Monday, December 22, 2014



Freezing all records during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ”

related Construction storm damages to the property located at 448 Dequeen Blvd in Port Arthur Texas

Business records”, banking records, personal banking records, Home owner Insurance Records,

FEMA records, Contractor Construction records, recovery repair records.


Freezing all records during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ”

related Construction storm damages to the property located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas

Business records”, banking records, personal banking records, Home Owner Insurance Records,

FEMA records, Contractor Construction records, recovery repair records.


Freezing all records during “Hurricane “Rita”, “Ike” and “Humberto ”

related Construction storm damages to the property located at SBD “Lakeview”, Block 4 Lot 10 Jefferson County Texas

Business records”, banking records, personal banking records, Home Owner Insurance Records,

FEMA records Contractor Construction records, recovery repair records.


Freezing “Assets” enforced against Defendant Co-Defendant(s) Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein as Follows:

Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein entire assets in

G and G Service Company P.O. Box 515, 416 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur“77640


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein entire assets in

J Can Company 1807 East 7th Street Port Arthur Texas (Office) located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 “


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein entire assets in

E and J Collectibles located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein entire assets in

“Paragon Business Inc.” Lot 10 Block 18 (Jefferson) Chaison ADD


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein entire assets in “Cars and Pieces”

Office located in Beaumont Texas and office located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at SBD “Lakeview”, Block 4 Lot 10 Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at 1807 east 7th street Port Arthur Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located SBD Port Arthur City Block 210, Lot 8 Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at SBD Port Arthur City Block 94, Lot 11 Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at 416 DeQueen Blvd. Port Arthur Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. Block 172 Lot 1-2 in Port Arthur Jefferson County Texas


Freezing all of Co- Defendant Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray “collectively” herein

entire assets in the property located at Rev Ransom Howard Street in Port Arthur Jefferson County Texas Property ID #89824 (Commercial Vacant Lot)

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