Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"U.S. District Court" Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al


Subject Matter Jurisdiction


Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein States, Affirm, and Declare Before The “Honorable Justice” Subject Matter Jurisdiction is proper before this U.S. District Court “primary exclusive many “federal Questions” involving among other things

Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice),

Falsification of “Material facts”, with Conspiracies by all described Defendant(s) to pursue to the same Criminal Monetary Objective(s) involving the Pro Se Plaintiff herein,

With mutable counts of constructive fraud activities “hiding behind” among other things “attorney-client privilege” and all “work-product doctrine” derive thereof, to include but not limited to all “communications” between an “Attorney and his client”,

Namely Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299 in collusion and conspiracies with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray  et al”

To Commit to Fraudulent acts in all “prepared legal court documents”, “affidavit(s)”, “interrogatories”, “request for admissions”, sign statements and all other materials of Jefferson County Court records, document(s) and materials facts in 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas Court Docket No. A-180805

“To include but not limited” to fraud upon the Honorable Judge Bob Wortham, and His Court

Fraud in all records of the Jefferson County Clerk Office records involving  financial records of “Insurance Companies”, “Financial Statements” for primary monetary fraud and scheme advantages during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ” scheme of things related Construction storm damages, derive thereof further involving the Pro Se Plaintiff herein


“To include but not limited to” the ” Actual Fraud”, upon the “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” of Jefferson County Texas and “Federal Grants of $76,000 U.S. Dollars” derive thereof  

In Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice), with “Actual Fraud(s)”  Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” conspiracies of mutable “Insurance Companies”, for primary fraud and scheme advantages during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ” related Construction storm damages, Involving further The Pro Se Plaintiff herein as a “unwilling blind” party into this cold calculated fraudulent acts and action(s), and complex scheme of things to further fraud the “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” of Jefferson County Texas and a “Federal Grants in excess of $76,000 U.S. Dollars” derived thereof


“Actual Fraud”, upon the 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas and all records derive thereof,

 To include but not limited to Actual Fraud of Insurance Companies”, FEMA for primary monetary fraudulent acts and actions during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto” related Construction storm damages, involving the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

All this “Complex Mutable Grand Scheme of Things” committed By the Name Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. a (Attorney at Law) (Active) in and for the State of Texas Bar No. 24058299 in collusion and conspiracies with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray et al” corrupted activities fully designed prepared with an eye towards the “realistic possibility of impending litigation” by the Pro Se Plaintiff herein Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) commit to Grand (RICO) Fraud of The 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County thereof in this civil scheme of things.

And the realistic object by all described Defendant and Co- Defendant(s) herein to further commit to Fraud for “monetary value gain in excess” of $87,024.00 U.S. Dollars, against the Pro Se Plaintiff Civil rights, peace, will and dignity


With further combine conspiracy of fraudulent acts and actions by the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) to plan a scheme of things in the Theft of Pro Se Plaintiff “Personal Property” herein against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Civil Rights”, “Peace”, and “Dignity” being wrongfully done within the Jurisdiction of the “Honorable Justice” further causing the Pro Se Plaintiff herein to suffer “among other things”

Extreme real life hardship, Extreme Intentional Infliction of emotional distress and mental anguish from all of the combine Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) among other things conspire in (RICO) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”,

“Fraud on the Court”, “Mail and Wire Fraud”, “Obstruction of Justice” “Direct Fraud” and “Constructive Fraud” of Jefferson County Texas 58th Judicial District Court Records,

Fraud upon the Jefferson County Public Records combine with all other extreme hostile corrupted wicked cruel civil/criminal acts and actions being fully described in this complaint herein.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the Honorable Justice” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice), Fraud upon the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas in connection with

Falsification of “Material facts”, and Numerous Fraudulent Activities in the Capacity of a “Attorney at Law” cause Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein to suffer “actual damages” in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars and This “actual damages” is ongoing as of this undersigned date of this Complaint before the Honorable Court since date of injury November 17th 2007.


Pro Se Plaintiff seeks Actual, accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, Punitive, and Permanent damages;.

Pro Se Plaintiff seeks Actual Awards for Intentional Infliction of emotional distress and mental anguish.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the Honorable Justice” this action was filed before this Honorable Court February 2, 2010 U.S. Docket No. 1:2010-CV-00055 and at that time frame Pro Se Plaintiff was under extreme mental stress caused by the many “acts and actions” of the primary Defendant in the capacity of a “Skilled Attorney of Law” no less a Officer of The State of Texas Court System and Co-Defendant(s) herein whom collectively together are responsible for the Pro Se Plaintiff suffrage of among other things “Mental Illness” and Living on SSI since date of injury… of 2007 as of this undersigned date.

Pro Se Plaintiff further states, affirm and declare before the Honorable Justice” also at the time of filing the original complaint against the Described Defendant(s) herein

(Plaintiff) U.S. Government and Federal Court Mail was being stolen, by among others

(Thee) U.S. Attorney Office them self (Proof) already on Filed in this herein U.S. Federal Court Clerk Office in the matter of Hamilton Vs. United States of America, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder et al (1:2011-CV-00240)

Plaintiff was also forced into a “State Hospital” for a period of time, accused of Violent Life Threaten Crimes” never being near of or a party thereof and Pro Se Plaintiff “mental state” being quite scary indeed in light of all the legal hostile activities ongoing against the Plaintiff will caused by each Defendant(s) herein.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare further before the “Honorable Justice” this New Improved Complaint made against each Defendant(s) herein is still criminal/civil corrupted conduct being still quite “civilly ongoing” against the “legal rights” of the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II

As Defendant(s) combine further “Fraudulent activities” continue to cause the Pro Se Plaintiff to suffrage continually monetary damages in excess of $48,000.00 U.S. Dollars per year since 2007, as of this undersigned date of this complaint well into the future year of 2015.

Further causing Pro Se Plaintiff a “limbo state” of extreme hardship, Intentional Infliction of emotional distress accompanying continue Gross state of complete “mental anguish” direct at the Defendant(s) from all of the numerous hostile corrupted acts and actions of the described Defendant(s) herein as this “Civil Matter” is unresolved before the Jurisdiction of this Honorable U.S. District Court which has real subject matter jurisdiction over all detail material facts being complained of respectfully before “Honorable Justice”


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the “Honorable Justice” that his current “Mental State” is processing a bit better, as these causes of actions derived from Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 direct criminal/civil illegal, hostile, corrupted conduct in collusion with Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” need to be legally address

And Pro Se Plaintiff seeks a just proper legal, lawful respectable accountable end to this civil matter in which the above Honorable U.S. District Court has unfetter Judicial Subject matter over.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the “Honorable Justice” the Defendant(s) continue imposed mental suffrage, hardship, and Major Monetary losses caused by the described Defendant(s) collectively herein as Pro Se Plaintiff “Mental State” has improved slightly as of this undersigned date to uncover all of the real in life cruel intentions scheme, facts and fraudulent circumstances of each described Defendant(s) acts and actions herein direct against the rights, will, peace and dignity of The Pro Se Plaintiff notably being on a Grand scale corrupted involvement

To the point the once (crafty hidden) “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”, “Obstruction of Justice”

“Fraud on the Court”, “Mail and Wire Fraud”, “Direct Fraud” and “Constructive Fraud” of Jefferson County Texas 58th District Court Records,

Committed fully by Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299

And precise fraud upon the 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas to now as of this undersigned date

Being official new discovery in Jefferson County Texas Public records, quite correct and respectable evidence being complained of before the Honorable Justice”

Now identified is this complaint in precise, sound proof calculations into each responsible direct “acts and actions” of each Defendant(s) exacts responsible & accountable “federal jurisdiction” conduct giving rise for a cause of “Justice” Before this “Honorable Justice” United States of America Court .


                               Factual Background       

Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” living at the dwelling (Blk. 172 Lt. 1-2) being located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 knowingly collectively did enter into a Contract for the Amount of $10,850.00 for Construction following Hurricane Humberto damages.


 Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” already received funds for repairs from the “Home Owner Insurance Company” in excess of $7000.00 U.S. Dollars and unknown to the (Plaintiff) Co-Defendant(s) simply squander all of these funds on them self and their quite “selfish needs other than making the repairs to the already seriously damaged home as required by the first installment Insurance Funds proceeds.

At this point Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” devised a financial “wicked plan” to fraudulently involving the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein and his Construction contract $10,800.00 U.S. Dollars for Hurricane Damages in a continue “scheme of things” to obtain additional Funds from the same “Insurance Company”. 


Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” Breach the Contract of the Pro Se Plaintiff on November 17, 2007 for the same scheme of things as being described in paragraph (18) above in addition Co-Defendant(s) collectively took possession, custody and complete control over all of the Plaintiff property Namely (Construction Tools) in excess of $3093.00 being Pro Se Plaintiff entire “Construction Business of tools”...!

Wrongfully abducted and obtain in this “hostile takeover” to include Pro Se Plaintiff herein being “physically assaulted” by Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” while this same ongoing “criminal scheme of things” is in effect fully committed and directed, and orchestrate by Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray for the absolutely purpose to Fraud further of The “insurances companies “Repair Moneys” for Co-Defendant(s) collectively “personal monetary gain” other than making needed repairs

As all described in paragraph (18 & 19) above involving The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II and a Construction contract drafted by Pro Se Plaintiff for Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” collective behalf for “monetary relief” by said “Insurance Companies” to cover dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas home structural repairs cost for Hurricane Humberto related storm damages.


Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” for their combine corrupted conduct direct against the Plaintiff civil rights, peace, and dignity within Jefferson County Texas as being described in paragraph (17, 18, and 19) above

Pro Se Plaintiff filed civil action in Jefferson County Texas 58th Judicial District Court, before the “Honorable Judge” Bob Wortham.

 Complaint Docket No. A-180805 filed on November 26th 2007 with the Jefferson County Clerk of Court office. And Co- Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” retain the Professional legal services of Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. “Attorney at Law” Texas Bar No. 24058299

Having “Two Legal Law Offices” in Port Arthur Texas, 3627 Professional Dr. Port Arthur Texas 77642 and 3723 Gulfway Dr. Port Arthur Texas 77642



Pro Se Plaintiff herein States, Affirm and Declare before the “Honorable Justice” because of the continue chief corrupted effects of Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 Skilled Crafty Criminal Mutable Complex

Violations of Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), section 1028(relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents), Section 1503(relating to obstruction of justice),

Falsification of “Material facts”, among other things committed by this Defendant with Fraud upon the 58th Judicial District Jefferson County Court and such Conspiracies involving the Pro Se Plaintiff herein,

The Civil action filed on November, 26th 2007 in 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas remain complexly ongoing well into December 17th 2014 next court hearing, fully

“Live” as of this undersigned date for a period well exceeding over (7) years and counting ongoing in the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas for a suit in “Common Law”.

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