Saturday, December 20, 2014



Pro Se Plaintiff declares, affirm, and state further before the “Honorable Justice” as a result of Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299

(RICO), “Obstruction of Justice”, Fraud of the 58th Judicial Court of Jefferson County Texas among other acts and actions Defendant (Attorney at Law) herein

“Foolishly” directed, being in concert, collusion, “Attorney at Law” concealment of records and legally engaging collectively

with the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein the “absolutely destruction” of “physical evidence” …

Namely the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas (Block) 172, (Lot) 1-2 while being in an ongoing civil action in November of 2007

Pro Se Plaintiff declares, affirm, and state furtherance before the “Honorable Justice”

added into this equation in 2009 Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 (RICO) in concert,

collusion, concealment and legally engaging collectively

With the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein in the further fraudulent plunder for more “Pirate Loot”

there after already in the past of scheming, plotting twisted robbery, and actual heist thereof of

“Private Insurances Companies repair funds and FEMA repair Funds, for the following Hurricanes “Rita”, Humberto, and “Ike”

on the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas


To include but not limited to the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein scheming, plotting twisted robbery,

and actual heist thereof of “Private Insurances Companies repair funds and FEMA repair Funds, for the following Hurricanes “Rita”, Humberto,

and “Ike” on the dwelling located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas

Scheming, plotting twisted robbery, and actual heist thereof of “Private Insurances Companies repair funds and FEMA repair Funds, for the following

Hurricanes “Rita”, Humberto, and “Ike” on the dwelling located at SBD Lake View block 4 Lot 10

which said Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” having enjoyment over her Mother Legal Affairs as described in the

“Power of Attorney” on filed and attached herein Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (C) “Jefferson County Search Index Instrument # 2010042042

As this additional property also located at SBD Lake View block 4 Lot 10 being in the possession, custody, and legal control of Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein

having also a “”Mechanics Lien”

Filed against this property on November 16th 2010 on file and attached herein Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (C) “Jefferson County Search Index Instrument #2010042043


Notwithstanding Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein Scheming, plotting twisted robbery, and actual heist thereof of

“Private Insurances Companies repair funds and FEMA repair Funds, for the following Hurricanes

“Rita”, Humberto, and “Ike” on the dwelling located at 5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas (Being) Norma Guy home (Mother)


Notwithstanding Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy herein scheming, plotting her twisted robbery,

and actual heist thereof against the “Aging, and Disability Elderly Citizens within Jefferson County Texas from

the start time frame of May 7th 1997 the company called G and G Service Company P.O. Box 515, 416 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas

(Office) located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640 identified herein also under Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit (C) as Instrument # 49894

In which this company called G and G Service Company P.O. Box 515, 416 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas is

“Actually” an illegal medical business designed for the disable elderly senior citizens of Jefferson County Texas

On going from the dates of May 5th1997 throughout January 7th 2010 for a period of 13 years of “Earn Income”

with cash being paid to all “employees” no taxes being paid ever to the “State of Texas or (IRS) for the United States of America


And G and G Service Company P.O. Box 515, 416 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas this assume “medical business” operation and office location is

“Actually” a “vacant lot” in Port Arthur Texas

When it was order shut down by the “State of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services” on January 7th 2010 until a real HCSSA licensed being obtain.

After Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein conducted his own exclusive Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) "deep sea in-depth investigation"

into all described Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) herein corrupted History being described in among other things in

Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit (L1) Certified Mail: 70031010000368381858

From “State of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services” to G and G Service Company (Owner) Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” stating among other things


“You are in violation of health and safety code chapter 142 by engaging in home health or personal assistances services which includes hand-on personal care;

by representing to the public that it “G and G Service Company” is a provider of home health,

or personal assistance services which includes hands-on personal care for pay.

“You do not have a valid HCSSA license; therefore, you must immediately cease providing these services

or representing to the public that you provides these services.

And described further in Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit (L2) herein

“State of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services” letter to the Pro Se Plaintiff stating among other things:

We are in receipt of your recent inquiry regarding your complaint made on September 2nd 2009

regarding GNG Service Company, 5050 East 7th street, Port Arthur, Texas 77640


Which the Pro Se Plaintiff wish to clearly point out to the “Honorable Justice” this complaint being made in exhibit (L2)

attached herein was executed on September 2nd 2009 to the “State of Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services”

(exactly) three (3) months

there after the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray herein

Legally transfer said Property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas (Block) 172, (Lot) 1-2 to the

“Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” on June 18th 2009

in collusion, conspire fraudulent concert with Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299

For future fraudulent activities of monetary gain in excess of said $76,000 Federal Housing Grant.

As being described in Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (C) attached herein “Jefferson County Texas Property Search Index” # 2009022762

And “SWMJ CONSTRUCTION INC.” now being identified herein filed a “Mechanics Lien”

on June 18th 2009 on the same said Property located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas (Block) 172, (Lot) 1-2

The said same property being a party to civil suit in common law since 2007 involvement with the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein

and Defendant (Attorney at Law) and the Co-Defendant(s) collectively.


Notwithstanding Co-Defendant(s) Joyce M. Guy and “Edward McCray” herein having another business namely

J Can Company 1807 East 7th Street Port Arthur Texas (Office) located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640

being legally owned by the Defendant(s) “Joyce Guy and Edward McCray”, assumed name filed on April 11th 2008 Jefferson County Clerk records #72594

as described in Pro Se Plaintiff exhibit (C) attached herein

1807 East 7th street in Port Arthur Texas is actually (Once again) as Pro Se Plaintiff state before the “Honorable Justice”

being a actual “Vacant Lot” which has been on occasions raided by the PAPD Dept. (Police) for engaging in a “illegal Scrap Industry”

“Moreover” once all “Illegal Scrap Metal” other then used aluminum Cans being recycle and obtain in the City of Port Arthur Texas city limits by Defendant “Edward McCray”,

by the assume business J Can Company being now further introduced as “Scrap Metal” in connection with the company

“Cars and Pieces” business Located in Beaumont Texas (Office) also located at 448 DeQueen Blvd. in Port Arthur Texas 77640

under the assume name of Edward McCray Sr. (Owner)


Making the final “Legal sales” of all “illegal scrap” obtain in the City of Port Arthur Texas city limits by Co- Defendant “Edward McCray”,

“Moreover” Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein (Fully) quite

“elementary sure and certain” after prior raids by the (PAPD) Police into “illegal scraping” business of J Can Company that this

“many years of “baffling exchange” mystery of transfer rate of

“Illegal scrap” from Port Arthur Texas City Limits into now “Clean” legit able sales of “Scrape Metal”

has been confusing the (PAPD) Police in the exchange rate form now “legal scrap” derived in “Beaumont Texas” from J Can Company in Port Arthur Texas “Namely” to wit:

“Cars and Pieces” business in Beaumont Texas being now a major illegal scrap metal

“money laundering” “Earn Income” system for Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) and Co-Defendant (Joyce M. Guy) herein

derived from this additional (RICO) “criminal endeavor.


Pro Se Plaintiff further state, affirm and declare before the “Honorable Justice” prior before raids by the (PAPD) Police

into “illegal scraping” business of J Can Company

Pro Se Plaintiff herein was “fully physically present” in the year of 2007 before the “Breach of Contract” affairs occurred

and being quite in disbelief fast shock when (PAPD) Police snuck in out of nowhere so super fast upon J Can Company

(PAPD) Police went directly to some “illegal scraping metal material”

Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein had hidden in some bushes @ J Can Company 1807 East 7th Street Port Arthur Texas “took” some Pictures,

confiscated said “illegal scraping metal material” and (PAPD) Police disappeared as fast as they “Snuck in”


Pro Se Plaintiff further state, affirm and declare before the “Honorable Justice” prior before raids by the (PAPD) Police

into “illegal scraping” business of J Can Company

Pro Se Plaintiff herein was once again “fully physically present” in the year of 2007 before the “Breach of Contract” affairs occurred

as Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein had hidden “illegal scraping metal material” in the trunk of his car one scrap material being a old radiator


The exact moment as Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) feeling safety and attempted to driving away from the location of obtaining

“illegal scraping metal materials” for the business of J Can Company

(PAPD) Police snuck in out of nowhere so super fast upon J Can Company co-owner being Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein,

pulled his car over made him open the trunk and took more pictures of said “illegal scraping metal material”

in the trunk of his car of the Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein

furthermore confiscated said “illegal scraping metal material” and (PAPD) Police disappeared

(Twice) as fast as they “Snuck in” on his car at this particular point and time 

“Goofy” so extra slow to figure out they being (PAPD) Police been watching him Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein

the entire time “high tech style” from quite a distance away, ha ha…Da” 

Notwithstanding Co- Defendant (Edward McCray) herein, being under they (PAPD) Police “continual spying eyes” as long as he breathing” for “among other things”


Engaging in using said J Can Company located at 1807 East 7th Street in Port Arthur Texas as a Front for the distribution of

“Crack Cocaine Industry” for an additional (RICO) earn income.

Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” herein in the past had a “earn income” derived from the sales of

“Dangerous Drugs” Jefferson County Cause No. 97903 and Cause No. 146302

And upon further information and belief Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” herein obtaining Federal Charges

derived in the performance of such as found guilty of five violations of the Mann Act

and sentenced for a total of 10 years—some of the sentences being consecutive and some concurrent.

No doubt that Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” herein transported the same woman to various cities over a period of a year for prostitution.

There were five counts, two of which charged transportation in commerce of the named woman between designated cities for the purpose of prostitution.

Each was an offense under 18 U.S.C. 2421 which provides a fine of $5,000 or five years in prison or both.

Three of the five counts charged that Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” herein

persuaded, induced, enticed, or coerced this same woman 'to go from one place to another' in interstate commerce for the purpose of prostitution,

Each count charging on offense under 18 U.S.C. 2422 which carries a fine of $5,000 or five years in prison or both.

As Co-Defendant “Edward McCray” herein in the past enjoyed this continuous prostitution enterprise

405 U.S. 944 (92 S.Ct. 967, 30 L.Ed.2d 815)

No. 71-5547.

Decided: February 22, 1972
•dissent, DOUGLAS


Pro Se Plaintiff further state, affirm and declare before the “Honorable Justice” the Co-Defendant “Joyce M. Guy” herein already having a

“Live Actual Bullet”

lodge presently in her “Skull” as a result of her own domestic violence acts and actions of the past.

As Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein further state, affirm and declare as appearing before

“The Honorable Zack Hawthorn United States Magistrate Judge”,

Pro Se Plaintiff under gone many “hostile suffrage” dealing with “Bonnie and Clyde”

being namely Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein

Now such a additional furtherance executed (RICO) Fraudulent “Criminal Enterprise” in June 18th of 2009 wrongfully committed to gaining in excess of

“among other things”

$76,000 U.S. Dollars Federal Housing Grant. As this also involved the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein since 2007

And the furtherance’s of such a corrupted (RICO) scheme of things executed against all of the Jefferson County Court House 58th Judicial District court records

and executed against the “Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs” for said executed “Actual Fraud”

Of a Federal Housing Grant obtain and derive thereof during the legal affairs of a civil suit in common law filed in Jefferson County Texas Cause No. A-180805

Such a corrupted additional (RICO) scheme of things executed by and through Attorney of Record in Texas State Court

Cause No. A-180805 being Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) Texas Bar No. 24058299 herein.


Good and sufficient material facts, acts and event, legal circumstances,

and all subject matter contain herein officially exist and is supported in all of the Pro Se Plaintiff attached exhibit(s)

filed herein for Freezing all of Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein and all Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray” herein

Business records, banking records, personal banking records, property deeds,

and all assets for all of the above listed Defendant(s) collectively in the United States of America.

Which is necessary to protect this Honorable United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas,

Ability to decide from the preponderances in deciding the weight of factual evidence,

With furtherance allowances in the Honorable United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas

Ability in fully applying just awards and compensation for “actual damages” of all equitable relief for the Pro Se Plaintiff herein

Within all assets, moneys and properties held directly or indirectly by the

Defendant Antoine L. Freeman J. D. (Attorney at Law) herein and all Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy and Edward McCray”

herein for all of the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II”

Direct “Actual damages”, emotional pain and suffrage as described in the U.S. Complaint of the Pro Se Plaintiff Cause No. 1:2014-CV-592

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