Wednesday, September 30, 2015

“Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of: “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah” 

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) J

To: United States of America” my (actual) cut =$1.8 (Billion) U.S. Dollars under RICO statue    ya slooooow  “Crooked Corn Bread Bastards” J  ha, ha

To: State of Texas et al “I” take a 3 piece chicken dinner, Cole slaw and all the extra fries ya can spare J

To: Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Inc.”,

 Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al,

Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC,

 Co-Defendant Vipul Khare,

Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare”,

Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC,

And Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” C/o Third World Country namely “Thailand”

            A/k/a Bluefin International” et al, J

“Bluefin International Legal Division” et al, J

 “Bluefin International Co. Ltd.”, J

 “Bluefin International Inc.”,  J

Bluefin Group LLC et al,  J

And Bluefin Plk LLC.   J

To: Hollywood Three “Sherlock Holmes” (Rich Boy’s) “Ya Haters”…..”Guy Richie”, Robert Downey Jr. and “Judd Law”  J 

            What’s up ya Hollywood haters…My “Sherlock Holmes” mysteries always top shelf Better  Da  J

            Welcome all to U.S. Docket No. 15-MC-2283

            Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America” et al,

            And Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, vs. Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al, “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”, “Geeta International Inc.”,

             Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al, Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare”, CoDefendant(s) Plk LLC,

And Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” Co-Defendant(s) “Greg Miller” of “Trillionaire Realty”, and “Trillionaire Assets”.

            “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) 18 U.S.C. § 371 “Sherlock Holmes” case of:

 “The Crooked Three Spotted Cheetah”  J

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama)

              “LT. Moore” reduces helm speed to 15 knots,

                        Have all Hands rig for “Depth Charges”  J

   ha ha J  and I just getting really f-u-c-k-i-n-g started…….  J

            Hell, I still having unmasking for ya “Commander in Chief” the “Super High Tech Secrete DR. No international laboratory science division(s) and rouge manufactory division(s) of

            “Dr. No” RICO Cartel (Billions) in ruling the world from within Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America J  ha ha  

            Told ya , Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) Presidential Edition “Halloween Special” V…            It’s “Bloody Cut Throat Soaking Awesome”……….  J be right back “Mr. President”

To: “United States of America” et al J  you crooked extra sloooow legal aid store bought law degrees bastards sitting second chair,

And I want everything secured, log in and on Video, including all interrogations and I up at first “Bat”  Da

                        Meanwhile……….  “J

                        The Court: “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) please calling in your first witness…?

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): “You’re Honor “Sir”

I call the “United States of America” to the witness stand your honor “Sir”

                        The Court: OK Mr. “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton)

                        The Court: “United States of America” come up and please takes the witness stand and be sworn in

            “Bailiff” swears in the Witness, and Mr. “Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton) you may precede with your first line of questions for this witness before my Court….

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton): “Thank you your Honor “Sir”  J

            Now “United States of America” you’re feeling OK and safe to testify here today, before this “Honorable Court”, in front of these 12 jurors  sitting right there…?

                        The Witness (USA): Yes “Sir” Mr. (Hamilton)

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  Good, Good, then…Now don’t rush ya self and take ya time,

            And tell the Court and everyone in this room “exactly” what happen on the day in question…???

                        The Witness (USA): well it was a Saturday evening, I was out playing Bingo, and notice a short little man with snow white hair, a foreign looking man, nice soft voice, and very pleasant dark eyes….real easy talker too…real nice dress, very clean too and he offer to buy me a bag of pop corn at the bingo hall,

            It was “Senior Citizens” night, and

            I was wearing my “blue and green polka dotted” sears store brought 1960 dress, and felt quite (Lucky) too ya “Honor”  J

                        Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton):  Good, Good, and then… “United States of America” you remember the date and what happen next,…???

                      The Witness (USA): Well yes “Sir” it was exactly January 14th 1995 and after (I) won four squares for $10.00 playing “Bingo” and then the short little man with snow white hair foreign looking man, gave me some

            “Apple sauce”, and gram crackers and the next thing I know (I) waking up “Naked” and it’s f-u-c-k-i-n-g- August 26th 2015   J

To: Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Inc.”,

 Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al,

Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC,

 Co-Defendant Vipul Khare,

Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare”,

Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC,

And Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” C/o Third World Country namely “Thailand”

            A/k/a Bluefin International” et al, J

“Bluefin International Legal Division” et al, J

 “Bluefin International Co. Ltd.”, J

 “Bluefin International Inc.”,  J

Bluefin Group LLC et al,  J

And Bluefin Plk LLC.   J

            Did  you “F-u-c-k-e-r-s officially knowing  that a (MIA) missing high seas east travel from “Thailand” and “India” namely 743,151 “Kilograms” in direct, possession, control and custody contraband shipment in smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, of

 743,151 “Kilograms” pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapon’s, and laundering in excess of (Millions upon Millions) of large amount U.S. Currency” back into
  “United States of America which leaves the real question of what ya actually been doing since 1995…..?   J  and how much  “Kilograms” pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapon’s, and laundering in excess of (Millions upon Millions)
 From my old calculated up (RICO) times 1995 = to in excess of 5.4 Billion in missing pirating “Kilograms”
Don’t ya worry…”Dr. No”

….Soon issuances of a (USDA) probable cause “International Arrest Warrant & Affidavit” is soon fourth wit J and how in the hell ya thinking of scuttling off (Billions) hidden worldwide….leading to among other things millions in (America) Land and “Citibank” J

To: Commander in Chief & Presidential Brother (Obama) J

Rat’s got to dash off somebody done stolen my Dam “Naval Flight Jacket” and it “Franks and Beans” tonight at the “Soup Kitchen”  J

“Cmdr. Bluefin”   going off line…….. J

U.S. Docket No. 15-MC-2283 Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, vs. Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al, “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”, “Geeta International Inc.”, Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al, Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC et al, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) “Greg Miller”, Co-Defendant(s) “Trillionaire Realty” et al, and Co-Defendant(s) “Trillionaire Assets” et al


            Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein California Driver License # E2336392  Expire 01-31-2018 listing a home address at 

616 Bourne Ct Danville CA 94506  filed as Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein exhibit (A-1) attached herein furtherance’s herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm before the

“Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant “Vipul Khare” further formulated addition (RICO) scheme of things between the exact dates of March 30th 2015 throughout the exact dates of “June 19th 2015 when Co-Defendant

 Namely “Vipul Khare of 1600 River Pointe Dr. apt. 812, Conroe Texas filed on said Friday with Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC”  Corporate type filing with Secretary of “State of Texas” as described in Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein exhibit (X)


            Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant

 Namely “Vipul Khare” furtherance’s engaging in International (RICO) scheme of things from foreign ports between said dates of March 30th 2015 throughout the exact dates of “June 19th 2015 in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant Namely “Vipul Khare” furtherance’s engaging in

 “International scheme of things” Specifically, a “International RICO Khare Cartel Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371  in the direct, possession, control and custody, passage, deliver, convey, transport, and courier in a formal Mail and Wire Fraud scheme

Contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, to included but not limited to pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapon’s, simultaneously laundering of large amount of  the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” U.S. Currency back in to the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” Jurisdiction.   


            Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant

 Namely “Vipul Khare” in direct further conspirer with Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” furtherance’s engaging in direct, possession, control and custody contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, in a wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, from

 International communities, such as “China”, “Guatemala”, “Dominican Republic”, “Vietnam”, “El Salvador” among others, with ports of lading in “Busan”, “Hong Kong”, “Yantian”,” Manzanillo”, and “Shanghai” among others, while said Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant

 Namely “Vipul Khare” furtherance’s engaging in direct, possession, control and custody contraband shipping, smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, illegal, illicit, wide range of “merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, into the

Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” Jurisdiction in “Tacoma WA”, “Newark NJ”, “Baltimore MD”, “Charleston SC”, and “Long Beach CA”, among others of Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” et al Jurisdictional States within (America)

Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” In that said Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein and Co-Defendant Namely “Vipul Khare” (RICO) enterprise armed with the full knowledge and intent that Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al,

Was not a legal entity, being created, having business life form as a LLC within the CoPlaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al, until said exact date of June 19th 2015 as described that on or about “June 19th 2015 when Co-Defendant

 Namely “Vipul Khare of 1600 River Pointe Dr. apt. 812, Conroe Texas filed on said Friday with Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC”

A  Corporate type filing with Secretary of “State of Texas” as described in Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein exhibit (X)


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” from June 19th 2015 to March 30th 2015 approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into the Co-Plaintiff(s)

 “United States of America” et al when said Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC” et al herein was not even in official existence, a state of being a legal LLC with the Jurisdiction of the Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al

Between the exacts same date of from June 19th 2015 back date to March 30th 2015 when approximately (28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms was being smuggling, black-market, bootleg, under the counter, shipped into the Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al Jurisdiction.


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein are in fact collectively “Geeta International” et al, in a whole and all acting Corporate officers, management directors  and shareholders of ” Co-Defendant(s) collectively “Geeta International” et al


 Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al, “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”, “Geeta International Inc.”, from the exact incorporated in the year 1995.


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein are in fact collectively “Geeta International” et al, in a whole and all acting Corporate officers, management directors  and shareholders of ” Co-Defendant(s) collectively “Geeta International” et al in a  “International scheme of things”

Specifically, a “International RICO Khare Cartel Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein formulated a international “mail and wire fraud” direct scheme throughout”, collective international business of  the Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al,

Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al, “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”, “Geeta International Inc.”, Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al,, and Co-Defendant(s) Plk LLC among many secret other (RICO) business and  enterprise, hidden well within the International community.


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein are in fact collectively “Geeta International” et al, in a “whole” and all acting Corporate officers, management directors  and shareholders of

Co-Defendant(s) collectively “Geeta International” et al in a  “International scheme of things” furtherance’s collectively a “International RICO Khare Cartel Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 between the exact date of incorporated in the year 1995 throughout December 31st 2015.


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein are in fact collectively “Geeta International” et al, in a “whole” conspire collectively between the exact date of June 19th 2015 back date to March 30th 2015 when approximately

(28) shipments at 101,211 Kilograms in a “wide range” of “Merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, “to included but not limited to” Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapon’s,

 Simultaneously laundering in excess of (Millions upon Millions) of large amount of  the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” U.S. Currency” back into the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” Jurisdiction and Co-Defendant(s) “State of Texas” et al Jurisdiction namely

“Katy Texas” among other locations within Co-Plaintiff(s) (Texas) in the year present year of 2015.


Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” in that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein are in fact collectively “Geeta International” et al, in a “whole” collectively a “International RICO Khare Cartel Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 between the exact date of incorporated in the year 1995 throughout December 31st 2015 in addition conspire collectively furtherance’s between the exact date of

June 19th 2015 back date to January 1st 2015 engaged in a (RICO) scheme of things with Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC” in an unknown amount approximately  of shipments at in excess of (Millions) of Kilograms in a “wide range” of “Merchandise, goods, commodities, produce, products, raw materials, “to included but not limited to” Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

Co-Defendant Vipul Khare, Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” , and Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” herein pirating in valuable, diamonds, jewels, art, cars, illegal drugs, weapon’s,

 Simultaneously laundering in excess of (Millions upon Millions) of large amount of  the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” U.S. Currency” back into the Co-Plaintiff “United States of America” Jurisdiction and Co-Defendant(s) “State of Texas” et al Jurisdiction namely from January 1st 2015 throughout June 19th 2015 when Co-Defendant

Namely “Vipul Khare herein of 1600 River Pointe Dr. apt. 812, Conroe Texas filed on said Friday with Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta Group LLC”  Corporate type filing with Secretary of “State of Texas” as described in Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein exhibit (X)



Foul Kick to the nuts @ round 3 "Cmdr. Bluefin" you been warn, :)   ha, ha