Sunday, June 12, 2011

Negro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Genocide Statehood, & "wrongful Death" cause of action conditions by Defendant (United States of America) and (Utah Mormon LDS Nation)

(Negro) Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Defendant (The United States of America) “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and “LDS Mormon Nation in “Utah” “passed LDS State and Church Laws being (4)“Four” miscegenation legal declared laws “Which were passed in Defendant (The United States of America) state namely “Utah” to wit:
Between 1888 and 1953, The “LDS Mormon Nation in “Utah” LDS state's miscegenation law was repealed in 1963.
“Fully forbid” intermarriage” or “social interaction” between the (Negro) Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein and His “White Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton” under Defendant (The United States of America) constitutional laws
Defendant (The United States of America) Being fully in blueprint in repression executed said miscegenation law that was repealed in 1963
To the fullest prosecution civil and religious prosecution against the said (Negro) African American Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) in (1985) 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, “LDS Mormon Nation “Utah”
 Court Docket No. 85-4904223 as being detail and described in the complaint of the Plaintiff there in for the hostile abduction  (Phase I) of the (Innoncent) (2) minor step daughter(s) Shaunna and Billie Jean Benns as life paws against the “Marriage of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) and His “Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton “LDS Mormon Nation in “Utah”.
(Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) being fully executed, civil conspiracy against, complete oppression, in being among other things “Evil” and the Devil” for having actual (Negro) blood birth right heritage
Prosecution within a “Court of Law” to the fullest under “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and LDS Mormon Nation State of Utah” “State 1963 Laws”
 In association LDS Church doctrines (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Being domination under the full “Curse of Cain” prosecution cruelty and “Negro imposed Genocide Statehood for mixing of the White Mormon and (Negro) races
 In full collusion, involvement, agreement, approval and teaching within the “Book of Mormon” as described in the “Salt Lake City” Court Transcript(s)” being done all in (1985) 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, “Utah” Docket No. 85-4904223.
(Negro) Pro Se Black African American Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein under Defendant (The United States of America) “constitutional laws”
Being fully executed, conspiracy, oppression,  to the fullest against the said (Negro) African American Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) in (1989) 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, “Utah”
 Docket No. 890902118 as described in the complaint of the Plaintiff in furtherance interferences, conspiracy, and oppression being done in aid by Detective “Carl Voyles” Salt Lake City Police
(Negro) Pro Se Black African American Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein under Defendant (The United States of America) “constitutional laws”
Being fully executed, conspiracy, oppression,  to the fullest against the said (Negro) African American Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) in (1989) 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, “Utah”
 Docket No. 890900167 as described in the complaint of the Plaintiff in furtherance interferences, conspiracy, and oppression being done in aid by Klu Klux Klan, “Doctorman Investment”,

(Negro) Pro Se Black African American Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein under Defendant (The United States of America) “constitutional laws”
Being fully executed, conspiracy, oppression,  to the fullest against the said (Negro) African American Pro Se Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) in (1993) and (1994) 3rd District Court, Salt Lake City, “Utah”
 Docket No. 934902442, Docket No. 94490002 As described in the complaint of the Plaintiff in furtherance interferences, conspiracy, and oppression being cause for Plaintiff (Hamilton II) civil rights, peace will and dignity being fully civilly destroyed (Hamilton II) Herein having made (2) attempt of divorce filing against “Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton) as fully described above before a “Court of Law within the Defendant (The United States of America) “LDS Mormon Nation in “Utah”.
(Pro Se Hamilton II) But wanting reconciliation only and living in peace in (Utah) with our own 2 daughters “end result” (Rachel Ann Hamilton (Dead) our first born baby Killed in the womb”, our step daughter taken fully away and my two natural daughter “Chandra D. Hamilton and Natasha C. Hamilton
Assuming fully (Dead Also) and legal bury of all three under all conditions, state of affairs, status, position(s), situation(s) and circumstance(s), under the assumed names of (Walker).
As being described in the “Complaint” of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein is his wrongful death of “Wife” and Now Plaintiff (Hamilton II)surmise the same wrongful loss occurred of life for his (2) missing daughter(s)
After the “Extreme Criminal (RICO) Hostile” act(s) and action(s) of abduction of the personal 1994“Home-Movie Video” of Plaintiff (Hamilton II) minor daughter(s) being in possession, custody and control of between both;
“UPS (United Parcel Services)” and “CVS/Caremark Corporation” in criminal intent, civil collusion, agreements, hinder, oppression and conspiracy with all as legally described fully herein the Complaint and Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein Motion in opposition of the Defendant (The United States of America)to dismiss.
 “United States Federal Court” Docket No. 12011-CV-00240.

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