Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Louis Charles Hamilton II Vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Vipul Khare, GEETA Group LLC., John Doe (Attorney at Law), Greg Miller, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and “Trillionaire Assets et al”,

            Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm before the Honorable U.S. Justice In a half bake (RICO) combine “greedy racket enterprise” in association with “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”, 
“scheme of things” that has accumulated gradually past acquisition of a simple “Fraud and Breach of Construction Contract” in common laws within the State of Texas in that “

Chief Defendant Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein being first and foremost “front man” between the exact dates of June 25th 2015 and July 6th 7:20 pm 2015 first approached (Pro Se Plaintiff) herein on behalf of himself and all the described Co-Defendant(s) in paragraph (9-14) above collectively herein

 “Enterprise Racket” complained of in conspiracy, connivance, complicity, plotting, secret understanding, scheming against the Pro Se Plaintiff herein “Will, Civil Rights, Peace and Dignity, and well being..!


Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein further “Declare”, State, and Affirm before the Honorable U.S. Justice Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein Abuse his Position of Trust and indeed Usage of “Special Skill” namely as being a (Doctor) committed to include
 Hostile “Medical Battery”, tactics against the Pro Se Plaintiff “Will, Civil rights, Peace and Dignity, and mental well being..!

Notwithstanding the noted legal facts Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II herein is physically a Permanently Disable Veteran protected under: (ADA) American with Disability Act;

which Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein Abuse his Position of Trust and indeed Usage of “Special Skill” to conspire against Permanently Disable Veteran protected under: (ADA) American with Disability Act;

As a tool to gain advantages over a Construction Contract with the Pro Se Plaintiff  herein at setting a low price on new home construction per sq. ft.

In that Doctor Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, first step committed to submitting Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein to a unwanted “Forensic Mental Evaluation” over a period of several claim business meeting  dinners in Montgomery Texas between the dates of “June 25th 2015 And August 20th 2015
Pro Se Plaintiff further state, declare and affirm in fact did notice at this time frame “short hand medical notes” being scribble down by Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” herein as he attempted secretly entertaining and engaging in “Medical Battery” against the Pro Se Plaintiff in a range of off handed particularized competency determinations questions, Concerning 

Depression,  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Competency, Violence risk assessment, Mental Disability, Forensic psychology personality disorder, Bipolar, psychopath and Sociopath evaluations of the Pro Se Plaintiff to include question of the Pro se Plaintiff personal life, family and current economic conditions.

Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein further “Declare”, State, and Affirm before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, herein then after obtaining the unwanted “Forensic Mental Evaluation” on the Pro Se Plaintiff further commenced

On the 26th day of August 2015 from the time frame of 1:20 pm to 4:45 pm engage in hostile obnoxious fashion of “Harassment” and Aggressive pressure of force, half truth , direct lies, coercion; in a “Public Nuisance”, setting at the
“Panda Food Restaurant” off FM 1960 in Montgomery Texas in An act, condition, to cause Pro Se Plaintiff, shame, humiliation, awkwardness, confusion, hostility and anger from a Professional (Doctor) advantages already gain in this unwanted
“Forensic Mental Evaluation” now being used as a tool to elicit shame, humiliation, awkwardness, confusion, hostility and anger for collusion advantages of a “Breach of Construction Contract” in possible attempts committed by Pro Se Plaintiff expressing “among other things” 

hostility and anger possibly violence directed at Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, in this Public disgrace shame to gain advantages over Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” herein to make void Relationship between Pro Se Plaintiff and at Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,
 In concert, collusion, conspirer and present witness by Co Defendant(s)  Greg Miller, Co-Defendant, “Trillionaire Realty”, and Co-Defendant “Trillionaire Assets” set up of a hostile “Public Nuisance”, and

 “Harassment” setting at the “Panda Food Restaurant” off 1960 in Montgomery Texas base upon said “Medical Battery” of an unwanted  “Forensic Mental Evaluation” conducted by Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”.


Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein further “Declare”, “State”, and “Affirm” before the “Honorable U.S. Justice”  in that Now Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”,

 herein engage in the usage (twice) of the obtained unwanted “Forensic Mental Evaluation” on the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II”

Now all of which has become as a “Hostile Medical Battery Tool” further against the Pro Se Plaintiff in public setting no less at “Panda Food Restaurant” off 1960 in Montgomery obnoxious fashion of “Harassment” and Aggressive pressure of force, half truth , direct lies, coercion;

in hopes (Pro Se Plaintiff) to display acts of rage, disturbance and (Violence) in order that Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” herein furtherance’s continue to obtain an advantage for a (Now) needed (ASAP)

 “Breach of Construction contract” in favor of Defendant and Co-Defendant(s) collectively to cover up Co-Defendant(s) “GEETA Group LLC,” Vipul Khare, “John Doe (Attorney at Law)”, 

“Greg Miller”, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and “Trillionaire Assets et al”, collectively involved Fraud in the same Civil Conspirer, “ Tortious Interference with Existing Contract”,
Abuse of Position of Trust or Use of Special Skill”, “Medical Battery”, “Harassment”, “Public Nuisance”, “Obstruction of Justice”,  “18 USC § 1343 RICO Wire Fraud”,

 Deceptive Trade Practices Acts, Brought in conjunction with “Common law” Fraud and Breach of Contract, “Abuse of Position of Trust” or “Use of Special Skill”,

“Common law Fraud”, “Intent Gross Negligence”, “Slander”, “Breach of Fiduciary Duty”, “False Promise of Future Performance”, Detrimental reliance’s”, aiding and abetting

And “Intentional infliction of emotional distress” scheme of things in Concert, collusion and hostile actions with Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”.

 Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein further “Declare”, “State”, and “Affirm” before the “Honorable U.S. Justice”  not even being his “mental patient” of Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, 

whom engage in all of this “Medical Battery” deceitfulness, trickery, deviousness and Fraud dealing as first a introduction

To aid and advance a fraudulent pretenses, representations, scheme and promises of Pro Se Plaintiff herein involved in future building of (5) New Home Construction in Montgomery Texas under which

Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” enhancement a barging plan which a construction business  negations did in fact assumed and was reached transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of phone communications, including “Internet wire” (emails) and Phone Message wire Communication (IM)

Between Pro Se Plaintiff and Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” being the front man under this disguise for future promise in obtaining a money price fixing set up scheme of things at $48 U.S. Dollars per Sq. ft. on properties located in Montgomery County Texas area with the first Project being located at 3429 Nottingham Ln in Montgomery, Texas 77356.

To which now Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein further “Declare”, “State”, and “Affirm” before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare” usage such 

“Medical Battery” with a total disregard for his profession as an attempted business “exit strategy” at the expensive of the Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” Peace, will, dignity, Civil rights and mental well being.

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