Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gross medical negligent by the Defendant (The United States of America) as slaves living in the United States of America part 4

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans declare, assert, summary furtherance’s respectful before fully before the “Honourable Justice” the Defendant (The United States of America) complicity, knowledge, consent, approval, in collusion with the “white controlling ruling classes”
Racketeering criminal enterprise (RICO) involvement in a illegal host of complex control pattern and practices of supply “oppression”, “control domination”, “repression”, deprivation of normal humane existences to effectuate extreme gross neglects acts and actions
 Well into the time frame of 2011 within the Defendant (The United States of America) as submitted, show, portray, represent and depicted in the following Report:
African-Americans fall in equality index


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March 31, 2011|By the CNN Wire Staff”
African-Americans are faring slightly worse relative to their white counterparts than they did last year, according to an index released Thursday by the National Urban League.
The group's 2011 Equality Index stands at 71.5%, compared to a revised index last year of 72.1%, the league said as it released its annual report, called The State of Black America.
An equality index of less than 100% suggests blacks are doing worse relative to whites, while an index greater than 100% suggests blacks are doing better.
The league attributed the 2011 drop to a decline in the economics index, driven by housing and wealth factors, and to a decline in the health index, driven by children's health.
Economics and social justice continue to be the areas in which blacks trail whites the most, with ratings of 56.9% and 58% respectively. Those are followed by health at 75% and education at 78.9%.
Since the Equality Index was introduced in 2005, researchers have found growing equality between blacks and whites in the unemployment rate, the percentage of uninsured, the incarceration rate, and prisoners as a percentage of arrests, the league said.
The index has also charted growing inequality over that period in rates of poverty, home ownership, school enrollment (both "preprimary" and college), and the level of educational attainment (both high school diplomas and bachelor's degrees).
The index of median household income has remained unchanged, the league said.
In 2010, the index measured Hispanics in America for the first time. This year's index finds them faring slightly better than last year compared to their white counterparts, at 76.8% compared to a revised 2010 index of 76.6%, the league said.
It attributed the rise to improvements in health and social justice indices, but said those were offset by declines in economics and education.
In the past year, the league said it has observed growing gaps in the relative status of blacks and whites in the areas of loan access, wealth and children's health.
For Hispanics, there have been growing gaps in the areas of loan access and college enrollment, it said.
The 2011 State of Black America report includes essays from a variety of authors including League President Marc Morial and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans declare, assert, summary furtherance’s respectful before fully before the “Honourable Justice” the exact moment any (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans “National Health overall improvement” is in extreme well over do prescribed paging all Defendant herein (The United States of America) Doctors
 Code Red USDA XXX Px. need’s for mostly all of the entire (Negro) races and such civil adults adjourn in attempting dialogue of congressional order with the special dire need in heath being offer’s as described deem “hot topic” after over (500) plus neglectful sorry for your (poor) medical problems years
Upon the legislative majority “White ruling” congressional branch “controlling classes” in deciding all of the Defendant (The United States of America) poor (Negro) Humane future faith surrounding among other things having “absolute Heath fairness” & with a growing future fully faith secure dependent thereof
Being decides @ the voting table in the Defendant (The United States of America) 2010 hostile political climate, and what do you get next “Extreme Extra Loud “White Supremacy Political 100 % Billionaire controlling “Bloodthirsty” Lobbying politician Tyrant
Opponent Rich Billionaire “Fat Cat”, extra slow “mouth piece” leading scream(s) of “Medical Oppression” and “tyrannies” against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans among the other then (Negro) at the bottom of competing “Low Class in being Poor” races........
Add in the extreme spark of a “poison mind” from a Few “fast load clips” imported into a “Glock 19 9MM pistol
“Very quick and fast flying hostile “shell casing later”........ shooting at up to 30 people leaving (6) dead and 13 or more wounded,
”Hello” to you “Mr. Tyrannies”
 (No more Poor Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein “poor mouthing us for medical health issues” in the 2012 election era)

See ya poor (Negros) suckers asses in another (100) plus good luck for you at voting too in the described defendant herein “New World (America) XXX ($$$) profiteering oppression continue domination “white ruling controlling class” too in 3012 New World  years....Duh”.

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