Thursday, November 27, 2014

"U.S. District Court" Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al


                                    Cause of Actions

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 And Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray”

Collectively for “Actual Fraud” and the performance thereof in the capacity of a “Attorney of Law” to include constructive fraud, fraudulent intent, fraudulent pretense, fraudulent concealment, fraudulent misrepresentation, fraudulent conveyance, Extrinsic Fraud, Fraud in fact and Fraud in law, fraud in the execution of Plaintiff construction contract by Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” for purpose to fraud “Insurance Company”

To include collectively Fraud on the Court involving fraudulent activities upon the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas, and all court records, court documents, electronic transmission, court transcripts, and document thereof

Fraud against Insurances Companies, State of Texas, and the United States of America FEMA and Federal Housing Grant agencies involving Past Hurricane storm related damages all of which being described in paragraph (66) herein involving the Pro Se Plaintiff herein being past, present, and future thereof to commit monetary Fraud gain in among other things Fraud of Insurances Companies, State of Texas, and the United States of America FEMA and Federal Housing Grant agencies involving the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. In Port Arthur Texas

Committed against the civil rights, peace, and dignity of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein before a civil suit in common law within the State of Texas. 


                                    Cause of Actions

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist against Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” for Defamation of The Pro Se Plaintiff reputation and his Profession in construction in connection with Co-Defendant(s) collectively fraudulently activities to obtain a New Home

And Co-Defendant(s) collectively maintain such defamation acts to secure a 76,000.00 U.S. Dollars Federal Housing grant in that the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein is the “direct cause” of the dwelling located at 448 in DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas being un-inhabitable for human living conditions due primary for substandard faulty structural construction repairs of said dwelling being committed by Pro Se Plaintiff herein

 Whom never even made any such repairs on said home just (Pro Se Plaintiff) construction contract being executed and  used to continue fraud the Insurance company for more monetary wrongful gain of “insurance Company repair funds

other than Co-Defendant(s) actually fixing Hurricane Humberto storm dames to dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas as described in this complaint  Co-Defendant(s) ) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” Committed against the civil rights, peace, and dignity of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein.


                                    Cause of Actions

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 for “Actual Damages”

 In this (RICO) and Fraudulent numerous conspiracy corrupted scheme of things and corrupted activities in concert, and full collusion being also brought and paid for to “expert cooking the “legal court books” of a Honorable 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas in Favor of the corrupted (RICO) described Co-Defendant(s) herein

To further along promote and fully cover up all (RICO) activities, Fraud of Insurances companies, FEMA and Federal Housing Grants both being “past and present” mutable fraudulent activities of the Co- Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein involving the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Among others” being fully described herein to include but not limited to


Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 (RICO) and Fraudulent numerous conspiracy corrupted scheme of things activities in concert, and full collusion in the capacity of a “Attorney of Law” against the Pro Se Plaintiff personal property namely “Construction tools” in excess of #3000.00 U.S. Dollars and lost wages at a minimums of $48,000.00 U.S. dollars per year “lost wages” since date of injury of November 2007

And Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 to “continue depriving” the Pro Plaintiff of his entire “Construction Trade” and “Profession” in such a complex illegal rooted (RICO) conspirer and fraud of the court system “scheme of things” being attached to the “Actual theft” of all of the Pro Plaintiff Construction tools and profession trade thereof for a period now exceed (7) years and counting well into 2015

As “Defendant and Co-Defendant” collectively enjoys and having monetary gain collectively thereof from such wrongful ongoing (7) years “civil victory” and corrupted (RICO) Fraudulent advantages, corrupted acts, and actions over the Pro Se Plaintiff civil rights, peace and dignity, and fairness to the Texas Civil Rules of Civil Procedures in a “civil suit” in “common law” as being described herein this complaint


Further being described once before the same U.S. District Court of Eastern District of Texas when (Pro Se Plaintiff) filed his first original (RICO) complaint being legally made thereof and now no question beyond any doubt ever being so “crystal clear” in 2014 (November) the Pro Se Plaintiff confident in being precise, and having a “well understanding” into this well twisted, calculated, future plotted, manipulated, (RICO) mutable Fraudulent count enterprising “scheming activities” derive thereof and its involvement with Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein for

 “Actual Damages” exceeding (7) years conspire collectively with Co-Defendant(s) herein to depriving the Pro Se Plaintiff of his “personal property” namely “Construction tools” in excess of $3000.00 U.S. Dollars and “lost wages” at a minimums of $48,000.00 U.S. Dollars

Pro Se Plaintiff being an “Independent Construction Contractor” suffrage “lost wages” per (7) year since date of injury of November 2007 in the “Actual Theft” of Said Construction tools. With 6% interest incurred since date of injury being November 2007 into the future of 2015 as this Complaint being “examine and entertain” before the “Honorable Justice” of such “Actual Damages”


Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein so did in all facts, court records, and real life circumstances commit to, designed further to caused the Pro Se Plaintiff herein to suffer extreme “monetary hardship” in such lost of “Actual Damage” in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars in (7) years of “Lost wages” and counting into 2015

 This (RICO) scheme of things in still enforced, ongoing and very live against the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II

As Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein (RICO) activities with the Co-Defendant(s) same (RICO) activities commit his (Attorney at Law) profession to commit to fraud of the Court “while” being in possession, custody, and control as a “Officer of said 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

Further Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein (RICO) activities acts and actions fully continue to depriving both past and present causing the Pro Plaintiff to continue suffrage “Actual Damages” in excess of $3000.00 U.S. Dollars in Lost of said “Construction tools” and the “Profession Trade” thereof since November 2007 well into the future of 2015.


Pro Se Plaintiff seeks same such “Actual Damages” exceeding (7) years Co-Defendant(s) “Edward McCray and Joyce M. Guy” herein depriving the Pro Se Plaintiff of his “personal property” namely “Construction tools” in excess of $3000.00 U.S. Dollars and “lost wages” at a minimums of $48,000.00 U.S. Dollars being a Independent Construction Contractor “lost wages” per (7) year ongoing lost since date of injury of November 2007 in the “Actual Theft” of Said Construction tools.

With 6% interest incurred since date of injury being November 2007 being lost as being described in paragraph (68) herein Defendant (Attorney at Law) conspire (RICO) with the  Co-Defendant(s) “Edward McCray and Joyce M. Guy” In the ongoing Civil Action suit in Texas State Court Docket No. A-180805 before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

Pro Se Plaintiff seeks such actual damages in a “Summary Judgment motion” just filed in November of 2014 and being heard “oral and argue” before the “Honorable 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas on December 17th 2014 at 8:30 am as this “Honorable 58th Judicial Court

Having full ongoing expert “subject matter jurisdiction” over the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” and all “actual damages” Pro Se Plaintiff seeks therein “State Court”


Other than Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” Collectively ongoing (RICO) Fraudulent activities among other “Federal Subject matter jurisdiction” wrongful “acts and actions” being committed in concert, collusion, and enjoyed manipulation and monetary gain derived thereof with Defendant as the Pro Se Plaintiff herein “Federal Questions” being raised before the “Honorable Justice” as to the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collective criminal/civil corrupted scheming uncivil behavior being committed

Against the Pro Se Plaintiff civil rights, peace, will, and dignity in a Civil Suit in common Law in connection with the Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 defense thereof.

which this “United States Eastern District Court of Texas having full expert “Honorable Justice” Subject Matter” over such among other things (RICO) activities described herein full

And the further full knowledge Defendant (Attorney at Law) executed in full wrongful conspire involvement being of a “Legal expert” to commit to among other things “obstruction of justice”, corrupted, misleading, manipulation” and fraud commitment upon the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas in the public professional trade “among all things”

The “fiduciary capacity” of a legal “Attorney at Law” and “Officer of the Court” in and For the State of Texas.


Cause of Actions

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist for “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray”.

Pro Se Plaintiff herein Incorporated and state all Defendant (Attorney at Law) and Co-Defendant(s) herein enjoyed collectively their “Intent” scheming fraudulent manufactory purpose in wanting the Pro Se Plaintiff herein to suffer, extreme agony, heartache, distraint,  Accompany substantially massive monetary loss of “tools and services” in the Construction profession,


Humiliation, Defamation, and crushing legal defeat to inflict “excessive mental anguish” as a result of their combine craft complex ongoing conspire (RICO) elements, and fraud on the court to execute the same (RICO) objective

All of which being past, present, and further derive thereof Pro Se Plaintiff suffrage such future (7) years of ongoing “mental intent contempt” of the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) enforced legal corrupted strong hold over the “common law” rights of the Pro Se Plaintiff

Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray”.

Civilly  accomplish with strong corrupted concealment motive not to be “confused or construed” with a simple attorney mistake by Defendant (Attorney at Law) a combine collective “cause of action” before the “Honorable Justice” for continual past, present, and future “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress”.


Cause of Actions

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist for “Declaratory Judgment” of the Honorable Court against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and against Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” as to all of the “material subject matter” fully declared past, present and future Before the Honorable Justice herein

Of the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) Collective conclusive, conspire, concert, agreements, engagement, and execution, pilot, maneuver, manipulated, scheme upon  (RICO) actions and dealing,

Among other extreme behavior in fraudulent Corruption of The 58th Judicial District Court System to induce, and perpetrate such Fraud upon the Court for a period in excess of (19) Months as each so stated, affirm, and declared statement of “material facts”, “events” and “circumstances” described fully herein this Complaint


Put an end to a doubt as to the “gross civil intention” of “Antoine L. Freeman J. D.  An “Attorney”, direct at the Pro Se Plaintiff “Civil Liberties” for a cause of action for “Declaratory Judgment” is made enter into the “Honorable Justice” decision, and final announcement of the Court Records against said Defendant.     


 Put an end to a doubt as to the “gross civil intention” of “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” and their extreme scheming corrupted fraudulent behavior in “patter and practices” of Mutable (RICO) Fraudulent Scheming Enterprising Endeavors

Co-Defendant(s) Collective conclusive conspire agreements, engagement, and execution, pilot, maneuver, manipulated, scheme upon (RICO) actions and mutable fraudulent underhanded dealing(s),

Among other extreme outrageous behavior in fraudulent Corruption of “among others” The 58th Judicial District Court System to induce, and perpetrate such Fraud upon the Court for a period in excess of (19) Months

As each so stated, affirm, and declared statement of “material facts”, “events” and “circumstances” described fully herein this Complaint direct at the Pro Se Plaintiff  “Civil Liberties” a cause of action for “Declaratory Judgment” is made enter into the “Honorable Justice” decision, and final announcement of the Court Records against said Co-Defendant(s) Collectively.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” a Cause of Actions exist for ‘Treble Damages” made enter into the “Honorable Justice” decision, and final announcement of the Court Records against said Defendant

Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” Collectively for their combine “wicked”, monstrous, appalling, atrocious, disgraceful, corrupted behavior direct at the Pro Se Plaintiff  “Civil Liberties” .


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the Honorable Court Justice, to Award to the Pro Se Plaintiff “Declaratory Judgment” against Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 and Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” Collectively in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the Honorable Court Justice, to Award to the Pro Se Plaintiff “Actual Damages” against Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 for fraudulent conspire against Pro Se Plaintiff “personal property” namely “Construction Tools” Pro Se Plaintiff Personal property Lost in tool(s) is in excess of $3093.00 dollars

Award further with full 6% interest rate incurred since date of injury from November 16th 2007 continual on into 2015 in excess of at a rate of (7) years and continual counting in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff 6% interest incurring.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice”, to Award to the Pro Se Plaintiff “Actual Damages” against Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 for fraudulently conspire against Pro Se Plaintiff as described herein this complaint for “Actual Damages” of “Lost wages” and “Loss of earning capacity” incurred in the “Continual Actual Theft” and “further executed fraudulent conspirers activities 

 Derive thereof” and fully committed, manipulated, scheme against by Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in the “expert legal professional capacity” as a “Attorney of Law”

 Civilly in a Suit in “common Law” against the Pro Se Plaintiff “personal property” namely “Construction tools”, involving Pro Se Plaintiff Special Trade, Skill and Profession thereof, in excess of $48,000.00 U.S. Dollars per year in lost wages Being a accumulated rate now in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars for the past (7) years “Lost wages” and “Lost earning capacity” Pro Se Plaintiff endure suffrage thereof.

“Award” further with full 6% interest rate incurred since date of injury from November 16th 2007 continual on into 2015 in excess of at a rate of (7) years past and continual counting in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff 6% interest incurring.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for damages in the amount of the Honorable Court Justice for the Plaintiff suffrage of “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” and “Mental Anguish” in Excess of the Jurisdictional amount of $75,000.00 U.S. Dollars against Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 in Favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for damages in the amount of the Honorable Court Justice for the Plaintiff suffrage of “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” and “Mental Anguish” in Excess of the Jurisdictional amount of $75,000.00 U.S. Dollars against  Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for Award of “Treble Exemplary Damages” Statue of the “Honorable Court Justice” against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for Award of “Treble Exemplary Damages” Statue of the “Honorable Court Justice” against Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray” Collectively in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for damages in the amount of the Honorable Court Justice for the Plaintiff suffrage of Defamation of the Pro Se Plaintiff Construction Reputation in Excess of the Jurisdictional amount of $75,000.00 U.S. Dollars against Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” collectively in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial, Awards in Excess of the Jurisdictional amount of $75,000.00 U.S. Dollars against Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” collectively in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff for (RICO).


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for accumulative, compensatory, consequential, continuing, expectation damages, foreseeable, Future, incidental, indeterminate, reparable, lawful, proximate, prospective, special, speculative, substantial,

 Awards in Excess of the Jurisdictional amount of $75,000.00 U.S. Dollars against Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 in favor of the Pro Se Plaintiff for (RICO).


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves the “Honorable Court Justice” for a Order the Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collectively pay all court cost of this U.S. Civil Court Action.


Wherefore Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Respectfully Moves and Request  the “Honorable Court Justice” for any further, Just, proper, Damages, Orders, and Awards The “Honorable Court Justice” Deems favorable for the behalf of Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein.


By, _______________________________

     Louis Charles Hamilton II

     Pro Se Plaintiff

      P.O. Box 17524

     Sugar Land Texas 77496

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