Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sherlock Holmes Adventure of Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry Chapter 10

Since my continue common effort for my survival at this point deeply lost and trap in this Giant Pyramid" I have seem to come up with symptoms of joint pains, and breathing problems, to include "Staggering" from "Neurological Problems", with headache and visual disturbances, and a tingling abnormalities going quit out of control.

My Lighting will soon be out, and no longer is the air fresh , being very musty, lacking any movement at all, and for some odd reason I can hear a hammering sound effect in the near distances as my eyes strain forward on. But this has to be all a imaginary hallucination common with "Desert Dweller's".

My Report at this time and point will be a bit fuzzy to my readers because all I could remember at that juncture is being waking up by the voice of a Beautiful Stranger namely a women for sure where I was now located in the "King Chambers" hidden deep in the Pyramid.

After gaining some of my understanding "Astonishing enough I felt an Irresistible passion within me to put a gentle hand on the cheek of a "Beautiful Creature Face". as my mind drifted for a second thinking what a "scorching hottie" and just where in the Hell am I...Dead ?

But for the moment I felt comfortable within her own beauty aware now that I am coming to my regular thought pattern "asking" who are you ? and where am I.

Genuinely at this point the lovely Lady stated that she know I am "Doctor James Watson", traveling with the Infamous "Sherlock Holmes" when we were digging and heard you singing some "British Bed Time Song", before you pass out". Which we brought you here to our digging location site for your aid "Doctor Watson".

At this point the highest motivation was her comfortable responses approach in telling me she was with the United States Archaeological Team trying to get ahead of "Sherlock Holmes" and me self as she jump right away into a introduction establishing her name as

 "Professor Peg Alessandra Hosting" leaving me no misconceptions of Quantum Physics that the name fit such a "Pretty American Women"

I then became aware that "Professor Hosting" had made a mentioning of "Sherlock Holmes" with emphasize of a sincere compliment of trying to get ahead of "Him", being confident and not cocky having established right from the start her confident, sexual, and having intent on pursue or getting the best over on "Sherlock Holmes""...

We begun to discuss what spectacular daunting task to dig up the hidden scroll for a precious key intent on proving that the "Antikythera Mechanism" is the cleverest tool unlocking the general question in how to control the "Ark of the Covenant".

In my concentration into all of this a translation, and cryptic puzzle was being solved and not by a stereotypical male", and "Justly" so was excited when "Sherlock Holmes" and this fine "American Women" path soon shall cross

 "Notwithstanding" a series of particularly strong emotions observed that "Holmes" made appear to me to express for "Irene Adler" with the arrival of the "Third Fine Wheel Party", makes a significant, unique interactive contribution of delightful distress for "Sherlock Holmes"

I dare not say I would miss for the quality of the relationship which humor likely to occur....From my now new situation involvement and the possibility of a romantic interest of another person I find my self quite fascinating amused....

But envious of my dear friend "Sherlock Holmes" as I was about to give thought's in his direction when the distinct sound occurred indicating noise with the acoustic signal of "Sherlock Holmes" voice variability in good activity, being perfect investigation enacted harmony for the same scroll...

It is possible at this point to "detail of a cartoon point of interesting possibilities of deliberate communication inherent from "Sherlock Holmes " snotty first respond at to this must be "Doctor Livingston" I presume ....

While looking with a smutty agitation in the direction of "Professor Peg Hosting and "striking" a insane conversation subject and very poor in taste, which I counter point "Holmes" challenging "Professor Peg Alessandra Hosting", excellent character by poking fun in a drifted conversation having nothing to do with the case at hand.

It took our party a full hour to finish up inside the "Pyramid" upon which we were all united with "Professor Nigel Rupert Hollingberry" and "Irene Adler" which "Sherlock Holmes" attentively and contemplate the "Pros and Cons" of the decision of having "Professor Hosting" and her Party,

 Join force with the British Archaeological team accepting a joint job offer to participate in the excruciatingly long road to recover the "Ark of the Covenant".

To Be Continue by Louis Charles Hamilton II

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