Thursday, December 18, 2014



Plaintiff enjoyment of an Order “Temporary Restraining” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein and all Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein from further violating the United States Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code:

(RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, section 1503 (relating to obstruction of Justice),

Relating to the destruction, concealment or alteration of all book keeping records, court documents, banking records, computer records, Insurance records, Business records as described in the complaint on file with the United States Clerk of Court office herein

Namely all book keeping records, court documents, banking records, computer records, Insurance records, Business records being further set forth herein

Plaintiff enjoyment of an Order “Temporary Restraining” Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein

and all Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein Prohibiting from sales, destruction, concealment and or alteration of all Assets, and Property Deeds with other Federal and State charges being levy in connection thereof.

Is very beneficial Pr Se Plaintiff herein enjoyment of an expedited Order “Temporary Restraining” the main Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein

in Light of the factual circumstances Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. herein is a actual (Attorney at Law) with the “Legal Law Degrees & Special Trade Skills” in among other things

Defendant herein is a actual “Attorney at Law” for hire” in Fraud Litigation, and Insurance Litigation both of which Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein so did in a all factual circumstances and events from the time frame of

December 18, 2007 throughout December 18, 2014 abused his legal “Attorney at Law skills” and fully committed to actual “Obstruction of Justice” of a Civil suit in common law filed cause No. A-180805

In deal with the designed “Obstruction of Justice” tactic in covering up “Direct Fraud”, and “Insurance Fraud” committed along with many, many,

numerous other civil/criminal acts and actions of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein

Notwithstanding Defendant himself Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein criminal aid and conspire to further commit to a future (RICO)

and Actual Fraud acts and actions on behalf of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” against the Pro Se Plaintiff herein

Namely Defendant conspire in among other things in the concealment of the actual property deeds and transfer of said Property to the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs

On or before the dates of June 18th 2009 for the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 being in the

possession, custody and control of the Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein which said dwelling is the main subject matter in Texas State Court docket No. A-180805.

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