Thursday, January 8, 2015

President “Barack Obama” “Heart to Heart” Honest Understanding for “Expedited Implement” of The 2015 Reparations Act”,

To: President Barack Obama…..

To: scheming Goat Nut’s breathe Career Casino Buffet Law Degree Attorney at law (“Scank Thong Rat Puss Face”) A/k/a Antoine L. Freeman J.D. Esq. (Get Bent)............................."

First “Commander in Chief”…..”

Presidential Brother Dude’

You so dam crazy, ha ha  (I Can’t Breathe)…….?

After “Doctor Watson” and (I) sat before a cup of tea”.

The entertain question for the highlight of our evening other then “Mrs. Hudson” extra dry pot roast, burnt northern potatoes

..As I attempt to drown out the defiled scornful taste with “cherry” from

my glancing at the (News) what would produce such a profound statement….?

(I Can’t Breathe)…….?

And came to the logical sound conclusion as follows:

1. (WTF), ha ha Presidential Brother holding out on Old "Cmdr. Bluefin" (USN)

with that USDA Government "Ditch Weed" pass it let me see what ya working with Mr. I Can't Breathe", ha ha

2. Who done really pissed off my Favored “Commander in Chief” (Obama) cuz ya know (I) got ya back”….xoxoxoxox!

 Cuz (I) is ya # 1 N-I-G-G-E-R (Da) 

So I did some quick research and my elementary “Sherlock Holmes” Official Mystery writer self induce deduction conclude as follows:

a. Last year in office for the (Negro) President Obama in 2015

b. He is certainly no dam “lame duck”

c. Motherf-ckers in The “United States of America” and on a Global scale in a state of (BFT) “namely” herein “Big F-c-king Trouble” 

d. In 2011 them “Crooked Tea Party Congress Dry Crackers Ho’s attempted a Financial Coup on (Obama)

to keep (America) broke….as per (I) already dealt with that “lameness” from the “Wire”…xoxoxoox!

You fully physically attended the Swearing in of Congress fully knowing they have no interest in providing your

Presidential 2015 to be a pleasant peaceful ended one………………… hence the profound statement… (I Can’t Breathe) 

Now In fact you got my “instant gram” via the wire, blog and XXX USDA Federal Courthouse on the “Keystone XL pipeline”

with actual rough draft blueprints as (I) stated years ago in the past

(Veto) that bubbling crooked crap “notwithstanding” if theme’s Crooked Ho’s Congress Crackers” come to real understanding instead of

“Pork Belly greed… the “Keystone XL pipeline” would indeed

put the (American) private sector in super thick pockets and the Nation Gas prices would be at a all time low 1.15 a gallon premium (The Good Stuff) 

“Keystone XL pipeline” is the a’k’a “Deep Sea Horizon” on land oil spill, creating a “Dead Zone”

on American soil all the way from Canada” to my home town in Port Arthur, Texas. It faces additional

challenges primary from (Earth quakes) in America which directly is what them 4-eyes, camel breath coffee stain teeth

engineers fail to really provide come to grips with in “Protection, Regulation and Enforcement thereof” for (EPA)

…and a better “High Tech” blueprint design for the “Keystone XL pipeline” which

would stand minimal ground trembling, to a all out real example in support of my findings Nine earthquakes

ranging in magnitude from 1.6 to 3.6 rattled North Texas over a period of less than 24

hours late Tuesday January 2015

Seismic activity in this area of Texas may be related to known faults that have been interpreted as part of the Rio Grande rift zone,

a zone of crustal extension and this is the “direct path” for the

crossing of the “Keystone XL pipeline” through the Texas Panhandle to the Refineries in the “Houston”, Port Arthur area..

Earthquakes in the Texas Panhandle are probably associated with an ancient zone of crustal weakness that has been reactivated in recent times.

Although the largest known earthquakes in the Panhandle have not exceeded magnitude 5.4, the potential for very large earthquakes remains uncertain.

the “Keystone XL pipeline” will come crashing apart at the control joint for not allowing flexibility in factor at a magnitude 4.1 to 5.4

or greater (Quake) in a area exceeded well over one million

square kilometers (about 400,000 square miles) of ruptured pipeline leaking massive out of control,

there is no fast response team placement for this kind of disaster

As falsely claim by “Keystone XL pipeline”

and their engineering staff placement design for safety shut down system at every so many sq. ft. in miles of “Keystone XL pipeline”.

This do not exclude over a one million square kilometers (about 400,000 square miles)

or greater area of out of the blue sunny day a “busted up oil pipeline” leaking into the ground soil out of

control for many years in a massive, endless containment and (EPA) clean up of a hell of a (American) mess that will supersede “Deep Sea Horizon”.

The solution is quite elementary simple the “Keystone XL pipeline” must be a “floating” flexible” design pipeline

within a Pipeline itself fully providing containment for ruptures above ground.

As there is a cushion design within the Pipeline itself to have the inner pipeline floating

and flexing control joints as the outer pipeline is designed more for the flexing, contracting, and moving about

within a earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 3.6 to 5.4 or better rattling “North Texas” panhandle.

(OK) and nothing else must be focused on other then the impact of a earthquakes in the

Panhandle of Texas or anywhere else on (American) soil… the issues of American Jobs, associated with

“Keystone XL pipeline” should have no factor weight in letting the pipeline construction start

on a “very faulty design” that provided no impact protection (OK) Now remember (Obama) (I) told you so

So the next issue of agenda is (Race) relation in America as

Former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said on "Face the Nation"

Sunday that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have passed up the opportunity to

improve race relations in America over the past six years.

"Six years into their effort, we are, in some ways, further apart, not closer together. That's a tragic failure of leadership at the very top,"

Mr. President (Obama) Newt Gingrich is 100% correct (OK)…..

(I) already told you this when I sued United States of America (OK)

, and the Key to the solution is also “quite” elementary simple

if them 48 + Millions of (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S have no self worth or a feeling of value then (America) forever has no race relation

as this continue to be a “Slavery” felt, festering system in the

time frame of 1619-2015

but what “Newt Gingrich” did not said on "Face the Nation"

Sunday as I shall put it in a better precise American Understand for every person including your

“Presidential self” actually reading this to

come to a complete 100% comprehend understanding and not another further legal format as I done in the past…….”

1. (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S are very pissed off since 1619

2. (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S built (America)

3. (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S never been compensated

4. (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S will never ever, ever, come to grip’s of being forced into poverty since 1619-2015

5. (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S should build their own 2015 “Reparation Act” exclude crooked Congress funding,

and stale ass United States of America funding who made(American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S “Slaves”. And stop crying

6. President (Negro) Barack Obama, & All (Negro) African Americans actually holding the Key to a better race relations in America in 2015

Example President (Negro) Barack Obama, if you went on TV saying for example February 14th 2015

and told every last crusty ass (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S to park all of their cars on the freeway and highway system in the entire

“United States of America” and grid lock America Highway system for a 48 hours period,

Do you know President (Negro) Barack Obama, every last (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S will be stealing so many

f-c-king cars, trucks, shopping carts, cattle, horse, sheep, chickens, ,to grid lock up “America entire Highway system”

for more than several weeks of a hell of a Ditch weed, colt 45 beer, barbecue American Highway block party

The USDA Military could not even nowhere to even began to start to attempt to restore America Highway system

cuz all of the other pissed of American Races other than (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S

will surely be wanting to be kicking it at the America Highway system block partying with all of the (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S

for the simple primary fact you President (Negro) Barack Obama DNA represent

(American) enforced Slave N-I-G-G-E-R-S in America while your (Negro DNA) is actually holding the highest office in (America) Land and

Your Presidential (Negro) DNA is worth its weight in billions in (American) Gold,

Cuz elementary you’re the actually physically acting head (Negro) President, in charge presiding over 40+ Millions of (American) pissed off N-I-G-G-E-R-S

As you did win the “Oval Office” correct … but not to the advantages of (American) pissed N-I-G-G-E-R-S in 2014

“However” look what you just did with immigration simple “Executive Order” F-U-C-K Congress (Correct)

that was a Victory on a Holy Scale magnitude (God) smiling upon (OK)

And as you can raise 100’s of Billion of U.S. Dollars in one day to two weeks on the behalf of the

(American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S so easy cuz (American) N-I-G-G-E-R-S “Loves” the acting head (Negro)

President in charge of the ghetto

You 100% have no need of crooked (American) Congress funding, and stale ass United States of America funding neither

and these Pissed off 1619-2015 N-I-G-G-E-R-S will surly following example of their current 2015 acting

(Negro) President DNA to the gates of Hell in building there on self worth, pride and value

and on Private scale let alone grid locking up America Highway system with a

Cajun Cook out Block party and trust me a hell of a National Highway American N-I-G-G-E-R-S Block Party too 

all the multi-race (p-u-s-s-y) as far as your eyes can actually see on “Interstate 45

” with be partying half naked, drunk ha ha  talking hey Bro “what’s Up” 

Once again “Look” out that Oval Office window and say to yourself that fool so dam f-u-c-king stupid ha ha……xoox

wondering and mumbling with groans again to your “Presidential self scratch

another bald spot on your grey head thinking what can I f-u-c-k-ing actually really do in

2015 to shut up these “Chicken Thievery” hunger ass (American) pissed off N-I-G-G-E-R-S…..

“Simple”…..You find you a 4-eye, super clean criminal record, none fake,

dress nice “porch N-I-G-G-E-R” and say to his “porch N-I-G-G-E-R ass”

stand next to me in front of this here “TV Camera” smile big and

Now you’re the Official Private Head “porch N-I-G-G-E-R” in charge of America Reparation Charity fund for slavery

Here are the rules.

1. Every last one of you 40 + Millions of (American) pissed off Slave rattled greasy chicken eating N-I-G-G-E-R-S

owe exactly 10 (Ten) U.S. Dollars to the Head “porch N-I-G-G-E-R” of America Reparation 2015 Charity fund for slavery

2. And Motherf-cker’s I said you N-I-G-G-E-R”’s (ONLY) own this dam money…..

Not the dam “Whiteman”, Cracker, Redneck… or whatever phrase is in ya dirty ass soup bowl …..”Bitches,

3. “Just you extra slooow no cornbread eating ass N-I-G-G-E-R”’s got it” like FUBU bunch of stupid Ho’s

4. Every last one of you 40 + Millions of (American) pissed off Slave rattled greasy chicken eating crooked

“Crack Dealing” N-I-G-G-E-R-S owe exactly 20 (Twenty) U.S. Dollars to

the Head “porch N-I-G-G-E-R”s of America Reparation 2015 Charity fund for slavery and don’t makes me come get mines…!!!

5. Any one of you 40 + Millions of (American) pissed off Slave rattled greasy chicken eating crooked

“Crack Dealing” N-I-G-G-E-R-S f-u-c-k- up and goes back to jail, and the judge ask your black N-I-G-G-E-R ass…..

While you were robbing the bank, beating up ya neighbor, looting and just plain old plundering ….smooth silly amuck about ….

“Did you at Least nationally registries and paid your 20 (Twenty) U.S. Dollars to the Head “porch N-I-G-G-E-R”s of America Reparation 2015 Charity fund…?

6. And get this lean judicial sentence..? word spread super nation fast over night on the “N-I-G-G-E-R”s Wire”

…….Man….let me tell you…..don’t you takes yo blacks ass to Jail…… and you didn’t paid your 20 (Twenty) U.S. Dollars to

the Head “porch N-I-G-G-E-R”s of America Reparation 2015 Charity fund….!!!

7. Now you so slow “unedumcated bitches” your having a official

US America N-I-G-G-E-R”s Private sector Reparation coop establishment to fix Every last one of you extra slooooow

some 40 + Millions of (American) pissed off Slave rattled greasy chicken thievery eating dry ankles

ass N-I-G-G-E-R”s on self worth, on self value, pride and a “new billion + dollars chicken shack foundation” going on …

8. other then maintaining 1619-2014 slavery mentality and looked down upon your own sloooow slave N-I-G-G-E-R”s feeling within (America) Da” 

and you Mr. President stop scratching another hole in ya head trying to figure this (OK)


The very second I filed this “U.S. Federal Suit” on behalf of all of “North Dakota (American) pissed off Slave rattled greasy chicken thievery eating ass extra sloooow N-I-G-G-E-R”s

within thereof (3) days, Thee lord had risen….

And on his behalf they had a “Human Civil Rights” hurry the f-u-c-k- up quickly understanding,

presentation and mentality of a establishment for equality for the full benefit of all of North Dakota Citizens

to include the sloooow ass N-I-G-G-E-R”s f-u-c-k-ing up with me (OK) I Lived there too, ha ha  or else ha ha ….xoxoxoxox!

Hamilton v. North Dakota, State, et al
North Dakota District Court, Case No. 3:01-cv-00095
District Judge Patrick A. Conmy, presiding

In conclusion there are three branches of government (ok) Mr. President 

Executive Branch:

Legislative Branch:

Judicial Branch:

So you President (Negro) Barack Obama is Thee “Executive Branch”, Da”

And you have been “physically out of control pimp slapping the S=H-I-T out of the “Legislative Branch”

Smooth upside the heads, all in the grills & peeling back wigs off… with “Executive Orders” correct 

“However” your “major mistake” in the past is not “physically pimp slapping” the Hog S=H-I-T out of the

“Judicial Branch” where the real corruption really is out of control in (America) as I done told you in the past…!!!

*Hamilton vs. U.S. Dead Presidents et al


Law looking extra crazy right now worthless killing, abuse and all bads of what not’s,

Judges so corrupted on the bench I have no faith in Judicial,

And the lawyers out their working on legal wolf hunts of all kinds of sorts for their own maintain massive

sorry corrupted greed with no real actions of facing heavy criminal/civil penalties…………………

And tougher regulations on Judicial….and as long as that continue

Then the sorry f-u-c-k-i-n-g- state of Race relationship in America in 2015 is continue to be lost & out of control by the “Judicial Branch… (Alone)

And time to really put the real hammer axe down on 1619-2014 of Judicial Branch

(OK)  that simple…………… “Cool”

Gives my Love to the Family”….xoxoxoxox!

P.S. You let’s that “Mean Old USDA Federal Magistrate Judge” let me actually physically having legal standing to

“Video Deposition” (“Scank Thong Rat Puss Face Attorney at Law”)

(I) am super nova going Deep Sea Horizon “Video Viral” up in his Rouge Ass……………………………..”

stay smart I got my own crook to deal with 

“Hey” ya (RICO) scheming Goat Nut’s Breath Career Casino Buffet Law Degree Attorney at law

(“Scank Thong Rat Puss Face”) A/k/a Antoine L. Freeman J.D. Esq.

Hope ya had no grits –n- eggs lame “Attorney at Law” Morning “Dumb Bitch”

Breakfast is the most important part of the day Da”.

FYI: your “Interrogatories” question at # 22 made my f-u--k-ing finger hurt, and swollen typing all of that S-H-I-T”….!!!!

That’s what’s called a “Naval JAG Bombardment” Cuz your extra crafty (RICO) Suave slick rouge ass will be Objection….

“Your Honor” these subpart supersede the 25 limit on interrogatories, and trying to avoid as many questions as you can….”

So you do think……?

(Not) Cuz Loser Lawyer”…. Simple the “same question” but different dates “Time frame”

of your ongoing into 2015 (RICO) corruption” in a continual subpart on the exact same subject matter per question….

(OK) … stay in with me on the CLE (Continuing Law Education)

Your extra Funky ass should have been learning and studying while being an

(RICO) retain assistant in robbing Senior Citizens Nursing Homes, for the behalf of your “Clients” no less……. (Dummy)

3 more interrogatories to go 

Number 25 is very 100% super scary, ha ha

You better go out and have some fun @ the Casino ……. (Loser)

P.S. better not let me “Video Deposition” you…………………Cuz you will suffer (Legally) in your very own Profound Profession 

And everything you will refused to respond to “Honestly” in “written discovery” will be resurrected

and having a little quick quiz testing understanding on said “subject matter” @ ya “Video

Deposition” 

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