Friday, July 12, 2013

Chapter 11 of My "Sherlock Holmes" New Book "Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" :)

Bonjour to The Commander in Chief "Barrack Obama", Guy Richie", Robert Downey Jr.", And Judd Law

The Next Journey of my story leads from Egypt leading to the harsh crossing through "Jordan", Baghdad, "Tehran", "Mashhad", to cross in search of a "Buddhist Monastery in "Gansu Province", to the town of Xiahe.

Belonging to the "Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture". Deep in China

"Sherlock Holmes", "Doctor Watson" and there traveling companions has the direct dealing of rubbing shoulder' s with "Nomadic Tibetan Highlanders Forces" staked out around their "Military Camp".

None the less as over numerous times "The Infamous "Sherlock Holmes" in his Quite Decorated encounter's fasten to the saddle as a "Calvary-Man" for the Rough heading off in search of the "Labrang Monastery"

I Proclaim chapter 11 "Sherlock Holmes" Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" in Dedication to the Americans "United States Navy" ....xoxoox!

Happy Smile to all of you whom is Reading......xoxoxox

Enjoy Chapter 11

Louis Charles Hamilton II

Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)

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