Monday, September 28, 2015

U.S. Docket No. 15-MC-2283 “The Bluefin Brief”

To: “Commander in Chief” & “Presidential Brother” (Obama) J

(Omg) just wait for it in the “Bluefin Brief” it’s gonna make the “Pelican Brief” look like a (Comic Book)…..

Soon attached to Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al and Co-Plaintiff(s) “State of Texas” et al “

Temporary Restraining Order, Order Freezing Assets, and Other Relief “…..

1.    Ya gonna say “Presidential Brother” (Obama) that f-u-c-k-ing (Negro) must be on that (Smoking) “S-H-I-T” cus he got to be “XXX extra Crazy”  J did you read this crap….ha ha  J

2.    Ya going to say “Presidential Brother” (Obama) “whatever that f-u-c-k-ing retarded “Crazy Cajun “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) twited ass talking (Please) “just keep me advised  ha ha”  J

3.    Ya gonna say“Presidential Brother” (Obama)  (next) after the reading of the (Bluefin Brief) O-hell to the No great “sneaky leaking” “Pudding pops” that f-u-c-k-ing crooked ass “Khare Cartel” et al  them “High Tech” PHD “Sketchy Crooked Ass Bastards”  J

4.    Ya gonna say “Presidential Brother” (Obama)  (next) Now done did f-u-c-k-ing crooked ass “What….!!!!!! For over (15) years too…in (America)….Ha ha J  WMDD  (Weapons of Mass Drug Dealing) J

5.      Omg….ya gonna “Presidential Brother” (Obama)  (next) trip” too….then ya gonna say: how in the cold “colt-45 (Beer)” don’t shake or stir Mr. James Bond on the USDA “Ditch weed hell” that f-u-c-k-ing “Crazy Cajun Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) homeless ass (Negro) keep figuring this twisted (International) “Khare Cartel” crooked RICO S-H-I-T out….!!!!  

6.    Hell (I) Presidential Brother” own entire f-u-c-k-ing Langley (CIA) “Central Intelligence Agency” Collectively “Four eyes Spying No Good Asses” J   “Sloooow Bastards”…ha ha

7.    Ya going to say “Presidential Brother” (Obama)  (finally) last…..His homeless hungry “dirty greasy ass” sitting being a “Weapons of Mass Dumpster” @  (Waste Management) J laughing  ha ha…,….xoxoxoxoox

To: United States of America et al

: Ya as “Green as a Pool Table”, and Ya as “Twice as “Square”….Da…  J

….Ya so slooooow country fried chicken steak-n-home fries… “USDA” Corn Bread Feed Bastards”    J

To: Russia President “Vladimir Putin”  “Now was that “Even Hard”…!!! J

To: Third World Country Namely…..!

Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare    “Chief Defendant”“Managing Director”

“Geeta International Co. Ltd

Or let’s Play F-u-c-k-i-n-g spin the dizzy bottle is it that “Chief Defendant”“Managing Director” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”Geeta International” et al

Or take a round on the old “Crooked Roulette Wheel” Is it that your “Chief Defendant” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare “Managing Director”GEETA Group LLC… in (Texas)….?

 Wait hole the “Bat Phone” (Robin) or is it that yours “Chief Defendant”“Managing Director” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare “Geeta International Inc.

 Well “Mother F-u-c-k-er”…..that’s a whole lot of (big) extra special “Title’s for a important big man….as old….USDA….. “Ben Matlock”…… would say:

My, my very “Impressive indeed” Ya “want a hotdog…!!!  J  Ha, ha,

            ‘Right about (America) now at the (USDA) “Federal Courthouse” in Houston Texas” them “Mean old USDA” Judges Mocking and Jocking about …..Shooting dice to see who going to Entertained old “Cmdr. Bluefin” (USN) (RICO) Cartel Brief………    J

To: Third World Country Namely…..! Vipul Khare @ 1600 River Pointe Dr. Apt. 812, Conroe, Texas 77304   a/k/a “Currently  (RICO) Khare cartel on the loose “hiding out” in

 Himagiri Meadows, Gottigere, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India” a/k/a “Khare Cartel” et al  J

“ (I) thought ya crooked ass was in Conroe Texas” (Stealing) J 


Vipul Khare “dude” how much “Prime Land” did you f-u-c-k-i-n-g been stealing worldwide….?????   J 

Want to play a smashing old game of “Cricket” Dear Chap’  J

As old “Ben Matlock” would say:

My, my, very “Impressive indeed”

 Ya “want an extra foot-long hotdog too…!!!  Ha, ha,    J 

I set a “Sherlock Holmes” internet trap on this old “black hole empty ass Wire” system you been using and abusing for ya (RICO) “Khare Cartel” scheme for (22) years 9 months and counting “scheme of things”

A “Sherlock Holmes” “Big Black Hole Empty Ass Wire” mouse traps to rip me some skin-n-spots off a sneaky ass 4 legged “Carmel Apple”

 Goat breathe Green Teeth “Geeta“  J  ha ha….xioxooxoox!

“Gotcha” Vipul Khare,,, you greedy “dumb bitch”……

Did you actually read the top of my blog…..?????? 

 It clearly say’s as Doctor “Watson” is my soul witness…..  J

The “Sherlock Holmes “Legal Page”……..Da”

Not “Buck and The Preacher-man” Stupid Ass No “Good Chicken Thievery” Ashy Ankles Sloooooow Ass “Chattel Back” burnt grits smoked out “Cush” country Bumpkin Ass Ho (Negro) page……….  J

You’re (RICO) “Khare Cartel” in a very exclusive “Live” None fiction being namely Vipul Khare a (main) character in the Crooked “Khare Cartel” Flesh”’’’’  ha ha, among many others  J

(Yep)…. “Sweet”  too  you do know how many major “bonus points”

Your actually worth in the never ending on the “Live Wire” “Sherlock Holmes Mystery Special….xoxoxoxox! 

……..”Congratulations”…….. J

My, My, Your extra “Special”….Your the “Hidden Sneaky One”.

F-u-c-k-i-n-g- “scuttling and selling” off some of my dam “International (RICO) Khare Cartel” property hidden in  wait for it  J

 Himagiri Meadows, Gottigere, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

”Bloody Halloween” yesterday afternoon too as we speaking…….

Ya sneaky Pirate (Crook) well….”Gotcha” and Thanks……  J

Well good luck hiding all of that “Millions in Secrete American RICO Wealth”  J

 Ya already done Defraud “United States of America” out of in excess of $78 (Million) U.S. Dollars in your first 10 years alone…. J

Since 1993…as a Whole”  Da

 in Violation of them18 U.S.C. § 371 §371 (American) laws with all Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) committed to same

“Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States”

My, my, my, very “Impressive indeed” Ya “want some “onions”, “chilly” and “mustard” on that USDA “Hotdog too ya been stealing…?????..Standing here in front of the “Federal Courthouse”.…!!!  Ha, ha,    J 

Conclusion Ya sneaky Pirate (Crook) (RICO) “Khare Cartel”

To: “Chief Defendant” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare “Managing Director” GEETA Group LLC… in (Texas) or “Thailand” or “India”  J

When you savagely threaten me @ “Panda Food Restaurant “off FM 1960 in Montgomery Texas, and I quote:

“Well We can just let Legal handle this”  J

 As you wrote out that “second crooked twisted (RICO) international Check”

I would never, ever, in never, never, ever land, ever $$$ cash….and I told you and I quote:

“You don’t know who (I) am …?  J


And you said Well (Ho) and I quote:

“You don’t even know who (I) am”…….?

Well “Chief Defendant” Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare “Managing Director”

Ya was completely f-u-c-k—ing confused at that “precise” exact moment in time……..“Dr. No”….ha ha  J

Hell  yes (I) know who you F-u-k-i-n-g- are….

“Dr. No”….  J

And (I) told you to ya “International (RICO) “Khare Cartel” ugly old fart face on August 26th 2015 after 3 ½ hours of dumb interrogation and water boarding of me……  L

And I quoted to ya “Ugly scary face:

”Ya very rich too” “Dr. No”……Da…..xoxoxox….

 ha ha….did I not….. J

Ya sneaky Pirate (Crook) (RICO) “Khare Cartel” ha ha…….  J

Now remember this is (America) not “Thailand or “India”

 Rules of civil engagement here are very, very, f-u-c-k-i-n-g different…(Indeed)….in Our (American) “judicial Courts system” here they do not canine ya naked asses J

And then drags ya naked asses “down the streets” chain to an stinky ass “Elephant” J

To stomp on ya head till death do you depart (OK)…… J

And no M-n-M sweet candy “taking back” Ya International “Khare Cartel”….“Dr. No” scary threats…. Grrrrrrr……ha ha Let’s go (Legal)  ha ha, J    Da’
(OK)  we gonna run (thee Mother) to the USDA Supreme Court Justices”…….

On Ya International “Khare Cartel”….  J

“Your’ Supreme Court Honor’s…..on behalf of my “Khare Cartel” sorry I mean “Khare Client’s”…. J

 “That (American) Negro must be crazy”….

 And I quote:

He wanted to dig legally up two Dead (American) Presidents “water hose em off”…..hook em up to a main power grid of (America) and jump start their dead beating maggot filled  (Hearts) J

 So he can having them Pro Se “sworn under oath” for crimes of “American Slavery” J

Well…… “Dr. No”…… a/k/a “Khare Cartel”  J

”This” 2015 “Halloween going to be

 “Bloody Sherlock Holmes Cut Throat Soaking Awesome”……….

“Cmdr. Bluefin”   going off line…….. J





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