Sunday, September 27, 2015

Docket No. 15-MC-2283 Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America et al” Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas et al” Vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Geeta International et al, Geeta International “Legal Division” et al, “GEETA International Co. Ltd.”, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Vijay Khare, Rishu Khare, Greg Miller, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and Trillionaire Assets et al”,


In The United States District Court

 For The Southern District of Texas

                                                    Houston Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II

Pro Se Plaintiff                                                                     Docket No. 15-MC-2283


Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al


Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al


Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare

Chief Defendant


 “Geeta International” et al


“Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al


GEETA Group LLC et al


Vipul Khare


Rishu Khare


Rishu Khare  Plk LLC et al


Vijay Khare


Greg Miller


Trillionaire Assets et al


Trillionaire Realty et al



Temporary Restraining Order, Order Freezing Assets, and Other Relief


 Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein, Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al

And Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al files the above entitled motion, with attached brief and exhibit(s) in support of Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein, Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al and Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al

 To show cause why Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al and Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al herein enjoy a

 “Temporary Restraining Order”, freezing the Assets, preserve the books, banking records and all business documents and personal assets and financial records of Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare,

“Geeta International” et al, “Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Rishu Khare, Rishu Khare  & Plk LLC et al, Vijay Khare, Trillionaire Assets et al, Trillionaire Realty et al and “Greg Miller” from destruction or alter all documents, records, assets as set forth herein,  

And for just cause the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Co- Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al and Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al will show the “Honorable Court Justice” as follows:



 On the Emergency application of the Plaintiff(s) (The “Applicants”) for and Order Defendant Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, and all Co-Defendant(s) listed as:  “Geeta International” et al, “Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Rishu Khare, Rishu Khare  & Plk LLC et al, Vijay Khare, Trillionaire Assets et al, Trillionaire Realty et al and “Greg Miller”collectively defendant(s) to an Order”,

Directing Defendant  Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, and all Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al, “Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Rishu Khare, Rishu Khare  & Plk LLC et al, Vijay Khare, Trillionaire Assets et al, Trillionaire Realty et al and “Greg Miller”collectively defendant(s) to show why an order should not be entered, pending a final disposition of this civil action U.S. Cause No. 15-MC-2283

Preliminary enjoining Defendant Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, and all Co-Defendant(s) listed as:  “Geeta International” et al, “Geeta International” Co. Ltd. et al, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Rishu Khare, Rishu Khare  & Plk LLC et al, Vijay Khare, Trillionaire Assets et al, Trillionaire Realty et al and “Greg Miller” collectively defendant(s) from further act(s) and action(s) to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 §371

With Preliminary enjoining all (Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) from further acts and actions of violations;

Specifically of Title III of the. "USA Patriot Act" In connection with an International (RICO) Cartel scheme of things engaging furtherance’s 

Specifically, violations of “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”, and

Specifically, violations of RICO statute (18 U.S.C. § 1961(1) “Money laundering”

Specifically, violations of RICO statue “18 USC § 1341 “Mail Fraud”,

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1028A

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S. Code § 1001

Specifically, violations of“18 USC § 1956 (A) (1)

Specifically, violations of 18 U.S.C. 1028A - Aggravated identity theft

Specifically Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030

In conjunction committed to “Conspiracy” to commit offense or to defraud
United States” from further violating the United States Chapter 96 of Title 18,
United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization.

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