Monday, February 1, 2016

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) “Sea Wolf Command”, “NATO” North Dakota Pursuant forever to “Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) 2016 ★ “Zombie Team”NEED Air Strike : )

TO: President Barack Obama, and “Commander in Chief”  :  )

To: “Tina Fey”…xoxoxoox  : )   Girl My Grits is ass cold call “SNL” : )

To: Donald John Trump Sr. Sarah Palin

  ha ha “Dumb and Dumber 2016 U.S. Vet Crooks” : )

To: City of Houston Texas Mayor…?

“Commander in Chief” “Obama” :  )

 Donald John Trump Sr. and Sarah Palin 

Both Collective can go get fu-king crooked ass bent (OK) The City of Houston Texas Mayor…? Still starving Us Homeless War Vet,
and Dumb Mayor (Parker) bitch not even in office in 2016 (OK)  Da  WTF…?
… She had  a fu-cking loser ass “Mandy Sample Champman” dizzy fuc-king ass declare Ni-gg-ers Homeless Vet are no longer Ni-gg-ers homeless vets…? in Houston Fu-king Texas, WTF…?

While this “Mandy Sample Champman” dizzy fuc-king ass at home eating my homeless Ni-gg-ers Vet Sack Lunch…?  WTF…?  (OK)
Now no more “Sack Lunches” for us Ni-gg-ers Homeless U.S. Vets. in Houston Texas ….(OK) and now I know why I am starving…? And this been going on for a fu-king while too, while the Ni-gg-ers Fishes and Loaves soup Kitchen Kill Zone turn away so many hungry all fuc-king week long  I watch and was turn away “Bitches” 

that why they half killing everyone out there and the Police trying their best 100% buy if the “Bitches” ADD FOOD  this may help Houston Texas # 4 in America now # 3  cuss they Stupid,
 Good Mexican illegal workers all got jobs eating Lunch today in downtown as they watching all the “Police chase the homeless “Ni-gg-ers for Jay-walking tickets as me and My “Hit Zombie Team” watching the police not fuc-k with the “White Jay-walkers”  (OK) and recored this too  : )

But Broke Ni-gg-ers have no money for those Ticket, but the “White Ones” do…?   Where the love and equal dam Jay walking ticket handing out in fu-king Houston Texas,,,????

  Right now so many cops’ chasing homeless “Ni-gg-ers”  OK   well give them a Sack Lunch too : )  Police Chief “YOU Are doing XXX Good Job
but Ni-gg-ers are Hungry and tired of being chase cuss Donald John KKK Trump Sr., “White Only” America wants the “White House” and Kill all Ni—gg-ers, Muslim and Mexican..

 Asian OK they can stay in “America” they got “Donald John KKK Trump Jr. 2016 election mothefukeing cash $$$

 Twenty-two veterans organizations are about to receive a hefty infusion of cash after Donald Trump let that grow with “Interest”  OK..
from Crooked Ass Donald John KKK Trump SR , release after his 1/3 cut of the 6 million, which then 22 more Crooked Ass Donald Trump Vet supporter groups take there none-profit organization fu-cking 1/3 Crooked ass cut, then around Christmas” 2016

We “Homeless Ni-gg-ers Texas War Killer PTSD Vets get a orange and a dam stick of gum..?  No Blanket   ok…  WTF…?

I met with U.S. Vet’s today fu-king Donald John KKK Trump Sr., they do not ever want me Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) in their collective ass over “Donald John KKK Trump, and Sarah Palin… (OK)  “Bitch”

  Now you ass-hooles ley taco breath motherfu-ckers call NATO, they unlinking to Fox News Live with Sexy Sweet Megyn Kelly ISIS 1000% “Hero” who will bounce back to PTSD Sarah Palin “Live” at
 The Ni-gg-ers Oscar Awards Show with Danny Devito, on The View who patch in to North Dakota, to Will Smith as he D.J. because the Dixie Chicks Whores thinking they wanted to Suck off Sen. Ted Cruz : )  he mad now……ha ha he back uplink to NATO, who encrypt British Royal Navy to

 Samuel L. Jackson “Motherfuken Fool” Bad Ass, and you “Bitches” better hurry the f-up and call Mayor Parker and tell her loser ass, “Bitch” you not Mayor no more Shut the F-up

 we are homeless “Veterans” in 2016 where The Veterans Ni-gg-ers Houston Texas fucking Sack Lunches..? “Bitch”…?

At U.S. Vet Homeless Center…? 2016 and New Motherfuking Computers and Sarah Palin (MIA) PTSD fu-king free Ass coffee and PTSD free “Ugly” ass Donut holes and warm
“MOtherfuker” Winter jackets… not the “Cheap” S-H-I-T   Crooks…………BITCHES…………….” It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American television sitcom and they better have my “N-I-G-G-E-r  BLACK ASS Crazy Bitch Dee with my Motherfuken “Crack”  : ) ha ha

P.S. “Tina Fey” and SNL cheap ass : ) add our dam sack lunches back too : )  not 1 dam dry dirt sandwhich no more “Bitch who on earth as a War Vet”

Only eat 1 dam extra ass dry lonely fuc-king sandwhich nothing to drink…? Bristol Palin..? no cooking ass whore….xoxoxox 

Please give out some “N-I-G-G-E-r  BLACK ASS War Vet PTSD “Military USDA Rations Mr. President Obama   they super slooooow in Houston Texas, and I am too dam always Homeless dog ass busy tired with other Ninja Navy fu-cking fight  : ) 

Where is our New Motherfuken Computers..? Donald Trump “Loser Bitch”



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