Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION, Cause No. 1:14-CV-592 To Defendant “Antoine L. Freeman

Request Number 104.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law are partly “Responsible for the damages suffered by Pro Se Plaintiff herein.

Request Number 105.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law are fully “Responsible for the damages suffered by Pro Se Plaintiff herein.

Request Number 106.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law do not have any defenses to the claims against you contained in Pro Se Plaintiff’s Complaint

Request Number 107.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law that none of the denials contained in your answer to Pro Se Plaintiff’s Complaint have any Merit.

Request Number 108.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law that you signed the “response to Plaintiff’s Motion for Sanctions attached as document #1 herein

Request Number 109.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law that you signed the “Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel” On November 13th, 2009 filed at 10:22 am Jefferson County Texas, Courthouse Clerk of Court Office

attached as document #2 attached herein

Request Number 110.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law that “You” supplied Co-Defendant(s) “Joyce M. Guy” and Edward McCray last known addresses to be that of

5050 east 7th street in Port Arthur Texas 77642 in November 13th 2009

on the attached document #2 herein containing “Your” signature, “Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel” On November 13th, 2009 filed at 10:22 am Jefferson County Texas, Courthouse Clerk of Court Office

Request Number 111.

Admit: “You” Attorney at Law that “You did not file a “Motion for Withdrawal of Counsel” attached as document #2 herein

until November 13th, 2009 filed at 10:22 am Jefferson County Texas, Courthouse Clerk of Court Office

and that you were legally retain as Attorney of Law Texas Bar. No. 24058299 to attended (2) court hearing before the 58th Judicial District Court in Jefferson County Texas

for the legal behalf of Co-Defendant(s) Joyce. M. Guy and Edward McCray herein cause No. A-180805 on the dates of “August 28th 2009 and September 11th 2009

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