Sunday, January 4, 2015

Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman J.D. (Attorney at Law)” Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 “First Set of Interrogatories”


Explain in full expert “Attorney at Law” details, Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

As “Your” claiming having knowledge of said discovery during the month of April of 2008,

as described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 2 attached herein with Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” legal

“Affidavit” file in support thereof attached Document #6 herein also which states as follows:

“My name is Joyce Guy. I am at least 18 years of age and of sound mind. I am personally acquainted with the facts alleged herein.

“I, Joyce Guy, retained Antoine L. Freeman to draft and file a general denial on my behalf

until sometime in August of 2009 when Mr. Freeman informed me that the Plaintiff secured a hearing with regards to this lawsuit.

Mr. Freeman informed me that the Plaintiff secured a hearing with regards to this lawsuit.

Mr. Freeman informed me between April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 about Mr. Hamilton discovery request.

It was my decision and not Mr. Freeman’s decision not to respond to the discovery request of Mr. Hamilton

“Subscribed and Sworn on the 11th day of September 2009 (9/11)

Sabrina D Miguez Notary Public

Explain in full expert “Attorney at Law” details…? Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

Why…? Are you still acting “Attorney of Record” after April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

when Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein informed “You” not to respond to Pro Se Plaintiff Discovery request…?

Subpart (A)

While Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in expert legal details further explaining…?

Why are you physically still legally in the acting “Attorney at Law” civil court position for cause No. A-180805

to not respond at all to any said discovery in your possession, custody and legal control there after the dates of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

and at the same time frame keeping all of this discovery under secret status under 100% absolutely concealment request

And the “direct orders” of the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” in violation of Rule 193.1 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

From the Time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 14th 2009

as described by attached Document # 7 herein “Defendant’s Response to First Set of Interrogatories propounded by

Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

As further described by attached Document # 8 herein “Defendant’s Response to Request for Admissions

of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

As further described by attached Document # 8 herein “Defendant’s Response to Request for Admissions

of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

To include but not limited to Pro Se Plaintiff requested for disclosure Pursuant to Rule 194 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

With no “Motion for Your legal Withdrawal” in cause No. A-180805 thereafter being informed by Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein

she is not physically participating in such a required discovery request from the time frame period of

April 2nd 2009 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 1st 2009…?

Subpart (B)

While Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in expert legal details further explaining…?

(Explain) Why you are physically present …? On Court hearing dates of “August” 28th 2009…?

While “Your” not respond at all to any said discovery in your full possession, custody

and legal control there after the dates of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 as being fully described in Document # 6

attached herein namely Affidavit of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” Herein

And at the same “time frame” keeping all of this said discovery request of the Pro Se Plaintiff

under secret status of 100% absolutely concealment request

And being the “direct orders” of the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein in

violation of Rule 193.1 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure while “Your” acting Attorney of Record…?

From the Time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 14th 2009

As fully described by attached Document # 7 herein “Defendant’s Response to First Set of Interrogatories

propounded by Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

As further described by attached Document # 8 herein “Defendant’s Response to Request for Admissions

of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

To include but not limited to Pro Se Plaintiff requested for disclosure Pursuant to Rule 194.2 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

With no “Motion for Your legal Withdrawal” in cause No. A-180805 thereafter being informed by Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein

She is not 100% “physically participating” in such a required civil court of law discovery phase

being presented throughout request time frame period of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 1st 2009…?

While “You’re Acting Attorney of Record”…?

Subpart (C)

And (Explain) once again why you are physically present On Court hearing dates of “September” 11th 2009…?

While “Your” not respond at all to any said discovery in your full possession, custody and legal control there after

the dates of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 as being fully described in Document # 6

attached herein namely Affidavit of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” Herein

And at the same “time frame” keeping all of this said discovery request of the Pro Se Plaintiff under secret status of 100% absolutely concealment request

And being the “direct orders” of the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein

in violation of Rule 193.1 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure while “Your” acting Attorney of Record…?

From the Time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 14th 2009

As fully described by attached Document # 7 herein “Defendant’s Response to First Set of Interrogatories

propounded by Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

As further described by attached Document # 8 herein “Defendant’s Response to Request for Admissions of

Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

To include but not limited to Pro Se Plaintiff requested for disclosure Pursuant to Rule 194.2 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

With no “Motion for Your legal Withdrawal” in cause No. A-180805 thereafter being informed by Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein

She is not 100% “physically participating” in such a required civil court of law discovery phase

being presented throughout request time frame period of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 1st 2009…?

While “You’re Acting Attorney of Record”…?

Subpart (D)

Further explaining in full expert “Attorney at Law” details, Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

how is it legally possible “Your” physically acting as “Attorney of record” …?

And “You’re” physically in all legal circumstances present before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

“Live” court hearing dates of August 28th 2009 …?

And then once again you were “physically in all legal circumstances present before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

“Live” court hearing dates of September 11th 2009…?

But not you’re not legally retained to be so in this legal position after December 18th 2007 …?

As fully claimed in the legal Document # 6 attached herein namely “Affidavit” of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” Herein

This states as follows:

“My name is Joyce Guy. I am at least 18 years of age and of sound mind. I am personally acquainted with the facts alleged herein.

“I, Joyce Guy, retained Antoine L. Freeman to draft and file a general denial on my behalf

until sometime in August of 2009 when Mr. Freeman informed me that the Plaintiff secured a hearing with regards to this lawsuit.

Mr. Freeman informed me that the Plaintiff secured a hearing with regards to this lawsuit.

Mr. Freeman informed me between April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 about Mr. Hamilton discovery request.

It was my decision and not Mr. Freeman’s decision not to respond to the discovery request of Mr. Hamilton

“Subscribed and Sworn on the 11th day of September 2009 (9/11)

Sabrina D Miguez Notary Public

And then “Your” officially public recorded evidences act of filing late response as fully described by attached Document # 7 herein

“Defendant’s Response to “First Set of Interrogatories”

propounded by Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

Dated October 14th 2009 which was in your legal custody, possession,

and control since as claim by you and Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” since April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

And then “Your” officially public recorded evidences act of filing late response as fully further described by attached Document # 8 herein

“Defendant’s Response to “Request for Admissions” of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II

pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure; Dated October 14th 2009 which was in your legal custody, possession,

And physical control since as claim by you and Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” since April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

To include but not limited “Your” officially public recorded evidences act of filing late response to Pro Se Plaintiff

“Request for disclosure” Pursuant to Rule 194.2 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

Dated October 14th 2009 which was in your legal custody, possession, and control since as claim by you

and Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” since April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

Subpart (E)

Further expertly explaining in precise legal details Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein fully Why…?

After April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 when Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein informed “You”

She is not 100% “physically participating” in such a required civil court of law discovery phase being presented by the Pro Se Plaintiff on April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

As legally described in attached Document # 6 herein “Affidavit” of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy”

Why…? “You” “Attorney at Law” Defendant herein did not file “Your” immediately official “Motion for your Withdrawal” …?

From cause No. A-180805 in the month of April 2008 there after April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008

If “Your” under retain for hire “Attorney at Law” orders/status to not “physically participating” in any such required Texas Rules of civil procedure court of law

Discovery phase being presented by the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein for the time frame period of

April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout October 1st 2009…?

Subpart (F)

Further expertly explaining in precise legal careful details Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein fully Why…?

Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” clearly stated in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 6 herein “Affidavit” of “Joyce Guy” stated as follows:

“I, Joyce Guy, retained Antoine L. Freeman to draft and file a general denial on my behalf

until sometime in August of 2009 when Mr. Freeman informed me that the Plaintiff secured a hearing with regards to this lawsuit.

Explain why…? Are you informing your “non retain” for your legal services client(s)

a/k/a Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” collectively herein

While all said discovery request being in your “actual physical” possession,

custody and legal control thereof on or about April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 as claimed by

“You” and Co-Defendant(s)”Joyce M. Guy” collaborating “Affidavit” filed herein…?

However “Your” now informing Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” in August of 2009

of a hearing Pro Se Plaintiff secured for September 11th 2009 before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas to advance now a official

“Motion to Compel” you as acting “Attorney of Record” “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 for cause No. A-180805

to respond to all discovery of “First Set of Interrogatories”

propounded by Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 197 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

“Request for Admissions” of Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II pursuant to rule 198 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure;

and “Request for disclosure” Pursuant to Rule 194.2 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.

When during this same time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout

August of 2009 when Pro Se Plaintiff secured said September 11th 2009 hearing date for a Motion to compel

before the “Honorable Bob Wortham” of the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

for a official Motion to compel acting “Attorney of Record”

Namely Skilled Chief Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

As acting “Attorney of Record” to respond to discover request he having in his legal possession,

custody and control over since back in April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008…?

Carefully Please Explain Legally Why…???

“You” did not file your official “Motion for withdrawal” as acting “Attorney of Record”…???

In this precise time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout September 11th 2009 hearing date …???

When you’re not even physically monetary retained by The Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy”….???

From the time frame of April 2nd 2008 and April 11th 2008 throughout September 11th 2009 hearing date …???

As also cleverly being described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 6 herein “Affidavit” of “Joyce Guy”

and as also cleverly being described in Document # 2 attached herein

“Your” exact “fraudulent” response to Pro Se Plaintiff “Motion for Sanction” against you:

To avoid “actual physical sanctions” being levy against “You”:

This is “Louis Charles Hamilton II a/k/a (Cmdr. Bluefin) “United States Navy Ninja” 

Official “Sherlock Holmes” Mystery Writer “Live” Isitlegalto “Internet Case” of:

“The Dead Man Who Paid Taxes” ….xoxoxoxox 

Also filed in U.S. Cause No. 1:2014-CV-592

To: “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face”………….Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 (Attorney at law)

Ha ha……… (Gotcha)

To: My Favorite “Commander in Chief”

The Honorable Justice “Himself” of the Entire “United States of America” (Barack Obama) 

How did you like that “cut throat interrogatories curve ball kick in the old nuts question”

“Mr. President”  ha, ha……..xoxoxoxox!

Just Super “Naval Ninja” (JAG) Squeaky Sneaking Clean in on his “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face Attorney at Law”

Extra stupid crooked dead tuna smelling, goat nuts breath, rouge lawyer ass …..hun……? ha ha, 

(Thanks)…….” Ha ha

Sir”…… you ain't seen nothing yet…. it fixing to get super legally ugly, up in here ha ha 

Omg …..“Mr. President” 

I could out “legally think him” high on a big bag of that USDA “Ditch weed”,

5 pints of 80 Proof Liquor,

huffing some "Now" official $1.85 a gallon super supreme gasoline,

While in a state of (DOA) on a full Px. of that extra special “XXX” VAMC “Cmdr. Bluefin” off his God-dam it “medications script”….xoxoxoxox! ha ha 

“Man” They just simply let’ me in that USDA Federal Courthouse

“You should see all of this (RICO) “Pirate Treasure” these slow corrupted F-u-c-k’s

left direct bread crumbs too,….xoxoxoxo So much and I am just getting started …………..”.

Ray Charles, could find this from his blind grave…

Just imagine you’re the “Honorable Justice”

And (I) presented you this Greasy Backwoods (RICO) Chicken Thievery S-U-P-E-R S-L-O-W N-I-G-G-E-R S-H-I-T...”

To: “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face”………….Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 (Attorney at law)

Ha ha……… (Gotcha) 

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