Tuesday, December 30, 2014


To: Thee “United States of America”

“Happy 2015” You Crooked “F-c-k-ing Bastards”

To: My Favorite “Commander in Chief” (Barack Obama)

My Gasoline price hitting @ a low $1.95 (WTF) ha, ha

I am taking relaxing “High Boost Octane” baths in it. (Good Job)

(Appears) that good old USDA (IRAQ) “Halliburton Dessert Oil” slant rig drilling system

officially being a cool “American Government” Kick Back hand out…

it is now paying off ($$$)….xoxoxoxo! Ha ha 

“Happy 2015 “Mr. President (Obama) & Family” 

To: U.S. Congress ya so “sloooooow-n-crooked” better wakes ya dead asses up

and check out them gasoline prices as ya eating my greenly lime peanuts filled crap turds

To: Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 a/k/a “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face”

“Hey” (RICO) Sauvé, here is your “inner active” tracking No. 9505511124414363503185 (USPS)

The very second that (TRO) and application to freeze, all ya fu-king corrupted court documents,

crooked sketchy book keeping records, files, assets,

and all evidence (I) wanting in support thereof hit the official “Custody”, “Possession” and “legal control” of the

Honorable U.S. Federal Court House In The United States District Court For The Eastern Division of Texas,

Beaumont Division and it is scan into Cause No. 1:14-CV-592,

Before that “Mean Old USDA” Federal Magistrate Judge” it going to go a little likes this:

“You’re Honor”

That Chicken Thievery “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face” “Attorney at Law” Texas Bar No. 24058299

Antoine L. Freeman J. D. “Black Ass “N-I-G-G-E-R” did it

“You’re Honor”

“First and Foremost” we have “Live Surveillance Video-Taping” of him In the Jefferson County Texas

“Old Folks Nursing Home” with his DNA and finger prints all over a “large quantity” of maybe

“50-60” empty pill bottles he made a Valiums Crush Up Glass mix in the old Lady(s) “Apple Sauce”,

He proceed next with the “Cordless” Dewalt Saw all (18 Inches) Double Headed Vibrators,

“Vaginal and Rectal” cavity “examinations”

While having his “mutable senior female victims” heavy sedated induced under the influence of 25 cc of “Heroin and Coke Mix”

Speed Ball Chaser per each victims, being strapped to their beds

As he happy about “Pimp slapping” each and every 52 of them Seniors to their “brutal deaths”

with the “Ying and Yang” Gold Plated “Brass Knuckles

Secondly “You’re Honor”

He further preceded his “Chicken Thievery Greasy Black Ass”

to the City of Port Arthur Texas” towns “Bowling alley”,

“Library”, “City Hall”, “Two Child Care Centers”,

and “City Community College Center” with what seems like a endless supply of bullets and the “Gatlin Gun” 

And is presently on a “Nation Wide Attorney at Law Amber Alert”… 

That exactly what “Your” f-c-king evidences is looking like right about now “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face” “Attorney at Law”. Da” 

Now let me clue you in on a little extra legal “Attorney at Law”

“inside scoop” four eyes extra special read all about it court room drama details….. It’s called……. “Justia” ha, ha 

Ya See Him “Attorney at Law” whom ya think me to be weak, slow, stupid, and uneducated like

“Your” heavy Law degree ass

Me actually having an “Encrypt Cmdr. Bluefin Naval Message”…..

This read (Nice Cut Throat Job)….. “Commander”….

“Another Funky Crooked “Attorney at Law” Negro Scank Thong Rat Puss Face Skrimp on the grill,

(Smooches and Happy 2015 U.S. Navy)

And ya see further (A-Hole) “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face” “Attorney at Law”

(Now) them extra four-eye Split Pea Soup “No Crackers” eating

flat foot “Motherf-ckers” @ the “U.S. Justice Department”

Just simply sitting around the “Wire” high on “popcorn” waiting on the scan to be uploaded into the official

“custody”, “possession” and “legal control” of the Honorable U.S. Federal Court House “Clerk of Court” office

In The United States District Court For The Eastern Division of Texas,

Beaumont Division and it is scan into Cause No. 1:14-CV-592,

As they “always watching” a particular “VAMC Sick Brother”

They going to be Like “O God Dam”

“You see this Case of the “Dead Man Who Paid Taxes “Sherlock Holmes” “Internet Special”

That old “Cmdr. Bluefin” Ninja Navy

(Extra Special Crazy Retard Negro S-H-I-T”” that Cajun burn up cooking and He done filed in here….!!!!

“Meat and Potatoes” 

“Scramble” the “Fighter Jets”

Notwithstanding the official “Oval Office” “Military Briefing Report”

into my Favorite “Commander in Chief” (Obama)

always is waiting for the official Ninja Naval “Damage Report”….xoxoxoox!

Mr. President “Sir”

“Cmdr. Bluefin” has cause damages as follows:

“Both Engine rooms flooded, Aft Steering Rudder and Both engine screws completely “Blown off”,

The “Main Bridge” took a direct hit with a “Tomahawk Missile”

And it appears

Mr. President “Sir”

“Scank Thong Rat Puss Face” “Attorney at Law” is (DIW) “Dead in The Water”

Seriously Leaking A-1 Jet Fuel from all storage holding tanks, “including main Ships “fuel oil”,

“While rolling slowly over” onto his “Port Side” as all hands attempting a swim for safety”….!!!

And that just 1/3 of the real physical “Pirate Loot” “Scank Thong Rat Puss Face” Chicken Thievery

“Attorney at Law” evidence you been greedily (RICO) Sauvé,

gorging upon” for the last past 7 years concealing, hiding and destroying.

“Happy Fu-ked up 2015 New Years to “You and Your Family”

Smell ya Later “Mr. Scank Thong Rat Puss Face Attorney at Law”

“Cmdr. Bluefin” Going off “Wire Line”……..(Dial Tones)……” 

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