Monday, June 13, 2011

” “Utah LDS Mormon Federation State” Being domination under the full “Curse of Cain” religious prosecution, against Plaintiff “Christianity” through “Roman Catholics Faith”.

(Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein “declare”, “state”, “affirm” very respectful before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United States of America) state namely “Utah LDS Mormon Federation”
“Jim Crow State Laws” continue being actives since 1963-1985 additional position, condition, shape, agreement and harmony with “The Church of Jesus” of “Latter Day Saints” conformity, union, concurrence “religious doctrine” and arrangement(s) to fully prosecute,
Oppress, afflict, distress, dominate, keep down, and “fully torment” the (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II for additional reasoning of Negro Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Entire Family Heritage Having Absolute History of Christianity through our “Roman Catholics Faith” unkind, hurtful, spiteful, and unforgiving “being fully “very vindictive”, “bitter”, and “implacable” having any “Kind of harmony with “The Church of Jesus” of “Latter Day Saints” Utah LDS Mormon Federation”
Furtherance’s before: “The Honorable Justice” (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein having full standing for just cause of action being in question, query, examine, grill, and probe before the “Honorable Justice” additional violation(s) against (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) civil rights to the
“Equal Protection Clause” of the 14th Amendments” (Among other Amendment violations) being destroyed by the said described Defendant (The United States of America)
In conspiracy, collusion, agreement and acknowledgement(s), with “The Church of Jesus” of “Latter Day Saints” “Utah LDS Mormon Federation State” Being domination under the full “Curse of Cain” religious prosecution, infliction of cruelty, unswervingly in a straight line directly at “Negro” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
 being wrongfully against civil rights, peace, will, and dignity(Hamilton II) fully imposed under a condition of Absolutely “Genocide Statehood” in association with full “Religious Prosecution” because of race being (Negro blood)
Furtherance’s Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein being wrongfully imposed under a condition of Absolutely “Genocide Statehood” “oppression and domination” in association with full “Religious Prosecution” because Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
And his Entire (Negro) Family Blood Heritage Having Also Absolute Religious History of “Keeping very much in touch” with “Christianity” through our “Roman Catholics Faith”.

Argument XXVIII
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans frankly, candidly and openly Declare before the “Honorable Justice” “White Supremacy Extremist Kill groups (among others) such as the “Klu Klux Klan” (KKK) being fixed in “terrorism target killing attacks upon (Negro) pro-moderates and (White) moderates
 For the full “elimination”, and “terrorizing imposed tactic”, of said “moderates” being despised in “Civil rights activist(s)” nature
Or being precisely tune in honest (White) race person or person(s) being straightforwardly truthfully in the equal rights of the (Negro) race, thus fully having full entitlement(s) to having peace, liberty, and dignity within the Defendant (The United States of America)

As opposed to force slavery, mistreatment, abuse in collusion with “Corporation Greedy in major “Capitol Revenue Gains” by unswervingly in compliance openly by the usage, acknowledge in
“Oppression” “Slavery” and Imposed Genocide Statehood being inflicted upon all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans since a era time frame of 1619-2011(among many others wrongful Death and Attempts)
Abraham Lincoln
"Michael Schwerner”
Eugene Thomas,
 Andrew Goodman,
James Chaney,
Martin Luther King Jr.,
 Malcolm X
 Medgar Evers
John F. Kennedy
Robert Francis Kennedy
Attempt Assassination of Gabrielle Giffords (Rep).
With the “Wrongful Death” of “Justice John Knoll,

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