Tuesday, June 14, 2011

“Abuse of Power” in the legal capacity of "official misconduct", by Defendant United States of America, President Andrew Johnson & President Rutherford B. Hayes

      (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert, and declare before the “Honorable Justice” undisputed facts in complete possession standing before the “Justice” in having honorable just cause of action(s),
And full legal standing against the Defendant (The United States of America) forAbuse of Power” in the legal capacity of "official misconduct", as described herein the “Complaint and Motion in opposition to dismiss in that Defendant being with full knowledge, awareness, realization, comprehension, facts and data in all their own complicity, involvement(s), knowledge, consent(s), approval(s), collusion(s), taking apart(s), association(s), connection(s), contribution(s),
Attachment(s), “enthusiasm and agreement(s) in the full commission of all unlawful acts and action(s) as described by the Defendant (The United States of America) own “Slave Codes. Black Codes, and “Jim Crow laws” Curse of Cain religious doctrines and all other contribution factors fully having great concern as described in the Amend complaint and fully also entertain respectful herein,
Being committed against all the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans peace, will, dignity and civil rights “being all done no less in an “official capacity”, statesmanship by the Defendant its self (The United States of America),
And also being committed to the same “official misconduct” by Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) and also being committed to the same “official misconduct” by Co-Defendant (President Rutherford B. Hayes)
Management authority and full objective(s), plan(s), aim(s), intention(s), meaning, being fully focused with continue intent in illegitimate private gain for “Defendant (The United States of America) and crooked corporation(s) and private pirate institutions conspiracy Confederate, at the expensive of the (Negro) race
With “White Supremacy fully primary being in establishment, domination, control in management, handling of, treatment, executions, and operation(s) of all “Hostile acts and actions of direct “oppression” in combination with the ill full effect being furtherance’s in usage for exploitation.
Usage clearly affects the performance of all described Defendant herein in their combine fiduciary “official duties”.
      Defendant (The United States of America) commission objective, target, plan, meaning, and or combination of disgusting, sickening, vulgar, dreadful, uncouth uncivilized “gross negligence” in allowed;
“Theft of all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants herein taxes” through “poll tax” scheme of thing and Revenue Taxes being diverted for “State sponsored “oppression”, and fully support Genocide elimination plan statehood fully funding, enforce, and being “blue print” and “imposed” upon the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American “blood heritage”.
      “Theft of All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants herein Land, Property, Good and services, cattle and stock through a “Genocide oppression statehood being inflicted through enlistment of Klu Klux Klan and other paramilitary “State sponsored” by the Defendant (The United States of America) concentrating purpose “labor price fixing oppression”.
      False imprisonment into “labor Camps of All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants for objectives by the Defendant (The United States of America) concentrating purpose in continue (RICO) “labor price fixing oppression scheme of things”

      (d). “Mass Murder” and “Premature Wrongful Death” in associated with Drowning, Hanging, Fire Squads, Premeditated Arson associated with bombings, voluntary manslaughter, crucification, battery, mutilation, gross malicious medical experimentations,
Massive imprisonment, massive sterilization, and to include but not limited to “malicious prosecution criminalize of the (Negro) by agents, police, associations, representative, relations, links, confederate, ally, accomplice, colleague, partner, and affiliates.
      (e). Manipulation, exploitation and operation in “oppression target profiteering” through the legalization of  “Black Codes Laws” and “Jim Crow Laws” era of 1865-1968 against all of the Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American(s) herein and their descendants by the Defendant (The United States of America)
Collusion, association, representative, relations, link, confederate, ally, accomplice, colleague, partner and affiliate with a well plan operation in an “extreme and outrageous” (RICO) Criminal Racketeering history, poll tax fraud, terrorizing and intimidation voter disfranchisement,
“Labor wages price fixing”, mail & wire fraud in association with all as described completely in the complaint, securities and money fraud, money laundry, financial institution fraud, embezzlement of pension, welfare, and retirement fund scheme of things,
For a continual “oppression target profiteering” imposed “Genocide Statehood” in 2011 upon the entire (Negro) race within the Defendant (The United States of America)
To include but not limited described defendant (America) full, final and complete assurances in securities thereof complete longevity in “White Supremacy” superior races within the described Defendant (The United States of America) being forever enforced against all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans “blood heritage” herein.

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