Friday, November 21, 2014

"U.S. District Court" Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 et al


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendants Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. “Attorney at Law” at the very start clearly in December of 2007  was engaging in Professional Skills of a Attorney at Law” in a “Legal” ongoing court room obligations to defend this civil case A-180805 against Pro Se Plaintiff

Defendant made Fraud upon the 58th Judicial Court claiming in a document filed by defendant his only legal job was to draft a (Simple) General denial on behalf of the Defendants filed on December 18th 2007, as such to avoid a default on behalf of Co-Defendant(s) by filing his original Answer and at that point his “Fiduciary Duty” to his clients and before the Court ended on that date December 18th 2007 and was legally completely over,

Which this is not the case as Defendant (Attorney at Law) Fully scuttles all discovery materials received from Plaintiff in this civil matter from December 18th 2007- November 13th 2009 being the official day while in possession of Plaintiff request to disclose Pursuant to Rule 194 during the entire year of 2008-2009 Defendant Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. “Attorney at Law fail well within (30) days of this request, for the information or material described in Rule 194.2: by a period of over (2) years past the (30) days requirement to answer not only Pro Se Plaintiff “Request to Disclose” Pursuant to Rule 194,

Defendant (Attorney at Law) was also served Pursuant to Rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Plaintiff Request for Admission(s) and Pursuant to Rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Pro Se Plaintiff Set of Interrogatories all of which required a reply within (30) days of these request as Defendant a skilled (Attorney at Law) having full knowledge that a discovery phase process had commence in this civil legal matter refuse to submit any “response or reply” to all being described in paragraph (38) herein for a period of (1) year and (11) Months and Pro Se Plaintiff Filed “Motion for sanctions” against said Defendant (Attorney at Law) in violation of Rule 193.1 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.


Defendant (Attorney at Law) in his defense of Plaintiff motion for Sanctions committed to the Following Fraudulent activities upon the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas and all court records derive thereof.

a.     Engage in having Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” Subscribed and Sworn a Affidavit in Support of Defendant (Attorney at Law) dated September 11, 2009

b.     File a Response to Plaintiff’s Motion For Sanctions also committed to the same act of having this document “Subscribed and Sworn on the 11th day of September 2009

c.      Submitted all fact therein as being true before a Court of Law.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Affidavit of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” admit Defendant (Attorney at Law) informed Co-Defendant between April 2nd, 2008 and April 11th, 2008 about Pro Se Plaintiff “Discovery Request” providing proof that Defendant (Attorney at Law) was in fact in possession, custody, and control of said discovery request while representing to the “Honorable Court” this was not the case.


Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein did not file any notice with the Pro Se Plaintiff or the District Court of Jefferson County Texas that he was not representing the legal interest of the Co-Defendant(s) Joyce Guy and Edward McCray”, there after filing “the original answer” with the District Court back in December 18th of 2007 when Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein in fact stating having Pro Se Plaintiff Discovery in Defendant own Affidavit being in his possession as of April 2nd, 2008.


 Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein stated to the Honorable 58th Judicial District Court also, that his only duty was to file a original general denial (only) and this was what his “Legal” services as a Attorney in this matter was only retain for in his defense for Sanctions against him as described herein this complaint.,”

“However” Pro Se Plaintiff States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” and further maintain that Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. “Attorney at Law” Texas Bar No. 24058299 did in fact make a court appearance in a hearing the Pro Se “set” before the Honorable 58th District Court

Pro Se Plaintiff also filed a (TRO) “Temporary Restraining Order” in this same civil matter A-180805 against Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” to protect her own “Mother” Norma Guy, and the resident living in that dwelling whom Co-Defendant (Guy) having “Power of Attorney” Over her Mother Legal Affairs, filed in Jefferson County #2010042042 at which during this same time frame Co-Defendant having process the same scheme and scam of things regarding Insurance and FEMA fraud of the property of 5050 East 7th street in Port Arthur Texas being Norma Guy Home Mother of the Co-Defendant (Guy).


Defendant (Attorney at Law) made another court appearance and argued this issue of a (TRO) alone before the Honorable Judge Bob Wortham, and at no time was Defendant not acting in the capacity as “Attorney of Record” from the time of filing his notice of counsel until Defendant (Attorney at Law) filed Motion to withdraw as Attorney of Record. 

Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein sat on Pro Se Plaintiff entire Discovery Request in excess of 16 Months and refuse to file a reply, file any type notice with the court during this 16 Months time period while Texas Rules of Civil Procedure require

Defendant a professional Attorney at Law Adhere to local rules of the Court System and reply within (30) days not on a time table of (16) later after service of Said Discovery request by Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein, further state Defendant then took a even bolder set in “Obstruction of Justice” in that after (16) of scuttling Pro Se Plaintiff Discovery request to further Hide all of the corruption going on at present time in the destruction of the old home and the new one being built, during this ongoing Civil Suit and all of the inquiries being made by the Pro Se Plaintiff regarding Fraud relating to Insurance Companies Former Contractors, and Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto”.

Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein provided further Fraud upon the Court in Fraudulent Information in the Interrogatories, and Never Investigated the circumstances of the questions being raised surrounding the “Theft” of The Pro Se Plaintiff Construction Tools by the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray”,

 Defendant (Attorney at Law) completely cover up the Co-Defendant(s) collective wrong doings from the Honorable Court per Pro Se Plaintiff Discovery Request being scuttled for (16) months time frame as being described in paragraph (43) above.


 Defendant (Attorney at Law) made as if no Construction tools where ever on the property of the Pro Se Plaintiff being complain of

 To include Defendant (Attorney at Law) supply false answer(s) in the same Interrogatories that the Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” never even meeting the Pro Se Plaintiff Step Father (Lewis Garza) whom actually help delivery all of Pro Se Plaintiff said in excess of $3000.00 U.S. Dollars in construction tools to the dwelling in his Truck to the Home of The Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” on November 16th 2007. Defendant (Attorney at Law) did not Investigate any of these facts nor was he ever even concern to attempt to investigate into the issues of the were about of Pro Se Plaintiff Construction tools.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” after Defendant (Attorney at Law) was officially no longer “Attorney of record” of the Civil action in Texas State Court from the time frame of December 18th 2007 – filing General Denial to November 13th 2009 when Defendant (Attorney at Law) filed with the Clerk of Court of Jefferson County Texas a Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel

The Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” continue to refuse to turn over said “Discovery Request” of the Pro Se Plaintiff

 To the point a Court Order of the 58th Judicial District Court was obtain and enforced as Follows:


Ordered that Co-Defendants “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” shall produce copies of deeds, property deeds or any other such physical document in Defendants possession, custody or control that shows actual ownership of the property of the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd., Port Arthur, Texas


Ordered that Co-Defendants “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” shall produce copies of any and all construction estimates for repairs in Defendants’ possession, custody or control in relationship to the damages caused by Hurricanes Rita, Humberto and Ike to the Property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur, Texas.

As so Ordered on the 10th day of May 2010 by the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas filed at 11:46 am.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” that Co-Defendants “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray” remain in Hostile abscond scuttle refusal of the Honorable Court Order as of the undersigned date in the Month of November 2014 of this Complaint being refilled in U.S. District Court.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” because of Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 acting in his skilled profession to fraud the court and belittle the Pro Se Plaintiff and his discovery request for a period in excess of 16 months in possession thereof

To include Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein unethical commitment to conspire further under the disguise of “Attorney/Client” privileges. Work Product doctrine, and all Communications thereof being secrete between the Defendant (Attorney at Law) and the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray”

To the point such Fraud commits by the Defendant (Attorney at Law) on the Jefferson County 58th Judicial District Court completely forced the Pro Se Plaintiff to be at an extreme “civil disadvantage” in the ongoing court proceeding in the time frame of 2007-2009 and present in 2014 throughout 2015

Based solely upon Defendant (Attorney at Law) Rouge (RICO) “obstruction of Justice” among other things being fully professional hire “Legal Gun” knowledge thereof to scuttle, omit, delay and fraudulently mishandling required duties to supply a honest, required respond to all of Pro Se Plaintiff discovery request in a timely fashion, within the (16) months being in possession, custody and control of said Pro Se Plaintiff Discovery request.


 Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299  retainer fees was solely paid to keep the Co-Defendant(s) numerous discover fraud by the Pro Se Plaintiff absolutely 100% top secret from the 58th Judicial Court”

while the other newer $76,000.00 U.S. Dollars “scheme of things” being in current play and  process to now a ongoing (RICO) fraud the Co-Defendant(s) concocted involving Fraud (Now) The “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” issuance of a “Housing Grant” in favor for the Co- Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray”

All of which in fact being fraudulently obtain from “Federal Housing Grant” on the behalf of “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” while the civil suit is “Live” and pending” which Co-Defendant(s) conspire to keep this under wraps from any financial setback glitches being fully caused by The Pro Se Plaintiff bring this additional Fraudulent activities before The Honorable Court well deserved attention.


Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. Attorney at Law Texas Bar No. 24058299 in his History of being a Skilled “Attorney at Law” in and for the State of Texas

“Never” once scuttle, hide and thereof flat out being in refusal in the filing of a timely Discovery request for a period exceeding over (30) days against any Attorney, Law Firm or other Pro Se (Litigant)

In comparison to the double dealing, 100% skilled rouge super late filing reply to Pro Se Plaintiff numerous Discovery request being late in excess of (16) months and absolutely 100% in full violation of Texas Rules of Civil Procedures 193.1 All of which Pro Se Plaintiff herein “States”, “Affirm” and “Declare” further before the “Honorable Justice” solely done by Defendant (Attorney at Law) (Only) to conspire in the illegal (RICO) aid to hide all of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joy M. Guy” and “Edward McCray”  many corrupted Business Enterprises endeavors,

Mutable Counts of Fraudulent activities involving Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and Humberto” Monetary rip off scams against FEMA, Building Contractors estimate and invoices and Home Owner Insurances Companies repair funds

Couple with the (Now) live ongoing new 2009 fraud activities of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joy M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” involving “Federal Housing Grant” on the behalf of “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” in excess of $76,000.00 U.S. Dollars


 Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein known lying with a consciousness mind and disregard for the consequences for his actions in the “capacity as an Attorney of Law”, Antoine L. Freeman J. D.  conspire to continue to use his legal lawyer skills” in the full “aid and abetting”, and commitment to “Obstruction of Justice” in the capacity of a Attorney at Law forthwith in providing his own numerous Attorney fraud legal commitment upon the 58th Judicial District of Court of Jefferson County Texas, the Court records thereof as being fully described in this U.S. District Court Complaint.

 And being in full criminal (RICO) concert, collusion, corruption and conspiracies thereof for all monetary fraudulent assets gains of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joy M. Guy” and “Edward McCray”

 Both being “ill-gotten pirate loot” from the “past” Hurricanes Seasons “Rita”, Ike” and “Humberto” and “present” pirate loot” “Federal Housing Grant” on the behalf of “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” in excess of $76,000.00 U.S. Dollars of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joy M. Guy” and “Edward McCray”


Fully affecting the Pro Se Plaintiff (Life) with “among other things” cause of action for “actual damages” being in excess of $336,000.00 U.S. Dollars in “lost wages” from 2007 – 2014 and “actual damages” in excess of “3093.00 U.S. Dollars in all of the Pro Se Plaintiff Construction tools causing the Plaintiff undue unwanted extreme hardship, infliction of emotional distress and anguish  in the  “Theft of Pro Se  Construction Profession” for a ongoing time frame over (7) years and still counting well into 2015 The Texas State Civil Suit is “Live” and ongoing due in large part to Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein

Numerous (RICO) “acts and activities” to commit “among other things” a ,complete assault of “Obstruction of Justice” and “Fraud upon a Court” in the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

In a Suit in “Common Law” for the rouge disgrace benefit of his skilled profession as a “Attorney of Law” to skillfully cover up a Co-Defendant(s) “Joy M. Guy” and “Edward McCray” clients “Long Bogus Quite Profitable Crooked Road of “Fraudulent History” being described fully herein and direct against The civil rights, peace and dignity of the Pro Se Plaintiff herein. 



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