Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2016 ★) President Barack Obama, (MIA) 14th Amendment …? “Donald John KKK Trump and Barnie Sanders”

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”  :  )

I have delivery conformation to Your Federal Court House tracking # 9505-5110-0583-6020-2070-26 and Federal Court House tracking # 9505-5110-0585-6015-2039-79 why is United States of America stealing their very own mail President Barack Obama,

 I did not ask to be an American my Negro DNA Family was kidnap, now I want to exile fast broke to British Queen Empire whereby Negro Race are free, and especially safe from “Donald John KKK Trump and Barnie Sanders

You keep ignore Donald John KKK Trump and Bernie Sanders and America In deeper Trouble as he laughing at you guys

now he gain each and every day, but he not in control over what he is doing  not at all and you assume me be to be crazy, while you watching President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”

 A Mad KKK C.S. S. ISIS Man Donald Trump for President 2017

Trust Him President Barack Obama, with your life not mines or my Children’s or people I really care for in (USA) and my family President Barack Obama, you understand

There more then what you realizing about Donald John Trump and Barnie Sanders and if Hillary Clinton loss to him I have to leave America fast not safe (OK)

So I asking where is the Civil Suit filed in your Washington DC Federal Court House concerning Me (Hamilton) and MY daughters Chandra and Natasha Vs. United States of America President Barack Obama, and Our Citizenship that (MIA) with the 13th and 14th Amendment….?

President Barack Obama Only one is there at this time U.S. Docket No. 16-CV-185 as United States of America Corrupted court continual Bully the Ni-gg-ers into “Slavery” in 2016 I want freedom from America”


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