housing Grant.

In a half bake (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things that has accumulated gradually past acquisition of hidden (RICO) monetary earnings cars, possessions and properties estimates in excess of $980,000.00 U.S. dollars net gain

 From the exact time frame of 1997-2015 and to include but not limited to the Grand (RICO) scheme of things involving the Pro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein alone in excess $127,339.31 monetary scam of (2) U.S. Federal Housing Grant.

Fully “greedy racket enterprise” scheme of things complete by Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein since 1997 Identified as follows:

(RICO) “Scheme of things” is involved in concealing, obscuring, masking, cloak and shielding corrupted fraudulent “mutable fraudulent business” enterprise endeavor operations the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” herein concoct and obtaining massive hidden income from over many years described as follows:

A.    Assumed name business “G & G Services” a fraudulent Medical services for obtain (13) years of hidden “monetary payments” from “Senior Aging Handicap Citizens within Jefferson County Texas which “G & G Services” was never even a litigable Licenses medical company with the State of Texas from May 2nd 1997- 2010 as being order shut down as described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit (F) on file with the U.S. Clerk from the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. *to include but not limited to “Tax Evasion” being directed at both the “State of Texas” and “The United States of America” for a actual time period of (13) plus years in this (RICO) illegal medical business operation fraudulent corrupted “scheme of things”. To include but not limited to upon information and belief “G & G Services” medical services is secretly still in business operation …….Omg (wow) J

B.    While “G & G Services” income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

C.     Assumed name business “E and J Collectibles” 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas which is in the Used Merchandise Stores business for a unknown amount of years having (2) companies in Port Arthur Texas “However” these (2) companies is not registries with “Jefferson County Texas, or upon information and belief registries with the “State of Texas” fully engaging in among other things (RICO) enterprise in “Sales Tax Evasion”, *Business is current in operation as identified on the “internet” for a unknown accountability of time.

D.    While “E and J Collectibles” income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

E.     Assumed Name J Can Company in Port Arthur Texas business operation from April 11th 2008 – 2015 this J Can Company business operation is a “front company” for (RICO) enterprise scheme of things in “among other things” besides hidden sells of “Crack cocaine industry” actually further engaging at this present time frame April 11th 2008 in (RICO) enterprise in “money laundering” in scrap metal materials” in connection scheme of things with assumed name business “Cars and Pieces”.

F.     Another “front company” located in Beaumont Texas. To include but not limited to J Can Company business operation and “Cars and Pieces” business operation (RICO) enterprise engaging in State and Federal Tax Evasion.

G.     While J Can Company income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

H.    Assumed Name “Car and Pieces” in Beaumont Texas business operation from May 10th 1990 while actually engaging in (RICO) enterprise in “money laundering” in scrap metal materials” in connection with assumed name business J Can Company in Port Arthur Texas. As described in paragraph (C) above.

I.       While “Car and Pieces” income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

J.       Assumed Name Paragon Business Inc. being a unknown company of sorts, current in business operation since May 17th 2001 while Paragon Business Inc. income not listed fully in “Financing Statement” of Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” collectively herein to (RICO) fraudulent obtain Federal Housing Grant in excess of $72,500.00 U.S. dollars.

To include Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively fully being both “directly” and “indirectly “
Design carefully with “conscious intent” to criminally conspire, plotting, scheme, and execute (2) (RICO) racketing  monetary endeavor(s) against the

 “United States Housing Grant(s)” being Congress funded with the “State of Texas Housing” and “Community Affairs Project” in direct violation against 18 U.S.C. § 1001: US Code - Section 1001:

Statements or entries generally:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States,

Knowingly and willfully - (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;

        (2) Makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or

       (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;  in connection

In connection with fraudulent legal device, tactic’s, instruments and documentations to fraudulent obtain in excess of $127,339.31 scam being knowingly and willfully conspire, collaborated as such against (2) United States Federal Housing Grant.

“Namely” on May 28th 2010


“Texas Department of Housing” and “Community Affairs” Loan No. 5866 File No. 1219-2355082 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

 Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)

Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year: 2007 to obtain on May 28th 2010 in excess of $54,839.31 U.S. Dollars “Construction Grant”

As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (P) on file with the U.S. Clerk of Court namely a “Mechanic’s Lien Contract” with DSW Homes 805 S. Hwy. 69, Memorial Fwy, Nederland, TX, 77267

 To repair the home located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas after (2) Private Insurances Monies for hurricane damages to said property already being a part of a continue (RICO) “pattern and practice” squander free “scheme of things” committed by Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” collectively

Involving once again the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein as the Construction contractor providing damages estimates with Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 fully in fraudulent (RICO) legal denial of ever being actually the physically acting “Attorney of record” in this civil suit in common law A-180805 as a part of this cover up scheme of things

While all of this criminal half bake concoct (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” being formed and direct against not only the Pro Se Plaintiff, but to include private insurances companies in connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff Construction damages estimates at

(2) Counts and among others parties namely “The United States of America” for a monetary lost in excess of $54,839.31 U.S. Dollars. For the property located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas 77640


To add to Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collective combine additional (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” in a past further fraudulent “scheme of things” in obtaining additionally another monetary (RICO) enterprise shame in excess of $72,500.00 U.S Dollars from “Namely” on June 9th 2009

“Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” Loan No. 2727 File No. 1219-2102152 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)

Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year: 2007


As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit herein (Q) Namely “Mechanic’s Lien Contract” SWMJ Construction Inc., 525 N. Sam Houston Pkwy East, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77060

For Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein

In a total (RICO) combine pattern and practice “scheme of things” against the “United States of America” alone for two properties in monetary ill gotten gain in excess of $127,339.31 U.S. Dollars


Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 Fully Committed to among other things “Obstruction of Justice” in the capacity as an “Officer of the Court” and “Attorney of Law” in and for the State of Texas To commit and conspire to the same
 (RICO) criminal enterprise causes in all “acts and actions” in leadership, direct legal conspire devices, instruments and documentations & fully in concert, collaboration with the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” herein from to 2007-2015

 Fully Described herein against the Pro Se Plaintiff, While further willfully Omitting to and Destruction thereof “Material Civil Evidences and Facts” before a ongoing “Civil Suit” in Common Law in Jefferson County Texas 58th Judicial District 

With “among other things” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” Actual Fraud upon the

 “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” Jefferson County Texas and Federal Grants derived thereof in Connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein an “Independent Construction Contractor”.

With “among other things” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” Actual Fraud of Private Homeowner Insurance Companies”, for primary fraud during

“Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto” related to Construction storm damages, in connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.


Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” To commit to the same “Obstruction of Justice” fraud and concealment of such (RICO) activities committed against the 58th Judicial District Court, for primary fraud during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto” related Construction storm damages, with the leadership of

Chief Defendant(s) Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299 and in full collusion with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray  et al” Conspiracies collectively together to pursue the same Criminal (RICO) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act” monetary objectives,

In first and foremost Execute Fraud on the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas and the Honorable Bob Wortham with such acts, actions and events as “Mail and Wire Fraud” in connection thereof, of the “Direct (RICO) Fraud “scheme of things” to fraud the United States Disaster relief Homeowner program

and “Constructive Fraud” of Jefferson County Texas 58th District Court Records, Fraud of Jefferson County Public Records All “among other things” being done criminally/civilly against the Pro Se Plaintiff civil rights, peace, will, and dignity,

 During an ongoing “Civil Suit” of Common Law in Jefferson County Texas.

All being wrongfully and fully committed to within the Jurisdiction the Eastern Division of Texas United States District Honorable Court.


Subject Matter Jurisdiction


Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein States, Affirm, and Declare Before the “Honorable Justice” Subject Matter Jurisdiction is fully proper before this U.S. District Court primary exclusive with many “federal Questions” involving “among other things”

Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization,

Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice),

Falsification, obstruction and concealment of “Material facts”, subject matter before a civil suit in common law proceeding with Conspiracies committed by all described “Defendant and Co-Defendant(s)” herein collectively to pursue to the same Criminal Monetary (RICO) enterprise monetary racket Objective(s) involving against the Pro Se Plaintiff herein will, and personal property

With mutable counts of constructive fraud activities “hiding behind” among other things “attorney-client privilege” and all “work-product doctrine” derive thereof, to include but not limited to all “communications” between an “Attorney and his client”,

Namely Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299 in collusion and conspiracies with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray  et al”

To Commit to each and every Fraudulent acts in among other things all “prepared legal court documents”, “affidavit(s)”, “interrogatories”, “request for admissions”, sign statements and all other materials of Jefferson County Court records, document(s) and materials facts in 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas Court Docket No. A-180805

 “To include but not limited” absolute obstruction of Justice to apply the same (RICO) scheme of things in a fraud attack upon the Honorable Judge Bob Wortham, and His 58th Judicial Court and all court officers, court transcripts involved thereof,
Including Fraud of the entire “Clerk of Court office” records of Jefferson County Texas docket No. A-180805 to execute the same (RICO) criminal monetary objectives described legally herein this “Amend Complaint” of the Pro Se Plaintiff with

Fraud in all records at the Jefferson County Clerk Office involving in financial records in connection with “Insurance Companies”, and official “Financial Statements” for primary monetary fraud and scheme advantages during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ” scheme of things related to Construction storm damages, derive thereof further involving the Pro Se Plaintiff herein in his private profession as a “Independent Construction Contractor”.


“To include but not limited to” the ” Actual Fraud”, upon the “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” of Jefferson County Texas and “Federal Grants of $72,500 U.S. Dollars” derive thereof  and Federal Grants of $54,839.31 in connection with the Pro Se Plaintiff herein

In Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice), violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001: US Code - Section 1001:

 To include but not limited to the “Actual Fraud(s)” the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” committed and involved in monetary conspiracies against mutable “Insurance Companies”, for primary fraud and monetary scheme advantages during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ” related Construction storm damages, for (2) properties as described herein

Involving further The Pro Se Plaintiff herein as a “unwilling blind” party into this cold calculated complex fraudulent acts and action(s), and complex scheme of things to further leading to fraud of the “Texas Department of Housing” & “Community Affairs” of Jefferson County Texas
 And a “Federal Grants in excess of $72,500 U.S. Dollars” derived thereof and Federal Grants of $54,839.31 derived thereof under the direction, leadership, and skills of none other than the Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. a (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299


“With Actual Fraud”, upon the 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas and all records derive thereof, in this “Grand (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” in connection with a fraudulent complex designed scheme of things against the

 “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” of Jefferson County Texas and (2) “Federal U.S. Grants in excess of $72,500 U.S. Dollars” derived thereof and Federal U.S. Grants of $54,839.31 derived thereof for a combine total of $127,339.31


 To include but not limited to Actual Fraud of mutable Insurance Companies”, fraud of FEMA Repair Funds and repair materials for primary additional monetary fraudulent acts and actions gains during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto” related Construction storm damages, involving the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

All this “Complex Mutable Grand Scheme of Things” committed By the Name “Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. a (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299 in direct collusion, leadership, legal skilled directions and conspiracies thereof with Co-Defendant(s)

“Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray et al” collectively corrupted activities, dating back since the year 1997-2015

To include but not limited to being a dated of unpaid “Principal and Interest” on (1) of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein (RICO) monetary scheme of thing for $72,500 U.S. Dollars housing grant being mature on June 8th 2012 when it was fraudulently executed on June 9th 2009 and To include but not limited to being a dated of unpaid “Principal and Interest”
On the second scheme of things designed of the Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein (RICO) monetary scheme of thing for $54,839.31 U.S. Dollars housing grant being mature sometime in the future year of 2015 when it was fraudulently executed on May 28th 2010

Fully executed in past, present and future (RICO) enterprise endeavor full crafty complex designed, prepared plans, legal court records, type mail and wire fraud “scheme of things”, with an corrupted skilled evil eye towards the “realistic possibility” of impending “United States Federal Court litigation” by the Pro Se Plaintiff herein

Against “Defendant and Co-Defendant(s)” collective commitment to include but not limited to this Grand direct (RICO) Fraudulent monetary shameful objects and obstruction of justice “scheme of things” being direct against The will of the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas and all Court records derive thereof in this civil in common law Docket No A-180805.

And the realistic object by all described Defendant and Co- Defendant(s) herein to further commit to Fraud for “monetary value gain” in excess” of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars in (7) years of Pro Se Plaintiff “Lost wages” and “actual theft” thereof Pro Se Plaintiff”Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein construction Company entire “Construction tools” in excess of $3,800.00 U.S. dollars since date of injury

November 17th 2007 and counting well into 2015 in this (RICO) enterprise collective “scheme of things” being still directly enforced, very much ongoing and very live against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein fully against the Pro Se Plaintiff “Civil Rights”, “Peace”, “Will” ,“Personal Property” and “Dignity”, as of this undersigned date of this “Amend Complaint”.


With further combine past, present and future (RICO) enterprise conspiracy racket “scheme of things” in mutable “fraudulent” acts, actions, events, and circumstances committed by “both” the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collectively herein to plan a continue future “scheme of things” in the also continue Theft of Pro Se Plaintiff “Independent Construction Company “Personal Property” herein against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II

Being wrongfully added in this (RICO) enterprise criminal conduct being executed and done within the Jurisdiction of the “Honorable U.S. Justice” further causing the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein to suffer “among other things” actual damages in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars to include to impose

Extreme real life hardship, Extreme Intentional Infliction of emotional distress and mental anguish from all of the combine Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) among other things conspire in (RICO) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”,

“Fraud on the Court”, “Mail and Wire Fraud” in connection with Fraud upon the Court, “Obstruction of Justice” “Direct Fraud” and “Constructive Fraud” of Jefferson County Texas 58th Judicial District Court Records,

Fraud upon the Jefferson County Public Records combine with all other extreme hostile corrupted wicked cruel civil/criminal acts and actions being fully described in this amend complaint herein.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the Honorable Justice” Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 with expert skilled attorney at law powers, fiduciary responsibilities with “intent willful knowledge of his actions knowingly and willfully engage to committed a combine conspiracy with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray collectively herein to act in:

Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18 United State Code:

In that Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299  (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization Enterprise, engagement endeavor

To include commit (RICO) under Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud),

Section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice),

Fraud upon the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas in connection with

Falsification and concealment and direct destruction of “Material facts”, namely an entire Home being destroyed while being material evidence during said civil suit in common law

 While adding numerous other Fraudulent Activities in the Capacity of an “Attorney at Law” to cause Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein to continue suffers “actual damages” in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars

And this “actual damages” is ongoing as of this undersigned date in the year of 2015 of this “Amend Complaint” before the “Honorable Court U.S. Justice” since date of injury November 17th 2007.


To include mutable (RICO) enterprise in “Falsification of “Material facts” Documents and Records, and Numerous Fraudulent Activities in the Capacity of a “Attorney at Law”  In direct connection with Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein and direct fraud against the

“Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” Loan No. 5866 file No. 1219-2355082 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

 Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)

Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year: 2007 to obtain on May 28th 2010 in excess of $54,839.31 U.S. Dollars “Construction Grant”

 As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit already filed with the U.S. Clerk office in the records being described as Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (P)

And Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collectively once again obtaining additionally by (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” design, instrument and device and legal court documents another monetary shame in excess of  $72,500.00 U.S Dollars

“Namely” on June 9th 2009 committed against the

“Texas Department of Housing and Community affairs” Loan No. 2727 File No. 1219-2102152 CFDA 14.228 Community Development Block Grant Program (“CDBG”) Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma in the Gulf of Mexico 2005

Federally Declared Disaster Funding under Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 CDBG Disaster Recovery Program (Homeowner Assistance Program “HAP”)

Or (Sabine Pass Restoration Program “SPRP”) Awarding Federal Agency: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development TDHCA Federal Award Number: B-06-DG-48-0002 Federal Award Year (Year of Award from HUD to TDHCA): 2006 TDHCA Award Year: 2007

As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit already filed with the U.S. Clerk office in the records being described as exhibit (Q)

 Namely “Mechanic’s Lien Contract” SWMJ Construction Inc., 525 N. Sam Houston Pkwy East, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77060

For Chief Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein

In a total (RICO) enterprise combine monetary “pattern and practice” “scheme of things” against the “United States of America” tax payers in monetary fraudulent acquisitions gain and earnings in excess of $127,339.31 U.S. Dollars


Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein seeks Actual, Accumulative, Compensatory, Consequential, Continuing, Expectation Damages, Foreseeable, Future, Incidental, Indeterminate, Reparable, Lawful, Proximate, Prospective, Special, Speculative, Substantial, Declaratory Judgment, Punitive, Exemplary and Permanent Damages;

Pro Se Plaintiff seeks also Actual Awards for “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” and “Mental Anguish”.

Pro Se Plaintiff moves the Cost of the Honorable Court, and for the Pro Se Plaintiff legal fees, any Attorney Fee’s occupied herein

And such other further relief as Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II may be deem entitled to in Law or in Equity.



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