Friday, September 25, 2015

Pro Se Plaintiff “Louis Charles Hamilton II” Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America et al” Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas et al” Vs. Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare, Geeta International et al, Geeta International “Legal Division” et al, “GEETA International Co. Ltd.”, GEETA Group LLC et al, Vipul Khare, Greg Miller, Trillionaire Realty et al”, and Trillionaire Assets et al”,

Count 30

Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” upon information and belief In that

 “Rishu Khare” Plk LLC located 616 Bourne Ct Danville California  94506 and Vijay Khare located at the same 616 Bourne Ct Danville California  94506 herein within the Jurisdiction of the Co-Plaintiff(s) “United States of America” et al “State” Namely “California”

Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein “Declare”, State, and Affirm furtherance’s before the “Honorable U.S. Justice” collectively reincorporate all of the same and fully set all described in this complaint in paragraph (1) - (67) reincorporate all of the same for Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” Plk LLC, and Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare”

Collectively involved the same “International (RICO) cartel scheme of things conspicery with  Chief Defendant “Doctor Dinesh Chandra Khare”, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International” et al, Co-Defendant(s) “Geeta International Legal Division” et al, “Geeta International Co. Ltd.”, Co-Defendant(s) GEETA Group LLC et al, and Co-Defendant Vipul Khare

Specifically, are a part of the same “International RICO Racket” to Defraud “United States of America” as a Whole” in Violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 §371 with all Defendant(s) and Co-Defendant(s) herein committed to “Conspiracy” to commit offense or to defraud United States” as set forth before this “Honorable U.S. Court Justice” for a entry of each 1-26 “cause of actions” as described above in paragraph (1)-(67) above

Pro Se Plaintiff, “Louis Charles Hamilton II”, Co-Plaintiff(s) United States of America” et al, and Co-Plaintiff “State of Texas” et al, herein seeks collectively the same against entry of each count of 1-26 “cause of actions” in

This complaint in paragraph (1) - (67) above reincorporate all of the same for Co-Defendant(s) “Rishu Khare” Plk LLC, and Co-Defendant(s) “Vijay Khare” collectively.

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