Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry Chapter 11

My Notes are quite large, dusty on accounts of this long travel, but none the less (I) am able to effect some sort of "up keep" into this grand state of affairs that we are now crossing into "Jordan" with our first stop being "Aqaba" on the Boarder..!

"Sherlock Holmes" has been taken back into studying the "Artifact's" in our possession for over an "eight hour" stand off notice in great attention to detail while doing his "Royal" best not to pay attention to the duly noted "affection's" of female affection received from both

 "Irene Adler" and the sexy "American" new comer "Professor Peg Alessandra Hosting", both being in real pretense slightly not trying to seem in "Competition for the return affections of "Sherlock Holmes".

For a game breaker shocker (I) learn that "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry", has been secretly holding $800,000.00 U.S. Dollars worth of Diamonds", using to make Travel Purchase for this entire Expedition with the utmost approval from the "Royal Queen War Chest", and St. Cathedral Prayers, Best Hopes, Wishes for "Sherlock Holmes" to succeed in the Affairs.

It is also mentioned that "Lord Hollingberry" had been holding on to a note from "Mycroft Holmes" which ran as such:


It's Not Far To "Never Land" Remember to Be A "Dominant General" Crossing the "Arab Holy Land", Build a Small Army, and head to "Labang Monastery", in China

"Mycroft Holmes"

At that moment (I) felt tremendously taken back to my share lodgings at 221B "Baker Street", where "Sherlock Holmes" unique energy to work its devil till on my last ending Patience as he is "Calculating "The Science" of his Craft...!

But the present task at hand "Sherlock Holmes" appears single-minded on confrontation,

with more intense observation of "Intelligence" and "Showmanship" precisely for the specific "Horror" that appears primary presumed to be heading in our direction.

This newest keen revelation from "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry", My self (Doctor Watson), "Professor Hosting", and "Sherlock Holmes", cross back into "Israel" to purchase a elite "Israeli" Brigade,
 and secure the full "Military fortification to strengthen our standing against any "Enemy". within three days heading toward the "Iraq" city of "Ramadi

(I) estimated our troop size was well over 2800 with at least 200 women, and small children carrying pistols for their parents to join in on this Action.

Our knowledge of what to be expected ahead was fully brief by "Professor Hosting", proven the "Americans" were fully committed, Advised, and posting similar fiancés backing, as such after two week "hard travel" to the "Afghanistan Boarder" our strength size grew to an additional extra 1800 forces waiting for us in "Kandhar"

Courtesy of the "Americans" Government at the disposal of "General Sherlock Holmes" jokingly putted by "Professor Hosting",.

A long interval of rest was made to order stocking up on warmer attire, food, and supplies was the first issued order by "Sherlock Holmes" acting in full "Command".

 Further more heading into "Pakistan" proven to be costly of the loss of 16 men from "Sniper Fire" during the day light hours, so we have begun our ruthless travel at night while resting during the dawn hours

(I) have advised "Sherlock Holmes" with my experience from the "British Military" to send out two teams of 40 men scouts ahead a quarter mile in front on both our left and right flank while flushing out the hidden enemy sniper teams...!

It has occurred to me the large scale amount of expensive and connections at the possession of Professor James Moriarty", at the appearance to be now funded by "China", "Hardliners" Ruling Class with our approach to enter into there country being fully known.

at this point, "Sherlock Holmes" secured 1500 "Pakistan Rebels Fighters", with a devised scheme for a "Military assault on the China Boarder town of "Ngari".

The Female travelers has been holding on with out few complaints, and there seem to be more softer conversation between "Sherlock Holmes", during our resting periods with "Irene Adler" to the effect of brewing out to be a real friendship...

My only real thought's is what can be so "Important to be decipher and obtain deep in the "People Republic of China".

to be continue by Louis Charles Hamilton II

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