Sunday, January 4, 2015

Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman J.D. (Attorney at Law)” Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 “First Set of Interrogatories”


Explain in full expert “Attorney at Law” details, Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

As “Your” claiming having knowledge of said discovery during the month of April of 2008,

as described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 2 attached herein

with Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” affidavit file in support thereof attached Document #6 herein also

“Your” response to Pro Se Plaintiff Motion for sanction against you: To avoid “actual physical sanctions” being levy against “You”

As stated by “You” in attached Document #2 paragraph 2 and 3:

(2) Defendant, Joyce Guy, retain the services of Antoine Freeman for the purpose of writing a general denial

as to avoid a default judgment being rendered against her.

(3) Plaintiff was informed of this fact when he visited the law office of Antoine L. Freeman on February 11th 2008

Fully explain Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in expert legal details…?

If “Your” really in “real life event and circumstances” completely informed Pro Se Plaintiff herein to his actual physical person at your law office no less ….?

The absolutely defined position that “Your” not in any “shape or physical form” the acting Attorney of record

on or before February 11th 2008 for case No. A-180805…?

As being described by you in Document #2 herein as your claiming these additional further facts

your only duties was for the December 18th 2007 legal services of filing said “General Denial” (only)…?

Why are you physically accepting Pro Se Discovery documents in the “United States Mailing system during the months of April 2008 …?

After the Pro Se Plaintiff physically visited your office on February 11th 2008

request all of his Construction Company tools back and your actual position was a retain status of being completely

“Rude & Hostile that exact day of February 11th 2008 for your Co-Defendant(s) Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” legal behalf…?

Subpart (A)

While Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in expert legal details

further explaining why was the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas fully official being also made aware on or before February 11th 2008

further facts of your only duties status was for the December 18th 2007 legal services of filing said “General Denial” (only)

And “Your” filing an official “Motion for Your Withdrawal” on or before February 11th 2008 if this twisted “lie” before the “Honorable U.S. Justice”,

And notwithstanding The Pro Se Plaintiff herein is to be accepted as true..?

When elementary your actual physical “Attorney at Law” legal documented “Motion for your Withdrawal” from case No. A-180805

being not officially physically filed until November 13th 2009…?

Instead of on or long before February 11th 2008..? When Plaintiff made inquiries at your office…?

Subpart (B)

While Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

in expert legal details further explaining why was the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

fully official being also made aware on or before February 11th 2008 further facts of your only “duties status” was for the December 18th 2007

legal services of filing said “General Denial” (only)

When you were “physically in all legal circumstances present before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

“Live” court hearing dates of August 28th 2009

And then once again you were “physically in all legal circumstances present before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

“Live” court hearing dates of September 11th 2009

But your claims in Document # 2 paragraph (3)

Plaintiff was informed of this fact when he visited the law office of Antoine L. Freeman on February 11th 2008 “That your only legal obligations was

December 18th 2007 “General Denial” filing for the Co-Defendant(s) herein collectively behalf…?

Subpart (C)

While Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D.” Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein in expert legal details further explaining

why are you physically still accepting Pro Se Discovery documents in the “United

States Mailing system during the months of August 2009…? And not return to sender

Excepting on August 12th 2009 to be exact “Production of Document” for “among other things”

namely copies of the actual “Property Deeds”

for said dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas (Block 172, Lot 1-2)

while “Your” in 100% status of being Completely refusal to turnover copies of said “Property Deeds”

All of which Being official “subject matter” before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

if you’re not acting “Attorney of Record” as your claiming your duties ended long before February 11th 2008

As your stated this is the case to be of your Attorney for Hire legal services status to be to the Pro Se Plaintiff in person in your office no less…?

As physically being described in attached Document # 2 herein “Your” response to Pro Se Plaintiff Motion for sanction against you…?

To avoid “actual physical sanctions” being levy against “You”

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