Monday, November 10, 2014

Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II "Writ of Execution" No. A-180805 Jefferson County Texas 58th District Court

No. A-180805

Louis Charles Hamilton II IN THE DISTRICT COURT


Writ of Execution

Comes Now Before the Honorable 58th District Court the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II,
Motion before the Honorable Court, For a Writ of Execution, being enforced on the Property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas and for just cause the Pro Se Plaintiff state as Follows:

1. Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” Was so Order By This Honorable 58th District Court of Jefferson County Texas on the 10th day of May 2010

2. To produce copies of deeds, property deeds or any other such physical document in Defendants’ possession, custody or control that shows actual ownership of the property of the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd., in Port Arthur Texas and fully failing to adhere to an Honorable Court Order. Said Court order attached as Plaintiff exhibit (A) herein

3. And actual real ownership of said Property is in fact being in a state of “unknown ownership” before the Plaintiff and This Honorable Court as proof was so required before the Honorable 58th District Court of Jefferson County Texas to be produced while a “civil dispute” is ongoing over said dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd., in Port Arthur Texas with the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein

4. As a question of disputed Law Plaintiff raise now real concern further before this Honorable 58th District Court of actual real property ownership of said dwelling the possible sells of said Property while being in such Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” as of this undersigned date in 2014 Fully in Possession, Custody and Control of the said unidentified actual property and dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd., in Port Arthur Texas with a Judgment being render against the Defendant(s) Collectively

5. To include but not limited to Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” having possible Possession, Custody, and Control over many other Properties located in Port Arthur Texas, Jefferson County

6. “Actual Damages” being owed to the Plaintiff from the Defendant(s) in the Amount of $11,024.00 with full 6% interest rate incurred since date of injury November 16th 2007

7. Being as of 2008 rate incurred $661.44 total of $11,685.88

8. Being as of 2009 rate incurred $701.15 total of $12,387.03

9. Being as of 2010 rate incurred $743.22 total of $13,130.25

10. Being as of 2011 rate incurred $787.81 total of $13,918.06

11. Being as of 2012 rate incurred$835.08 total of $14,753.14

12. Being as of 2013 rate incurred$885.18 total of $15,638.32

13. Being as of 2014 November 17 rate incurred $938.29 total of $16,576.61

*This do not include any other monetary “Exemplary Awards” Granted to the Pr Se Plaintiff as Order for Final Judgment in this Civil Action against said Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” for their combine wrongfully actions, against the civil rights, peace and dignity of the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.

Defendant(s) collectively seeks to “really physically abscond secretly” from the 58th District Court Jurisdiction Justice during a “ongoing civil” action pending before the Honorable Court against them,

To among other “slow simple minded dizzy bold reasoning” of the Defendant(s) collective behavior also include avoiding 100% being monetary accountable and responsible for their combine acts

and actions within the Jurisdiction of this civil action for the unlawful civil acts and actions as fully described against the Defendants “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” in Complaint of the Pro Se

Plaintiff filed Cause No. A-180805

To include the “Actual Theft” of the Plaintiff entire Construction set of tools in excess of $$3093.00 Dollars Defendant(s) further seeks to fully abscond to avoid paying real damages for

such “Thievery” as described by the Plaintiff now ongoing over 7 years and 30 days to date as of November 17, 2014 Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” collectively being in possession of Plaintiff “Personal Property”

The “unknown ownership dwelling” Located at 448 DeQueen in Port Arthur Texas having a real “Property Lien” being now enforced against this said property herein by The Jefferson County Sheriffs Dept. as per Order by this Honorable Court for the covering the full amount of Judgment render of this Civil Action Docket No. A-180805 as required by the Pro Se Plaintiff.

Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the Honorable Court herein that 30 days after entry of said “Final Summary Judgment” against Defendant(s)

“Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff being fully recorded in the Court records at the “Clerk of Court” office of Jefferson County Texas

This “Writ of Execution” being fully enforced thereby 30 days after entry of said “Final Summary Judgment” for The Jefferson County Sherriff’s Office herein to physically seize the said unidentified ownership property and dwelling located at 448 Dequeen Blvd. in Port Arthur, Texas

To include “Jefferson County Sherriff’s Office to fully evict all unknown “Person and or Person(s)” having, possession, custody, and control over the dwelling being physically removed them from the Unidentified Ownership Property located at 448 Dequeen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas

there after

Said “Writ of Execution” being enforced by the “Clerk of Court of “Jefferson County Texas directing The Jefferson County Sherriff’s Office hereby to commence fully in the “sale of said Property” Already having a “Property Lien Enforcement” against it in Favor of the Plaintiff for such sales

For payments of any and all such, Damages, Awards, and full interest incurred for full compensation of this “civil action” being paid to the Pro Se Plaintiff herein with interest incurred being still paid to Plaintiff at a rate of 6% on all Judgment until final sale of Unidentified Property and dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas is completed as Order by the Honorable Court. To

Include the said seize unidentified ownership property and dwelling located at 448 Dequeen Blvd. in Port Arthur, Texas

Being made to cover for full payments to The Jefferson County Sherriff’s render from such sells of undefined property and dwelling located at 448 Dequeen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas and to cover all court cost of this civil action fully being complete,

And covering any and all Sherriff’s Office Cost derived in the Execution of this “Writ of Execution” and any other cost Sherriff’s Office incurred as required by the court during this civil action as directed by this Honorable Court.

Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves The Honorable Court for any further, Just, proper devise to secure Plaintiff

“Writ of Execution” Until this Civil Dispute has reach a Full, Final and Complete Judgment Before This Honorable 58th District Court of Jefferson County Texas

Louis Charles Hamilton II
Pro Se Plaintiff
P.O. Box 17524
Sugar Land Texas 77496

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