Friday, January 9, 2015

Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman J.D. (Attorney at Law)” Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 “First Set of Interrogatories”


Explain in full expert “Attorney at Law” details, Chief Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman, J.D. Texas “Attorney at Law” Bar No. 24058299 herein do you contend fully even at the door steps of facing

U.S. Federal penalties for “perjury” that your clients “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively Namely being “Co-Defendant(s)

Were “physically legally” acting as their own counsel of record for their very own collectively “legal civil interest behalf” appearing as such in their own “Pro Se” persons excluding “Your” Attorney at

Law skilled representation appearing before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas in a civil suit in common law docket No A-180805 being filed November 26th 2007

Namely in that term of appearing in their own person/persons as Pro Se thereafter the date of December 18th 2007

Namely in that term of Pro Se, Pro se legal representation (/ˌproʊ ˈsiː/ or /ˌproʊ ˈseɪ/) means advocating on one's own behalf before a court, rather than being represented by a lawyer

In that “You” Chief Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein as an official officer of the Court in and for the State of Texas fully, legally, honestly 100% contend and appearing now before the “Honorable

Justice Magistrate Judge ”

Namely the “Honorable Zack Hawthorn” being a U.S. Magistrate Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division, in U.S. Docket Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 herein

In that “You” Chief Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein affirm, state, and supplied such attached sworn affidavit statement thereof your “material facts”, circumstances, and real life time events that said

“Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively represented the civil suit in common law docket No A-180805 filed November 26th 2007 thereafter the exact date of

December 18th 2007 your describing of you and your physical person legally being discharged of law duties in the capacity as acting legal counsel of record in cause No A-180805

As also described by you in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 2 attached herein “namely”, “Your response” to Pro Se Plaintiff motion for sanctions against you being “Chief Defendant” (Attorney

at Law) herein with your filing a supporting “Affidavit” of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein in support thereof as Pro Se Plaintiff attached such Affidavit being Document # 6 herein

As “Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively “Appeared” official before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas in a civil suit in common law docket No A-180805

As “Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively “Appeared” before The “Honorable Judge Bob Wortham” in a legal format as described now by you and contentions

herein as Pro Se counsel fully acting as such for their very own “legal interest” against the said Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein from the exact “time frame dates” of December 19th

2007 throughout December 11th 2009…?


If your answer is 100% yes.., to Pro Se Plaintiff “interrogatories question” at # 23 herein, then please “Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

Fully identify all facts, circumstances, legal events, dates, documents, and witnesses that fully legal support your

honestly 100% contention that the “Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward

McCray” described herein collectively did in all facts and legal circumstances, events and real life person/persons physically “Appeared” acting as Pro Se

To include but not limited to “namely” “Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

your honestly 100% contention in that the “Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” described herein

appearing acting as Pro Se on hearing dates of August 28th 2009, before Judge Bob Wortham, and Court Reporter,

“Anita Becker” and you’re not acting as legal counsel of record on said hearing dates of August 28th 2009

To include but not limited to “namely” “Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein

your honestly 100% contention in that the “Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” described herein

appearing acting as Pro Se on said hearing dates of September 11th 2009, before Judge Bob Wortham, and Court Reporter,

“Anita Becker” and you’re not acting as legal counsel of record on said hearing dates of September 11th 2009

As the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein surly shall present such legal honest evidence

and findings legally supplied by you “namely” your being “Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law)

Texas Bar No 24058299 herein appearing before the “Honorable Justice Magistrate” of the United States District Court in U.S. Docket Cause No. 1:14-CV-592

And Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein appearing for his own legal behalf before the

“Honorable U.S. Justice” and as such “Louis Charles Hamilton II surly shall withdraw the U.S.

Complaint made against You “Chief Defendant (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No 24058299” herein and no longer waist

valuable Judicial Court Time in this U.S. Docket Cause No. 1:14-CV-592

*However take real legal notice to this * “Chief Defendant (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No 24058299” herein

This is fully based in that your “contentions” is “Stated, Sworn, and Affirm, and 100% absolutely honest in all appearance being described before The U.S. “Honorable Justice” in that:

A. You fully identify all facts circumstances, dates and events that support your contention.

B. You fully identify all documents that support your facts, circumstances, dates, and events of your contention. And

C. You fully identify all witnesses that support all facts circumstances, dates and events of your honest contention.

Thereafter the exact date of December 18th 2007 your describing of legally being physically in a state of actual discharged of

“legal duties” in the capacity as acting legal counsel of record, in cause No. A-180805 between the exact dates of December 18th 2007 throughout the exact date of December 10th 2009

As described in Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 2 herein “Your response” to motion for sanctions against you with supporting “Affidavit” of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” in support

thereof “namely” Pro Se Plaintiff attached Document # 2 herein

Your absolute solid “set” in concrete, stone, chisel ink you “Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law) herein “legally entertaining” such that your

“contentions” before a “Federal Court of Law” is that one Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively

“Appeared” active before the 58th Judicial District Court of Jefferson County Texas

In a civil suit in common law in docket No A-180805 and appearing as such before The “Honorable Judge Bob Wortham” in a legal format as acting

“Live” Pro Se Defendant(s) being one “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” collectively herein fully engage as such under the term as Pro Se counsel for their very own “legal civil courtroom interest”

In a “Breach of Construction Contract” Complaint filed in connection with the dwelling and the property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas. (Block 172, Lot 1-2)

Your absolute contentions as saying such legal terms of a legal Pro Se Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein collectively acting physically in a “court of law” within Texas State Court

Appearing as such against the same said Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein from the exact time frame dates of

“December 19th 2007 throughout the exact date of December 11th 2009

” for there on legal interest…?

*Please see legal definition for Pro Se *

“Chief Defendant” (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No 24058299” herein and or his own acting “Attorney or Record” for this U.S. Docket Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 herein

Before you even collectively commence, to entertain any foolish legal thoughts thereof to falsely begin to supply any

“Stated, Sworn, and Affirm, “further fraudulent answers” of facts, events, circumstances, dates and witnesses thereof to this “Interrogatories” question at # 23 and # 24 herein. 

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