Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America et al” Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas et al” Vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Geeta International, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Greg Miller, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and Trillionaire Assets et al”,

In The United States District Court

          For The Southern District of Texas

          Houston Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II

Pro Se Plaintiff

P.O. Box 17524

Sugar Land Texas 77496


Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al


Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al


Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare

616 Bourne Ct

Danville CA 94506

Ph. (936) 900-7650


Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare

156 Coburn Road

Pennington, NJ 08534



Geeta International”

94/10 Phet Kasem 3 Soi 2,

Bang Khae Nuea,

Bang Khae,

Bangkok 10160, Thailand



1600 River Pointe Dr. Apt. 812,

Conroe, Texas 77304



Vipul Khare

1600 River Pointe Dr. Apt. 812,

Conroe, Texas 77304



Trillionaire Assets et al

302 N. Houston #201

Humble Texas, 77338



Trillionaire Realty et al

302 N. Houston #201

Humble Texas, 77338



Greg Miller

302 N. Houston #201

Humble Texas, 77338

Ph. (832) 928-8763



                                                            Civil Complaint

                                                            Jury Demand

            Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein files “Civil Complaint” on behalf of himself in (Person) namely Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II”

Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein files Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America et al” 

And Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas et al” Vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Geeta International, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Greg Miller, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and Trillionaire Assets et al”, within the above Honorable U.S. District Court and for Just Cause,

Pro Se Plaintiff herein will show before the “Honorable U.S. District Court” ”Honorable Justice” Civil Cause of Actions, for

Specifically, “International RICO Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 §371 with all (Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) committed to “Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States”

 Specifically, violations of “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”, and

Specifically, violations of RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) “Money laundering”

Specifically, violations of RICO statue “18 USC § 1341 “Mail Fraud”,

Specifically, violations of Deceptive Trade Practices Acts, Brought in conjunction with “Common law” Fraud committed against namely Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” and namely Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al collectively

 Specifically “Obstruction of Justice”,  “Medical Battery”, “Harassment”, “Public Nuisance”, “Civil Conspirer”, “Intent Gross Negligence”, “Slander”, “Breach of Fiduciary Duty”,

“False Promise of Future Performance, Detrimental reliance’s” and “Intentional infliction of emotional distress

Committed by all described Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) above collectively herein against the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein his (Person) and against his “Civil Rights”, “Will”, “Peace” and “Dignity” and committed against Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al and Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al

Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” will show the “Honorable Justice as follows:

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