Sunday, January 31, 2016

“We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” vs. Donald John Trump, Sr. Before His/her Honorable “World Court of Justice” The Hague (Petition)

“We Thee Entire  44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” herein affirm, state and fully declare all allegation, contention, disputes, disputation, argument, conflict and disharmony,
Cause of actions for Said “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. here in January 1st 2000 – 2099 Prima facie tort1000% did in fact engaging in direct violation of “massive mutable counts” of conspiracies in the nature of namely direct acts of Religious persecution in a nature of
“Religious Muslim Negro American persecution” and other similarly around the “Entire World Muslim population in the systematic mistreatment of
We thee abused just Religious Muslim Negro American herein an “Chief” Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. herein did continual in a (RICO) enterprise ongoing “such attack” applied to Religious Muslim Negro American races
from all past, present and future official well documented dates as described before His/her Honorable World Court Justices” and
“Chief” Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. herein did ungodly rude and crude continual excel in a nature of a 2016 “Election” for President of The United States of America” in such direct hostile “Attacks” of
We the Abused Religious Muslim Negro American being under such persecution and other similarly around the “Entire World” suffrage in such rude and crude Muslim population
As such all individual and the entire group of Religious Muslim Negro American individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof in comparison to the “Pure, Pristine and
Fine White Only” being substandard, human walking trash and being deported who with actual “Physical threats” made in “public” being 100% made of
“Chief” Defendant “Donald John Trump Sr. herein hostile vote, and physical threat attack “He Can Shoot anyone” and Not loss of
Any single of his extra privilege lawless special
“White Only” society voters being directed 1000% at we the continual abused Negro Race all being held in hostile “Slavery Servitude” since exact dates of August 20th 1619 – February 7th 2013 conspire furtherance’s to impede or injure any
 Federal officer in the discharge of duties under 18 U.S.C. §372, conspiracies against civil rights under 18 U.S.C. § 241,
While (RICO) enterprising in “aid and abetting”, “Assisting and Participating”, and “Direct Concert of Actions in conspiracy to inflict massive helpless of “Intentional Emotional Distress”, “Mental Anguish”
Against “ “We Thee Entire  44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race”, to furtherance’s acts of incite a riot, organize, promote, encourage, and “civil conspire further in a nature being direct violation and aid and abetting of
18 U.S. Code § 2101 – Riots in a nature involving continual (RICO) enterprise pursuant to engaging in Direct violation of “Articles of Agreement Relating to the Surrender of the
Army of Northern Virginia" April 10, 1865 to furtherance’s said (RICO) enterprise “scheme of things” directed at
“We Thee Entire  44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” herein Said “Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. herein to further aid and abetting in
“Civil Conspirer” in a nature involving continual (RICO) enterprise pursuant to engaging in (RICO) enterprising nature in continual conspire in criminal acts of Slavery Servitude” money laundering statutes, 18 U.S.C. 1956 and 1957,
Slavery Servitude money laundering statutes, RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1)
“Chief Defendant” Donald John Trump, Sr. here in January 1st 2000  – 2016 engaging in
“Financing of Terrorism” of The “Knight of The Klu Klux Klan”, within the “United States of America” for privileged, polished, well financial secure in Billions “White Only” constitution of America continual
 “Slave Régime” forevermore “Unjust Enrichments” - legal and political means to Restore the Founders’ forever pursuant to
“Dred Scott” Vs. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857) “Slavery”
Against a Negro Race for Slave Trade Profit against “We Thee Entire 44.5 plus (American) 2016 “Negro Race” herein.

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