Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sherlock Holmes Case of “The Crooked Dead President” Chapter 1

My log entry in my notes show it to be the 24th day of December 1918 a blister cold day in London England Christmas eve.

Sherlock Holmes has just read a telegram from across the pond post mark United States, on this dated he ask me of my knowledge into the assassination of United States President Abraham Lincoln

Surly being quite serious enough who were the confederate agents and who was the “mastermind” whom held all contingencies as to how an “American gentleman”, could behave in such a manner is beyond my comprehension “Yet” Holmes shall bring a sound answer to this present date to carry out a small commission per request of Professor Peabody, Harvard Law United States.

Holmes Sat quite still deep in thought puffing a pipe for to me seem that he forgotten my presence at our lodging of 221 B Baker Street for over a half hour period “Then” he snap into life and bequest of me if I had any view on the subject!

Which I could only recall the school house manuscript version concerning President Abraham Lincoln and his famous end at the hand of John Wilkes Booth's, which Holmes reply that we must begin from a different angle…

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