Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July to Mr. President (Obama) :) From Cmdr. Bluefin (United States Navy) xoxoox!

Well how its going Presidential Brother (Obama)".

You been doing XXX Good on chocking a  few Cracker's out in "Washington D.C". Congress ain"t tripping on nothing......

But them crooked bitches as always in the Dam President fucking way  :)

Well 1. You done real good kept my eye on you ......and the country is a better place all around the board except one location the (Niggers)  :)

Well 2. You tell one of them 4 eye smart breath ugly sock wearing motherfucking cracker's working for you....... his "special ass" got a job to do before you lease office................

A. Get a team together and work on the "Negro Population"  right fucking "Now" to be more Independent in Social Issues

this ain't rocket slid ruler figuring out shit. Gobber Brains Shit".

 ..Simple the black baster's been on the bottom of the list to dam long

...So fuck the list.... just work more on "Niggers Independent Contractors" working on Green Construction from top to bottom".. "inside and Fucking Out"..with a hiring peak focus on the (Niggers) and the rest of the mixed up melting pot extra slow bitches..............

To get their lazy fucking Extra Retarded Bogger eating Super Slow Ass  up

 And work fucking harder for a better income". Being A Nigger Independent Green Contractor"   Da".

Start Working (ASAP) and Special Delivery with out the fucking always crying shit do not wont to work and piss ass weak crap them black bastards are so good for.. after "Slavery"

..I don't want to hear fucking  crap from their Black Asses !

Just put up them Solar Panels up (You Lazy Nigger's) ha ha   :)

All over the fucking Hood you Crack Smoking Motherfucker's...  ha ha  :)

I want to see "38.9 Billions Fucking USDA Dollars in fucking Solar Dam Panels on top of you Hoop D Ride, Drug House, Bit Bull Dog House, and I mean ever where Santa Clause was thinking about putting a fucking sled

, I want him tripping on where in the fuck he can Park His Sled in The Hood on Christmas Eve.  ha, ha and Green Construction through out The Homes and Commercial Project's you grit's niggers stealing Motherfucker's on Cell Block B

Next you tell them Slow retarded (Nigger) Eye Bastards to get in gear for fucking XL Pipeline and them Ho's better pass the piss test too

And get to work building and maintain a dam "National Pipeline" running across fucking America You Slow Bastards !

Tell Fucking Congress I said (Dude) you Goat Neck, Cheese Breath, Pork Fort Smelling Stealing Lying No Good Golf, Kiss Asses, Skid Mark Underwear Sniffing in the closet Motherfucker's

 Wake the fuck up....I Am On to you loser's piss drinking crooked Buzzard Face, Dead Dick Ass Hole's

You Always speak with "Fork Devil Tongue"...... ha ha   (Loser Bitches)   :)

Get Busy working more on being spending less on your on loser Congress Stealing fucking hide,

 Take a dam pay cut and build a real "National" Charity Organization with the Fucking Money you retard XXX slow ugly suit wear "Red Neck Goat Breath Creeps"..............................................................................!

Well 4. Seem the crisis is over in (America) them weak panties was crying about a couple of years ago and will never dry the fuck up"  well into 2089

.Regardless you been busy chocking the ho's smooth the fuck out

 And kicking knee cap's Like A Good President Should For His Country,

 While giving the youth hope  :)

You should smile today  knowing the "Youth" look's up to you "Mr. President"  I been checking them out and they are a mix young generation liking your Drive and Duty  :)

Well 5. Thanks for all of your special support  and always warm wishes,

Well 6. And can we now drop a cool super speed "Tomahawk Cruse Missile" on "Syrian Air Space" ......

I Have the exact location and I bet everything will be so cool as beacon crackling on light butter fucking extra dry wheat toast" when you hit the "Sorry Corrupt Motherfucker"...    :)

To The United States Of America Happy 4th Of July 2013  you "Crooked Bastards".

Well, President (Obama) as a sending gift for you  :)

On a day when ever one is slow wondering about their slow crooked self, and why their underwear stink

 (I) am cussing me out someone or group o0f "Motherfucker's" who been fucking with the President (Obama)

Dog Ugly Camel Teeth Asses Smooth Country Style with Pork-N-Beans Fucking Out..!

Time to go and get "Doctor Watson" out of his sorry situation lost in a Fucking "Dusty Ass Pyramid"....

Wondering if he can still breath in the next dam 10 seconds....

@ Chapter 10 of my on going book...

"Sherlock Holmes" Adventure of "Lord Nigel Rupert Hollingberry"   :)

Have a good one Mr. President (Obama)..& .give my best to the Entire Family..xoxoxx!

"Cmdr. Bluefin" is Going off Line.......................................

............................................Louis Charles Hamilton II

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